October 2015- Honors American Literature Calendar

***Please Note: This Calendar is subject to change!***

Finish Puritan Discussion
Puritan Texts: 1. Discuss Bradstreet vs. Taylor
2. Go over Sinners Guide/discuss Edwards
Hw: Read Franklin (142-147) / 10/6
Age of Reason Introduction
Revolutionary Texts:
Discuss Franklin
HW: Crevecoeur (220-222) / 10/7
Discuss Crevecour
Brochure Activity
Hw: finish Brochure/ Read Jefferson (170-173); Paine (174-176) / 10/8
Revolutionary Texts: Jefferson/Paine
Hw: Study for Test / 10/9
Review for NA, Puritans, Revolutionaries Test
Hw: Study for Test
NA, Puritans, Revolutionaries Test
Owen Essay Due (Hard Copy in class, digital copy on turnitin.com)
The Scarlet Letter
Hw: Read Ch 1 and 2 of SL / 10/14
The Scarlet Letter
Discuss Ch. 1 and 2
Hw: Read Ch. 3 and 4 / 10/15
The Scarlet Letter
Discuss/assign Presentations
Hw: Read Ch. 5 and 6 / 10/16
Author Book Reading Day/work on RRJ!
The Scarlet Letter
Hw: Read Ch. 7 / 10/20
The Scarlet Letter
Presentations 1-4
Hw: Read Ch.8 / 10/21
The Scarlet Letter
Presentations 5,6,7
Hw: Read Ch.9 and 10 / 10/22
The Scarlet Letter
Presentation 8
Hw: Read Ch.11 and 12 / 10/23
Author Book Reading Day/work on RRJ!
The Scarlet Letter
Presentation 9,10,11
Hw: Read Ch.13 / 10/27
The Scarlet Letter
Presentation 12
Hw: Read Ch. 14,15,16 / 10/28
Scarlet Letter Discussion
Presentation 13
Hw: Read Ch.17, 19 / 10/29
Scarlet Letter Discussion
Presentations 14,15,16,17
Hw: Read Ch. 19, 20 / 10/30
Scarlet Letter Discussion
Presentations 18,19,20
Hw:Finish Book
Scarlet Letter Discussion
Presentations 21 and 22
Hw: Study for SL Test! / 11/3
NO SCHOOL / 11/4
Scarlet Letter Wrap Up
Themes in the novel/Review
Hw: Study for Test! / 11/5
Scarlet Letter Test
Hw: Author Research Book and RRJ due Next Friday! / 11/6 End of MP1
Author Book Reading Day/work on RRJ!
Hw: Author Research Book and RRJ due Next Friday!

October World Literature 2015- Calendar

***Please Note: This Calendar is subject to change!***

Gilgamesh and The Epic Hero: Archetypes
Hw: Study for Test / 10/6
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Hw: Study for Test / 10/7
The Epic of Gilgamesh Test
Hw: Study for Vocab Quiz! / 10/8
Gilgamesh Vocab Quiz!
Elements of a good Essay Review/
Thesis and Intro
Gilgamesh Essay
Body Paragraphs / 10/9
Independent Reading Day
Gilgamesh Essay
Work Period
Body Paragraphs/ Integrating Quotes / 10/13
Gilgamesh Essay
Conclusion Paragraphs
Hw: Finish Rough Draft Packet- due Thursday! / 10/14
PSATs / 10/15
Rough Draft Packet Due
Type Essay
Hw: Finish Rough Draft for Monday!! / 10/16
Independent Reading Day
Hw: Finish Rough Draft for Monday!!
Gilgamesh Rough Draft Due (Hard Copy in class)
Peer Editing / 10/20 CPR
Peer Editing/
Hw: Work on Rough Draft (final copy due Thursday) / 10/21 CPR
Cinderella Stories Introduction/ Read Perrault in class/discuss
Hw: Read Yeh-Shen/study guide / 10/22 Gilgamesh Essay Final Copy Due! (Hard Copy in class/digital copy on Turnitin.com) CPR
Cinderella Stories
Compare/Contrast Yeh-Shen and Perrault Cinderella
Hw: Read The Tale of the Anklet/study guide / 10/23
Independent Reading Day
Cinderella Stories
Discuss Anklet (focus on foot motif)
Hw:Read Benezara and Kakekara/study guide / 10/27
Cinderella Stories
Discuss Benezara and Kakekara
Hw:Native American Cinderella and Aschenputtel/study guide / 10/28
Cinderella Stories
Hw: start reviewing for test / 10/29
Cinderella Stories
Wrap up/Review
Hw: study guide/ study for test / 10/30
Cinderella Stories TEST
Study Guide DUE!
Hw: Finish Independent reading book!
Introduce MP 1 Independent Reading Assessment
Ever After Analysis
Hw: Independent Reading Assessment / 11/3
NO SCHOOL / 11/4
Ever After Analysis
Hw: Independent Reading Assessment / 11/5
Ever After Analysis
Hw: Independent Reading Assessment DUE TOMORROW! / 11/6 End of MP1
Independent Reading Assessment Due!