Oconee River District





The Supervisors of the Oconee River Soil and Water Conservation District held their Annual Affiliate Members Meeting Thursday, September 27, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the JacksonE.M.C.Building in Jefferson, Georgia.

Supervisors present were: David Jackson, Dewy Johnson, Tony Embrick, Janice Marable and Bernard Garrett. Supervisor absent was: Balfour Hunnicutt. Others present were: Robert Amos, Kelli Coleman, B. Gail Hull, Wyukia Coleman, Carol Boss, T. J. O’Neal, Jose Pagan and approximately 40 other guests.

The supervisors held a brief business session prior to the annual meeting beginning. Chairman Jackson called the meeting to order and the minutes of the August meeting were approved on a motion by Garrett and seconded by Johnson. The motion passed.

Regional Representative Amos gave the State Conservation Commission report. Amos reported that they will be receiving information on the GACDS Annual Meeting that will be held January 6-8, 2012 at Chateau Élan in Braselton, Georgia. After discussion Jackson appointed himself, Marable and Johnson to serve on the review committee for office coordinator Coleman and they will report back to the supervisors at the next district meeting.

Jackson reported on erosion and sediment control plans submitted for ratification. Twelve (12) plans were submitted and a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Garrett to approve seven (7) and deny five (5). The motion passed.

There being no further business the business session was adjourned and Jackson called the annual affiliate members meeting to order.

The supervisors and guests enjoyed a meal catered by the Master’s Table. After the meal, Jackson County Commission Chairman Hunter Bignell welcomed the group and former Supervisor Boyd McLocklin gave the invocation.

OconeeRiver SWCD Minutes

September 27, 2011

Page Two

Jackson made introductions and Amos gave the district’s conservation education updates. District updates were given by District Conservationist Boss and District Conservationist Pagan recognized the Conservationist of-the-year – Carl Jordan of Spring Valley EcoFarms. The meeting was thenadjourned.

The next district meeting will be Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. at the District Office in Winder, Georgia.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

submitted by,


Robert Amos

Regional Representative
