

LEADERSHIP- SERVICE- ENGAGEMENT: Committed to Building Future Health Professionals

HOSA (Future Health Professionals) promotes opportunities in the health professions! As a 2016-17 HOSA partner, opportunities will be provided to you to network with our future healthcare leaders.

With a membership increase of over 1,000 and over 400students,advisors,board membersandfriends of MNHOSAattending our annualevents,students experience leadership development, teambuilding, health industry sponsored workshops, and dynamic general sessions. High expectations abound and are eagerly met! More information about our events can be found on our website: is HOSA?

A student-led career and technical student organization of future health professionals

MN HOSA provides academic, technical, and leadership development for over 1,000 student members and advisors

Secondary and post-secondary students in pursuit of education with the goal of a being a future health professional

One of 10 national career and technical student organizations endorsed by the US Department of Education

MN HOSA is a chartered affiliate of National HOSA, a 200,000 + member organization

Your partnership enhances awards, scholarships, and conference activities that benefit the students of HOSA.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of

young people who strive to become our future health professionals.

HOSA has been shaping our future health care leaders since 1976.

What Can You do to Support HOSA?

Become a sponsor and enhance your exposure to over 300 student members and advisors.

Sponsorshipprovidesyouthe maximuminvestmentin our students’future. Your sponsorship helps to keepstudentattendanceaffordable and willhelpenhanceandoffsetthecostsof one or both of our two annual events: theFallDelegateAssemblyandSpring StateLeadershipConference. Thestudentregistrationfeesdo notcoverall costssuchastechnology,meetingroomrentals, meals, printing, orconference materials.Providingaffordable,annualconferencescanonlyhappenthroughthe contributionsandgenerosityofindividualsandorganizationssuchasyours.

Diamond - $1000 for bothconferences (and $600for one conference)

Recognition as a Diamond sponsor on the MN HOSA Website (as well as a link on the HOSA website), conference program, and signage at the conference

Full page ad in conference program

Recognition as a partial sponsor of a meal

Two invitations (includes meal) and special recognition at Conference

One exhibitor table with two chairs

Gold - $500 for bothconferences (or$300for one conference)

Recognition as Gold Sponsor on the MN HOSA Website (as well as a link on the HOSA website), conference program, and signage at the conference

Half-page ad in the conference program

Recognition as a partial sponsorship of a break

One exhibitor table with two chairs

Silver - $300 for bothconferences (or $200for one conference)

Recognition as Silver sponsor on the MN HOSA Website, conference program and signage at conference

Fourth-page ad in conference program

One exhibitor table with two chairs

Bronze - $200 for both conferences(or $175for one conference)

Recognition as Bronze sponsor on the MN HOSA Website, conference program and signage at conference

One exhibitor table with two chairs

Donations - Donations of promotional materials (i.e. pens, pads of paper, bags, highlighters, etc.) are used in bags as take-a ways for the students attending the Conferences. These donations make lasting impressions from your facility as they go on to their next career steps.

MN HOSA 2016-17 Partnership Response Form

Name and Title ______
Organization ______

Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Phone# ______E-mail ______


Diamond Sponsorship $1,000 (both) $600 for one (select) _____ Fall _____ State

GoldSponsorship$500 (both) $300 for one (select) _____ Fall _____ State

SilverSponsorship $300 (both) $200 for one (select) _____ Fall _____ State

Bronze Sponsorship $200 (both) $175 for one (select) _____ Fall _____ State

Conference Meal Sponsor:

Fall Conference: Breakfast- Amount ---- Lunch-Amount ______State Conference: Recognition Banquet- Amount ______Awards Breakfast- Amount ______


Without Sponsorship $150 (both) $100 for one (select) _____ Fall _____ State


**Diamond Sponsorship ads are Full Color; all others will be black and white in the conference program

____ Camera – ready ad enclosed (due by ______)

____ Will E-mail ad to (fall- due by October 21st & Spring By February 20th)

DONATIONS Office Supply Donation

All office supply donations can be mailed to Candy Leopold @ address below


If in metro area, you can make arrangements for pick-up by contacting Beth Hobbs (651) 229-1725

Quantity Item(s)


Check attached with form $______


Check will be sent separately

●Mail form and check to address listed below


●Fax form to 952-960-0093

●Make checks payable to MN HOSA