Annex 1 – Research Schedule
Version Date:dd month yyyy
Title of the research
Start date: 01 Month 201X
End date: XX Month 201X
Duration: XX months
Full time equivalent: X%
<First name Last name>
Employing organisation short name>
Technical contact
<First name Last name>
Guestworking organisation short name>
<First name Last name>
<Coordinating organisation short name>
Section A:Research outline
Section B:Technical work
B1Task 1: Title
B2Task 2: Title
Section C:Impact and management
C1Task N-1: Creating impact
C2Task N: Management
Section D:Quality and efficiency of the implementation
D1Description of RMG researcher
D2Description of the employing organisation
D3Description of the guestworking organisation
Section E:Breakdown of the training & development allowance
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Section A: Research outline
Overview: please describe in one paragraph the need for this research, how it relates to the JRP and what the projected impact will be.
Summary: please summarise in one paragraph the proposed work. Show how the RMG researcher will collaborate with the JRP partners in order to achieve the RMG’s technical objectives.
Section B: Technical work
Please use the term RMG researcher and the JRP partner short names from the parent JRP.
Aim: In one sentence please state the aim of this task.
Research activities: describe in bullet points the research activities within this task. Activities should relate to the aim and describe the work the RMG researcher will undertakeat the guestworking organisation(s). Only use dates where necessary to highlight critical points in the research. Please keep the numerical order of the activities.Describe any collaborative work or dependencies between the partners and the RMGresearcher (e.g.“partner X will support RMG researcher in A1.1”, “partner Y will supply the samples”, “using input from A2.1”).
Section C: Impact and management
Impact: typical impact activities include conference presentations, contribution to a peer reviewed journal and training received from partners. RMG researchers are expected to describe at least one impact activity.
Management: this task and activities are fixed so the RMG researcher should attend at least one project meeting and provide the only deliverable (final report) to EURAMET.
Section D: Quality and efficiency of the implementation
This section should be a maximum of 1 page and should explain how the beneficiaries [researcher, employing organisation and guestworking organisation(s)] bring a balance of skills and high quality experience to the project.
Description of RMG researcher
Describe the skills and knowledge of the researcher relevant to the proposed research.
Description of the employing organisation
Describe the main areas of interest of the employing organisation related to the proposed research.
Description of the guestworking organisation
Explain the expertise of the guestworking organisation in relation to the proposed research. Please describe the contribution of the guestworking organisation to the research however small.
Section E: Breakdown of the training & development allowance
You can claim up to 1500 € every 6 months (FTE) or part of 6 months (i.e. twice in 7 monthsFTE) for the training and development allowance. This covers activities such as:
- Participation in training
- Attendance at conferences
- Other
The activities must be in a technical area closely related to the work described in the research schedule.
Section A:Research outline
Section B:Technical work
B1Task 1: Title
The aim of this task is…
The research activities within the task will be:
- A1.1 - …….
- A1.2 - ……..
B2Task 2: Title
The aim of this task is…
The research activities within the task will be:
- A2.1 - …….
- A2.2 - ……..
Section C:Impact and management
C1Task N-1: Creating impact
The aim of this task is…
The research activities within the task will be:
- AN-1.1 - …….
- AN-1.2 - ……..
C2Task N: Management
The aim of this task is to attend project meetings and provide a final report to EURAMET.
The activities within the task will be:
- AN.1: The RMGresearcher willplan to attend at least one project meeting during the lifetime of the JRP.
- AN.2: The RMGresearcher will write the final report on the RMG (in accordance with the EMPIR Reporting Guidelines – Part 8) summarising the technical work and impact activities. The RMGresearcher will then submit this report to EURAMET as a final deliverable
Section D:Quality and efficiency of the implementation
D1Description of RMG researcher
D2Description of the employing organisation
D3Description of the guestworking organisation
Section E:Breakdown of the training & development allowance
Description / Related task / Approximate cost (€)Total
Max for RMG = 1500 € every 6 months FTE
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Document Title: / EMPIR Call ProcessTemplate 9b: RMG Research Schedule /
Document Code: / P-CLL-TMP-107 / Version 1.0
Document Control: / Approved: EMRP Programme Manager / 2016-04-08
Page 1 of 6 / Template 9b Research Schedule v1.0.docx