Cheerleading Application
Cheerleader is a compound word made up of the words “cheer” and “leader”. At BeanStationSchool, the coaching staff upholds both parts equally. Cheerleaders are athletes and will be expected to perform with maximum physical ability. All practices will include stretching, physical training and exercises. Performances will be comprised of mostly chants, dance routines, and floor routines with stunts. The coaches are not gymnastic instructors and will only permit tumbling with parental consent (see attached participation release form).
Cheerleaders are also leaders and will be expected to uphold a leadership image at school and in the community. Cheerleaders will be expected to encourage others, be positive, maintain at least a B average, refrain from behaviors that would obtain office referrals, have outstanding attendance, be a team player, and represent themselves in a clean, well-groomed manner.
To be part of the cheerleading squad, the following will be considered
- Performance in front of judges (this score counts twice in the equation) – August 27
- 8x11 sign - due August 25
- Get To Know Me page - due August 25
- Teacher (previous year) recommendation - due August 25
- Teacher (this year) recommendation - due August 25
- Cheerleader application & paperwork turned in on time – due August 25
- Community person recommendation – due August 25
- Grades, Attendance record, Discipline record
- Overall attitude and coaches observation of teamwork
As you can see – 70% of the equation is up to your leadership and ability to precisely follow directions with the forms. 30% is your physical ability and athleticism to perform the sport of cheer.
***These instructions MUST be followed EXACTLY to receive full credit********
- Cheerleaders will be making signs throughout the season for spirit week (such as Monday is Hat Day), to put on basketball player’s lockers before a game (such as Good Luck Cody #5), and to encourage overall positive attitude at school (such as “Go BUCS” or “BUCS are #1”). Using a sheet of 8x11 copy paper, please design a sign that you could use for one of the above situations. You may use whatever colors, materials, paint, markers, etc. that you want. The only requirement is that it be on a sheet of 8x11 white copy paper. The signs will be judged on read-ability from across the hall, appearance, artistic ability (you can always use the computer for clip-art or block letters), and creativity (but not over-done).
- Cheerleaders will be learning and creating new chants, dances, and cheers. They will need to keep the crowd excited to cheer on the ball teams. This takes thought and creativity. It also means having fun and being crazy! Please complete the “Get To Know You” page so we can see what great ideas you have! Papers will be graded on following directions, completion of each question, turned in on time, and readability.
- Cheerleaders are leaders at school and in the community. We want to know how other people perceive you. (How do you act when you are around others?) As you grow older, many places will ask you for references. As part of the learning process, we want you to ask for recommendations. Please give the form “Teacher Recommendation” to a previous teacher and to one from this year. Please give the form “Community Person Recommendation” to someone outside of school. This could be a pastor, a family member (but not on the list of people you live with), a friend, a neighbor – anyone outside of the school! Please tell them to do this quickly! It must be received by try-outs, but points will be deducted for any form received after 8/25/14! (last year it made a difference with who did & did not make it!)