OCFD SOPs Human Resources SOP Practice Test-26 questions OCFD.com

1.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), what is the protest period for written exams on the following business day after a test?

a.8am to 12pm
b.12pm to 4pm
c.1pm to 4pm
d.1pm to 5pm

2. According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/001), which of the following is considered public record?

a. Material pertaining to hiring
b. Material pertaining to promotions
c. A & B
d. Both A & B are not public record

3.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), which of the following is required to receive test scores from a promotional exam?

a. Must be in uniform (in person)
b. Must have photo ID (in person)
c. Social security number and employee ID number (by phone)
d. B or C

4.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/011), how many suggestions can be put on each suggestion form?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. No limit

5.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), what is required of candidates just prior to promotional testing?

a. Sign in
b. Check seniority points
d. None of the above are required

6.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), when is the protest period for written exams on the day of the test?

a.8am to 12pm
b.12pm to 4pm
c.1pm to 4pm
d.1pm to 5pm

8.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), what must questions that arise during a test period be limited to?

a. Content explanation
b. Materials references
c. Typographical errors
d. B & C

10.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/006), when must an incentive pay form be filled out and submitted?

a. To start pay
b. To stop pay
c. When incentive pay requirements are no longer met
d. All of the above

12.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), at what point can test NOT be protested?

a. After the closing of the adjustment review period
b. After the closing of the grade review period
c. After the closing of the protest period
d. After all review periods have closed

14.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), how must protest in regards to promotional exams be submitted?

a. In person with Training Officer
b. In writing to the Training Officer
c. In person with Deputy Chief of Support Services
d. In writing to the Deputy Chief of Support Services

15.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/005), who processes Retirement Packets?

a. Personnel Director
b. IAFF Local 157
c. Human Resources work section
d. Chief of Support Services

18.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), which of the following is a valid adjustment review period for a promotional test?

a.1pm to 4pm the day the protest period closes
b.1pm to 5pm the day the protest period closes
c.8am to 12pm the day the protest period closes
d.8am to 4pm the day the protest period closes

20.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/005), where can retirement worksheets and checklists be obtained?

a. Fire Administration receptionist
b. District Officers
c. Chief of Support Services
d. IAFF Local 157

21.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), what is the length of the actual promotional test?

a. 1 hour
b. 1 1/2 hours
c. 2 hours
d. 3 hours

23.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), when is the list of academy or assessment center candidates published?

a. After the protest period
b. After the adjustment review period
c. After the closing of all review periods
d. Within 180 days of the close of all review periods

24.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/011), who is notified of evaluation time frames, implementation of suggestion, and recognition of individual, in regards to suggestions by employees?

a. Fire Chief
b. Chief of Support Services
c. Human Resources Major
d. Personnel Director

25.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), when can candidates review adjustments made to a test?

a.1pm-5pm 2 days after test day
b. After 5pm the following business day after the test
c. After the close of the protest period
d. after the close of the adjustment period

26.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), under what circumstances can individuals leave the testing room before expiration of the time length of the test?

a. Exam consists of multiple sessions
b. By unanimous vote taken for individuals to leave the room after completion of the test
c. Under no circumstances may individuals leave prior to the test period
d. B or C

27.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/001), who is responsible for security of written/practical exam material and assessment center material?

a. Chief of Support Services
b. Training Officer
c. Human Resources Officer
d. Support Services Officer

28.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/011), which of the following forms of communication are acceptable for submitting suggestions for, but not limited to, procedures, equipment, services, work site operations, and safety?

a. Email
b. Memo
c. Suggestion form
d. Any of the above

30.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), which of the following statements is true?

a. Reference to study material found in a question is NOT part of the question
b. Reference to study material found in a question is part of the question
c. Reference to study material found in a question is part of the question if subject is presented in multiple sources
d. A & C are true

31.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), when does a candidate receive their graded answer sheet and the grading key (on transparency) for a promotional test?

a. During the Adjustment Review Period
b. During the Grade Review Period
c. During the Protest Period
d. After all review periods have closed

32.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/005), about how many weeks prior to the effective retirement date should an employee make an appointment with Human Resources?

a. 3 weeks
b. 5 weeks
c. 6 weeks
d. 8 weeks

33.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/008), who produces new vacancy announcements at the request of the Fire Chief and/or Deputy Chief of the respective division where the vacancy exists?

a. Dispatch
b. Human Resources
c. Fire Chief
d. District Officers of the respective section

34.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/003), until the last 5 minutes of a promotional test period, how often is the time remaining posted?

a. Every 25 minutes
b. Every 15 minutes
c. Every 10 minutes
d. Every 5 minutes

36.According to Human Resources SOPs (OPS/002), which of the following is a valid grade review period for a promotional test?

a.12pm to 4pm the day the adjustment review period closes
b. 1pm to 5pm the next business day after the adjustment review period closes
c. 8am to 12pm the next business day after the adjustment review period closes
d. 8am to 4pm the day the adjustment review period closes

Answer Sheet
1 / 31
2 / 32
3 / 33
4 / 34
5 / 35 / X
6 / 36
7 / X
9 / X
11 / X
13 / X
16 / X
17 / X
19 / X
22 / X
29 / X
Answer Key
1 / a / 31 / b
2 / d / 32 / b
3 / b / 33 / b
4 / a / 34 / d
5 / c / 35 / X
6 / d / 36 / c
7 / X
8 / c
9 / X
10 / d
11 / X
12 / a
13 / X
14 / d
15 / c
16 / X
17 / X
18 / b
19 / X
20 / a
21 / b
22 / X
23 / c
24 / c
25 / c
26 / b
27 / c
28 / d
29 / X
30 / a

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Disclaimer: These test questions were created for informational purposes and are not actual promotional exam questions. They are designed to assist in studying the OCFD SOPs. These questions are in no way related to, or approved by the City of OKC. FireNotes®.com, OCFD.com, and Mike Nikkel are in no way liable for any errors in content, grammar, or other errors. Use at your own risk.