LoreburnCentral School – SCC Meeting –

October 11– Agenda

  • Call To Order @ 6:30pm
  • Accept Agenda – Mrs. Hundeby makes a motion to accept the agenda and Mrs. Graham seconded.
  • Attendance – Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Nunweiler, Ms. Lakinger, Mrs. Soggie, Mrs. Hundeby, Mrs. Lemcke, Ms. Dorward, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Dorward and Mr. Hom. Regrets – Mrs. Langager, Mrs. Losie, Mr. Collins, Ms. Tastad
  • Accept minutes from last meeting – Mr. Hom makes the motion to accept the minutes and Mrs. Nunweiler seconded.
  • Business arising from minutes - none
  • Principals Report – see attached
  • Financial Report - Balances $656.08 chequing $5,573.37 in savings and no outstanding chqs
  • SRC Report - Rhian’s Report
  • Terry Fox Goal - $500 and we raised $1120.51
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Terry Fox walk and pledges
  • Hot dogs
  • Water Balloons
  • Bake Sale
  • Terry Fox Movie Night – Oct 19 for movie and maybe games
  • OWL Club will help provide food for a fundraiser
  • Emma Griffin wins individual raising money and in on time award
  • Erika raised $121 later that day
  • Spirit Week – Oct 25-31 – More details to follow.
  • Magazine Campaign – Need a link and maybe sell Christmas things
  • Send out school email about magazine campaign
  • Prairie Meats or Mom’s Pantry
  • Or other fundraiser
  • Gift Cards? – Mrs. Soggie
  • Rhian, Travis, Morgan and Abigail
  • Students had lots of activities – Create a presentation, logo, guest speakers
  • Ice Breakers
  • Paper Towel and song guessing game
  • K/1/2s win the Spirit Award
  • Spirit Challenge to the 11/12s to high 5, hug or fist bump people throughout the day
  • Leader in Me
  • OWL Club
  • food for Halloween Fun Night
  • food for Terry Fox Movie Night
  • really lofty goals – Pools, larger playground, hot tub, zip lines, build a taller school, a little candy thing – gum ball machine, chocolate fountain,
  • still collecting the Canadian Tire Money – have $110 from last year
  • Student Lighthouse Team
  • After 3 meetings – to promote the 7H in the community
  • Oct – giving candy to the community
  • Nov – poppies
  • Dec – Build snowmen in people’s yards
  • Jan
  • Feb – Valentines
  • March – Chocolate Coins
  • April –Mini Eggs
  • May – Flowers
  • June – Car Wash
  • Christmas Formal at Lunch
  • Leadership Class
  • Family Fun Night – Oct 28 –
  • K-8
  • Haunted House
  • Food and Mini Games
  • Prizes
  • Dance 4:30-7:30pm and the Haunted House 5:30-7:30pm
  • Need
  • White Sheets
  • Garbage Bags – See Costco Drum Carter
  • Hospital Gowns
  • Wheel Chair – See Mrs. Long
  • Empty Milk Jugs and Juice Bottles
  • Syringes – see parents of little children, Walmart, Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Dorward
  • Mrs. Hundeby and Mrs. Nunweiler motion and seconded to accept all the reports.
  • A3 Meeting update
  • Summer Reading Program
  • Book Selection for Family Reading (Carie will go on committee and read a book)
  • Education week Oct 16-22nd theme:Celebrating Today Preparing for Tomorrow
  • Schedule next Meeting
  • Adjournment

Please keep this on each agenda:

LCS and SCC Goals: Playground improvement; Gym Floor and improvements in Gym; Math – Reading – LIM Night; Book Drops: Buddy Bench; Benches in the School Yard; Improvement in Landscaping; Family Tree Purchase; Missoula