October 16, 2013
Village of Sundridge Municipal Office
Present: Sundridge – Elgin Schneider, Bill deVries
Strong – Merlyn Snow, John Newstead (left at 10:30am)
South River – Jim Coleman, Jeff Dickerson
Machar – Doug Maeck, Ron Bennison
Absent: Les Mahon
Guests: Carole Mantha – MNDM
Ron Begin – FedNor (left at 10:30am)
Gerry Spooner – FedNor (left at 10:30am)
Mike Mitchell – Policing Structure (left at 9:00am)
Nghe Tran – Ha’s Restaurant (left at 9:50am)
Gary McLaren – Near North Industrial Solutions
Martha Jacobs – Corner Wines/Groovy Glass Beads (left at 11:00am)
Peter Kidd – Kidd’s Home Hardware (left at 10:30am)
Kate Monk – Explorers’ Edge (arrived at 10:30am)
Dave Gray – BAR Community Development Officer (arrived at 10:30am)
Staff Present: Caitlin Haggart – Recording Secretary
Laura McNeice – Economic Development Intern
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 am by Chair Ron Bennison and the guests were welcomed.
General Discussion:
Mike Mitchell took the floor to discuss OPP structure as he has handled contracts for sharing services in the past during his 13 years as a consultant. His consultant work has also included municipal police and he has developed familiarity with the Police Services Act. He discussed the costing formula for the OPP as costs are increasing rapidly for municipalities. He recommended getting a report from the local OPP on what a joint service would cost. Municipal policing would only be an option if the area, if amalgamated, had continuous borders with the city that had them (North Bay).
Ron Begin shared with the group that Cheryl Forth has retired so Mr. Begin has taken on some of her responsibilities, but is staying in the Almaguin region. He introduced Gerry Spooner, FedNor Community Economic Development Officer, who may attend meetings in Ron’s absence.
Carole Mantha shared that new NOHFC funding is to be announced this week. There will be a few changes in the private sector programs.
Update from Sofa Communications – Laura McNeice picked up printed materials from Sofa’s office in North Bay and took some to each municipal office. They are currently working on getting brochures, notebooks, folders and banners printed for the first week in November. Mike Anthony advised Laura that they are almost finished the first video and are starting the next, a preview could be available for the next meeting. They would like to attend the November 20th meeting to discuss the website.
Laura McNeice received proposals from three companies on the Central Almaguin billboard. The sub-committee noted than only Signcraft offered low-maintenance landscaping in their proposal, and had the longest warranty. Laura was asked to contact MTO to get the billboard locations staked so they are visible. Ron Begin will get back to the committee on FedNor recognition. A resolution was passed.
NCIR Project – a teleconference was held with McSweeney and Associates and the project is moving forward. Ten to fifteen people were provided as contacts to McSweeney, including municipal staff and businesses. A background of the project was provided to the business representatives.
Nghe Tran was asked to speak regarding the Almaguin Highlands Photography Project. Mr. Tran started this project on Facebook, as it is free and accessible to many, to create a repository of area photography. He currently has 437 members from the area and around the world, and about 2000 pictures. Mr. Tran would like to create a photography coffee table book to market the area. It was suggested that Mr. Tran leverage funding from NECO and local fundraising and then bring it to CAEDA for further assistance, if needed. This project could be a potential marketing campaign for Central Almaguin.
Intern Report – the next regional meeting is November 18th with the Labour Market Group and will gauge interest in the business community for a free human resources service through Humaniqa. Laura suggested that the service would be paid the first year by the Labour Market Group and the second year split by the member municipalities. The committee would like to determine interest before considering this cost. As part of her work plan, Laura is planning to attend a council meeting for each member municipality in November to give a progress report to date. She was asked to also provide this report to the business representatives so they can champion her to other business owners. Laura spoke with K’Sah Woodley from Professions North, who matches northern jobs with immigrants coming to Canada who are already trained, she plans to invite her to a regional meeting in the future. Laura shared that AHED is currently working on a strategic plan and signage for the entire Almaguin region.
Ron Begin had a meeting at the Parry Sound Airport where employers in the area met with the Canadore (Parry Sound Campus) Manager in order to demonstrate what area businesses need for staffing so curriculum can be designed around them. Donna Sedore from Employment North is interested in holding a meeting in this area, sponsored by CAEDA, between business reps and reps from the Near North District School Board and Canadore College to link education and work.
Explorers’ Edge was invited to make their presentation, as per the attached materials. The RTO-12 only receives $1.6 million from the government based upon accommodations (does not include camps or rental properties), which is split between Algonquin Park, Muskoka, Almaguin Highlands and Parry Sound. RTO-12 focuses on the shoulder seasons, Spring and Fall, to bring tourists to the area. Kate Monk asked Dave Gray to outline the Stone Skipping Contest and Sweater Weather Tour he assisted with this year. Ms. Monk and Mr. Gray were thanked and left at 11:45am.
Resolution 54-13
Moved by: Elgin Schneider Seconded by: Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby accept the billboard proposal from Signcraft in the amount of $3,300.00 + HST per sign. Carried
Correspondence: None
Adoption of Minutes:
Carole Mantha requested an amendment to clarify the funding information discussed in September.
Resolution 55-13
Moved by: Merlyn Snow Seconded by: JAK Dickerson
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adopt the minutes of September 18, 2013 as amended*. *New Business: change to read – “The RED (Rural Economic Development) funding is split 50/50….” Carried
Approve CAEDA Expenses:
The secretary advised that the second FedNor amendment was officially accepted, and that the first bill for the NCIR project was received.
Resolution 56-13
Moved by: Jim Coleman Seconded by: Elgin Schneider
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve expenses between September 21, 2013 and October 16, 2013in the amount of $23,952.15, and authorize the administrator to issue cheques for the same. Carried
New Business:
Carole Mantha shared that the work plan was discussed with the Human Resources Committee and a sustainability meeting was held with the mayors last month. In addition to raising funds, CAEDA could also apply with NOHFC for a third year of funding for the intern position because the application is project based. The NCIR project could be used to identify projects for the intern to accomplish in this third year. The funding is split 50/50 to cover wages only. The committee would like to consider a two year funding cycle for the position moving forward.
Resolution 57-13
Moved by: Bill deVries Seconded by: Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adjourn at 12:05 p.m. until the next regular meeting on November 20, 2013 at 8:30am at the Village of South River Municipal Office, or at the call of the chair.
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Chair, Ron Bennison Recording Secretary, Caitlin Haggart