ODIN Label Printing using UMDPrint – 3/26/2007

[adapted from original UMDPrint Manual Program and documentation © 2005 University of Minnesota Revision 6/8/2005]

CONSULT UMDPrint Manual & Aleph: How to Set Up

Label Printing – 16 and 17 for other label specifics!


A. Download and install UMDPrint

B. Configure Aleph & the Aleph Client

C. Configure UMDPrint

D. Alignment & Settings

ODIN Label Printing - Section A - Download and Install UMDPrint

1. Visit the UMDPrint website:

Follow the link to the download page and review the license you find there.

Then click the download link which you will find near the bottom of

the page.

Save the downloaded file (the umdprint installer) to a location where you can easily find it. (i.e. – c:\temp)

Close your web browser.

2. Run the UMDPrint installation program which you just downloaded.

Note: You cannot change the installation directory. UMDPrint must be installed in its default location: c: \ umdprint\

3. Check that files in the directory C:\UMDPrint\Sample_Data_Files exist:

UMDCensusBook.xml UMDGovDoc.xml UMDGovDoc2.xml

UMDRefBook1.xml UMDRefBook2.xml UMDSerial1.xml

UMDSerial2.xml UMDSerialBdVol.xml

These are sample spine label data files. You can open UMDPrint with one of these files loaded from the UMDPrint section of your Windows Start Menu. For example, click: Start / Programs / UMDPrint4Aleph /

and select the shortcut called “UMDPrint with sample UMD Census Book”.

You have completed the basic installation of UMDPrint. Additional configuration

remains to be done..

ODIN Label Printing - Section B - Configure Aleph tablesthe Aleph Client

1. Ask ODIN Office to move the tab_label.eng table from odn50 to xxx50 and then you can edit as necessary

2. Ask ODIN Office to move the tab_label_parse table from odn50 to xxx50 and then you can edit as necessary

3. ODIN Office has already set up the odn50/tab/form_print_method table

4. Add line to [Print Execute] section/GUI client ALEPHCOM/TAB/alephcom.ini:

LABEL_PRINT=C:\UMDPrint\umdprint.exe $1

5. Add lines to GUI client CATALOG/TAB/print.ini:

ItemLabel 20 Y P label.prn

ItemLabel 00 Y P label.prn

6. Add lines to GUI client ACQ/TAB/print.ini:

ItemLabel 20 Y P label.prn

ItemLabel 00 Y P label.prn

7. Add lines to GUI client ALEPHCOM/TAB/print.ini:

ItemLabel 20 Y P label.prn

ItemLabel 00 Y P label.prn

ODIN Label Printing - Section C – Configure UMDPrint

1. Run UMDPrint via the Windows Start Menu.

Select: Start / Programs / UMDPrint4Aleph / Configure UMDPrint 2.0

2. Click the button

3. A window pops up:

Accept Defaults if yours match the above

4. Click the button

ODIN Label Printing - Section D – Alignment & Settings

Note: UMDPrint works with pinfed (continuous feed) perforated label stock.

Make sure your label printers have been installed in the Windows Printer ControlPanel. Using USB connections, or installing additional printer ports on your PCmay allow you to have several label printers on the same PC without using aswitch box.You should give each printer a recognizable name.

(i.e. One printer named “book labels”, one named “serial labels” if you usedifferent labels for those two types of materials.)

1. Click the button

2. A window will open:

As you can see, the tab labeled “Printer A” is selected. If you only have one

label printer attached to the workstation, then you only configure Printer A.

If you have two or three label printers attached to the workstation, you should also

configure settings for “Printer B” and “Printer C”.

3. Make sure settings match what you want

4. When you think you have things set up, click the button

Consult the UMDPrint Manual sections E through G for information to complete label-printing configurations