ALEPH Services – V.20

ODIN Custom Services –Acquisitions / Serials

Basic information for using ODIN Custom Services in Acquisitions / Serials

Table of Contents

Total Number of Serial Subscriptions (cust-07)

Total Number of ACQ Orders (cust-75)

Current Serial or Standing Orders (cust-209)

Current Serial Subscriptions by Collection (cust-210)

Titles per Budget Number Spent (cust-211)

Unpaid Invoices Report (cust-76)

Items Linked to an Order (cust-77)

Yearly Budget Expenditure Summary (cust-218)

Total Number of Serial Subscriptions (cust-07)

This service counts the number of subscription records. The date range allows you to find active as well as inactive subscription counts. The date range is pulled from the z16_copy_to_date. Thus, if you have an ‘open’ subscription, this date is typically in the future. If the subscription is closed, the date is typically in the past. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom-07.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Sublibrary: (required) Select the sublibrary from the dropdown menu as appropriate.
  • From Date: (required) Enter the beginning date for the subscription records. The field format is all numeric, MM/DD/YYYY. Type the date in the field or use the pop-out calendar.
  • To Date: (required) Enter the ending date of the subscription records. The field format is all numeric, MM/DD/YYYY. Type the date in the field or use the pop-out calendar.


Total Number of ACQ Orders (cust-75)

This service counts the number of acquisitions orders within a specified date range. The date is pulled from the z68_order_date which is found in the Order List Node, within the General tab in the lower pane. NOTE: If you use the same order record and only change the vendor, this date changes. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom-75.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Sublibrary: (required) Select the sublibrary from the dropdown menu as appropriate.
  • From Date: (required) Enter the beginning date for the order records. The field format is all numeric, MM/DD/YYYY. Type the date in the field or use the pop-out calendar.
  • To Date: (required) Enter the ending date for the order records. The field format is all numeric, MM/DD/YYYY. Type the date in the field or use the pop-out calendar.


Current Serial or Standing Orders (cust-209)

This service lists all serial order titles OR standing order titles (depending on parameter selected) that have an order status of NEW, RSV or SV (NEW or SV for standing orders). The report lists sublibrary, order number material type, vendor code, local price, order status, acquisition method, renewal date and title. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom_209.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Report: (required) Select the type of report you wish to run – either current serial orders or current standing orders.


Current Serial Subscriptions by Collection (cust-210)

This service lists current serial orders by collection. The data is pulled from the Z68-orders. The report is sorted alphabetically by titles, and lists sublibrary, order number, material type, vendor code, local price, orders status, acquisition method, renewal date, and title. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom_210.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Collection: Enter the 5 character collection code. Leave this field blank to retrieve all collections.


Titles per Budget Number Spent (cust-211)

This service lists all orders for which paid transactions have been made from the selected budget, grouped by object code. There is a subtotal for each object code, and a grand total for all object codes. The report lists the selected budget, object code, amount paid, order number, title, order status and material type. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom-211.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Budget Code: (required) Enter the budget code, or select a codefrom the budget list by clicking .


Unpaid Invoices Report (cust-76)

This service produces a report of all invoices that have a status other than paid. The report lists the vendor code, invoice number, invoice type, date, amount and invoice status. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom-76.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.


Items Linked to an Order (cust-77)

This service will produce a list of items which have their z30_order_number (Acquisitions order number) equal to the value entered in the workform. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom_77.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Order Number: (required) Enter the order number for which you want the associated items. Do not include leading zeros.


Yearly Budget Expenditure Summary (cust-218)

This service reports a summary of all budgets and object codes for the specified year. The report lists the budget, object code and amount spent. A grand total is supplied at the end of the report. This service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue as p_custom-218.


Help for fields:

  • Output File: (required) Enter the name of the file in which you want the report saved. The output file can be found later in the library’s Task Manager.
  • Budget Year: (required) Enter the four digit budget year you wish to report on.



ODIN Custom Services – Acquisitions

Updated 7/11/2014