Credit Hour Rates by Category


On a yearly basis, ICCB updates the credit hour grant rates by category. The categories include Baccalaureate, Business, Technical, Health, Remedial, and ABE/ASE. This information is necessary to determine our enrollment credit hour based funding.

Each S3 record submitted to the ICCB is processed against the course master file which is updated by the Curriculum Coordinator. The state reimburses the college for each student enrolled in courses with these fund codes. Each fund code has a different reimbursable amount.

The dollar amounts change yearly and must be inputted into the S3 Apportionment Database.

The dollar amounts are determined by several factors: unit cost plus weighted cost minus tuition and fees, local tax contribution, CTE grants, Other Revenue and rate adjustments.

1.  Early August each year, send an email message to Bruce Bennett at ICCB to request the FY_ _ Grant Rates for the current year.

2.  Bruce will reply to your email with an attached document with several reports.

3.  Open the reports and documents and locate the page entitled, “ICCB CREDIT HOUR GRANT RATES BY CATEGORY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009, Table 3”

4.  Once you locate this page, calculate the credit hour reimbursement for each fund code category.

a.  Look for the Baccalaureate column and find the “Credit Hour Rate” ex. $20.28.

b.  Locate percentage for the “Reduction for O&M grants” (1.19%).

c.  Take the first number, ($20.28) and multiple by the reduction percentage (1.19%) to calculate your “Effective Credit Hour Rate”. ($20.04)

d.  Repeat this process for each of the six fund code categories and write down each Effective Credit Hour Rate.

e.  Locate the “Effective Credit Hour Rate” and check your figures against these totals.

5.  Open the S3 Apportionment Database

6.  Click on IR Submission of S3/S6/S7 button

7.  Click the Maintain Reimbursable Costs button

8.  Click the at the bottom left side of screen to add a new record

9.  Type in the FY (2009)

10. Type in the Fund Code (01)

11. Type in the Code Descrip (Baccalaureate)

12. Type in the ReimbursableAmt ($20.04)

13. Repeat this for all six fund codes

a.  Fund Code 01 = Baccalaureate

b.  Fund Code 02 = Business

c.  Fund Code 03 = Technical

d.  Fund Code 04 = Health

e.  Fund Code 05 = Remedial

f.  Fund Code 06 = ABE/ASE

14. Close the table and close the database

15. Reopen the S3 Database and repeat steps 7 & 8 to verify the new fund code rates are saved in the Database.

16. Close out of the Database once verified.

17. Now create a new Apportionment Table with new Apportionment Amounts and post to the IR Quarry when finished. (See Below).

18. Update any PCS and CIP codes within each fund code as usually change every year.

2009 Apportionment Table

ICCB Credit Hour Grant Rates by Category

Apportionment Amount / Funding Categories / PCS and CIP Codes
$ 20.04 / 1. Baccalaureate and General Academic / All courses with PCS Code 1.1 and all courses with PCS 1.2 and 1.6 NOT listed in #2, 3, and 4 below.
$ 23.00 / 2. Business and Service Occupational and Vocational / Occupational Career courses with PCS 1.2 and CIP codes: 08.0101-08.0708, 08.0799-08.1099, 08.1200-09.9999, 12.0101-12.0299, 12.0401-12.0404, 12.0406-12.0499, 12.0507-12.999, 13.xxxx, 20.000-20.0299, 20.0602, 20.0701-20.9999, 22.xxxx, 25.xxxx, 30.xxxx, 31.xxxx, 43.xxxx-44.xxxx, 51.0205, 51.0702, 52.01xx-52.0406, 52.0408-52.11xx, 52.1301-52.9999.
Vocational Skills courses with PCS 1.6 and CIP codes above.
$ 55.31 / 3. Technical Occupational and Vocational / Occupational Career courses with PCS 1.2 and CIP codes: 01.xxxx, 03.xxxx, 08.0709, 08.11xx, 10.xxxx, 12.0501-12.0506, 15.xxxx, 20.0300-20.0601, 20.0603-20.0699, 41.xxxx, 46.xxxx-49.xxxx, 50.0401-50.06xx, 52.0407, 52.12xx.
Vocational Skills courses with PCS 1.6 and CIP codes above.
$ 94.09 / 4. Health Occupational and Vocational / Occupational Career courses with PCS 1.2 and CIP codes: 12.03xx, 12.0405, 51.01xx-51.0204, 51.0206-51.0701, 51.0703-51.9999.
Vocational Skills courses with PCS 1.6 and CIP codes above.
$ 16.49 / 5. Remedial Education / All courses with PCS 1.4.
$ 51.97 / 6. Adult Basic/Adult Secondary Education, English As A Second Language / All courses with PCS 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9
General Studies (PCS 1.5) and Continuing Education (PCS 1.3) courses are not fundable through ICCB credit hour grants.

Source: ICCB Credit Hour Grant Rates by Category