OCHPP BOARD MEETING November 7, 2012

Pledges & motion to approve October minutes, 1st by Kylin Korb 2nd by Bailey Lecato, pass unanimously

Club jackets: Mr. Gall has the leftover coats, please pick up from him at the November meeting. Adults ordered jackets and still need to pay.

EOY Banquet: fun and games at the end despite poor weather, date booked for next year’s banquet at the end of September because it may have less conflict. Lori would like to see another location, DJ, silent auction, etc., issues with affordability. This year there will be a committee to take over the event.

Treasurer Report: discussion regarding water/light bill; all bills accounted for; motion to approve 1st by Kylin Korb; 2nd by Bailey Lecato.

Food Trailer: Need to make a decision on this, leader’s association is interested in purchasing – we could sell to them and have them sell food at our shows as a fundraiser for them, removes us having to staff it. Bill Gall is checking into value of it. What if they wouldn’t sell at horse shows? Shows would have no or limited food. Would better record keeping reveal a profit? We would need to keep better track of supplies in the future. Plan to give the food trailer one more year and run it correctly and see if it turns a profit. Consider option of renting the food trailer to the Leader’s Association for $125/day, returned in same condition. After years of service Richard is ready to retire, Rhonda Klug is possibly interested in running the food trailer.

Behavior Agreement: Minor changes for OCHPP to have their own agreement, include the OCHPP Board will review incidents and implement any consequences. Compare to athletic codes where you have gradation of offenses incorporating severity of incidents.

Budget meeting: date Monday the 12th at the Lecato residence at 6:30pm.

New Business:

November meeting: will be held at the Grafton Senior Center, room upstairs seats 100 and charges $10 to rent, with $25 refundable deposit.

Nationals group: 4th place in Judging; 10th in Hippology; 10th in Team Problems and Maddie Moeller got a 7th in Judging. There were 318 kids, a well done event, in Kentucky this year. Club donates $100 per youth for those who attend, vote to approve $100 for each girl who went to KY – motion by Moni Zoromski; 2nd by Haley Doughman, unanimous approval.

Clinic Meeting: none scheduled at this time, TBD

Showbill/Judges meeting on November 15th at 730pm at Dawn Doerring residence, cannot call Judges before we know the schedule.

Grounds/calendar: no indication as to what we will be charged for grounds and not sure when we will get that information. We will make decisions once we get the information from the county, hopefully next week. Can potentially pick out some dates and reserve them at showbill meeting. Youth Building is now called the Pavillion.

Youth Board: Alex Philpin will come to give presentation in November; no Dec meeting; Jan activity will be bowling and meeting will have tack sale at 6pm, and equine massage therapist to talk at 7pm; Feb is lock in 9-10th; March is education night, youth leaders give presentations at stations; April WEC vet visit; May- Michelle from Horsey Habit on tack care; June-finish youth leader presentations; July Fair decorations; Aug is Fair clean up and Sept is elections. Ben is looking into a reining demonstration. Kettle Morraine trail association accepts $25 donation for group and group can do trail clearing for community service, group has a website. Also can do HARPS (IL horse rescue) trip in late May/early June with stopover at Dover – would Dover donate percentage of our groups purchases to the Club.

Survey for club: use survey monkey to get feedback from Club on how things are going. Google docs is another way to gather info, Raquel will provide questions after advised by board members.

Sponsorships: Brought in less than half than in previous years. Significant decrease in amount, Jon Kassander is going to work with Raquel to transition sponsorship records/methods over. Sell cookies as another fundraiser, selling gift cards and club gets percentage at current amount, end of year gifts will be minimal without more revenue.

Handbook: will be in PDF form for cost savings. Changes to Raquel ASAP.

Horseless Horse: question as to whether kids will get matched up with kids who own horses. This comes from the County, cannot be in horseless horse if you own a horse, can just do a poster.

Can kids who call in be given a half meeting credit? Another 4h event is considered excused.

Awards: Michele from Horsey Habit would be willing to help out with awards, would sell gift certificates at 20% off to Club and then she brings down her trailer and kids can purchase items from her her trailer. She can get garment bag for $6 and embroider for $4. Hi Point EOY will depend on fund raisers through the year.

Trail: EOY high point is strange to Wendy since it is only 1 class versus others which have divisions. Discussion on what you combine it with – dressage suitability; discipline rail; etc. Hi points are usually tied to state qualifying events.

Motion to adjourn, Kylin Korb, 2nd by Bailey Lecato.

Next meeting: December 5th Location still TBD, hopefully Youth Building/Pavillion.