May 8, 2016


PRAYER CHAIN: Please notify office of ALL prayer requests first.

For e-mail prayer chain requests, call Sylvia Holland at 764-6479 or

e-mail her at .

For telephone prayer requests, call the church office at 843-2990.

Please continue to keep in your prayers our homebound members and friends, our service women and men, and those battling long-term illnesses and injuries. These names are published in the monthly newsletter.

Weekly Prayer Concerns are listed for 4 weeks unless notified otherwise.

Week 1 Family of Elaine Plitt, Myka Reeder

Week 3 In a request from the Texas Conference, the General Conference of the UMC has requested prayers for the people in and around the Houston area for safe deliverance from the flood waters that now surround them. So, let's pray for our neighbors safety during this devastating time and receding waters.

Week 3 Nedra Strouse, Stanley Snyder, Robin Brunner, Becca Schrom, Lester Miller, Bonnie March, Gloria Rosenzweig, Wingrove Hutchinson, Flo Waybright

Week 3 For the family of Paul Masch, for the family of Shane Troutman

Week 4 Prayers for Peggy Mundorff


TODAY – May 8, 2016 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

8:00 AM Informal Worship - Sanctuary

9:15 AM Christian Education Classes

10:00 AM Fellowship and Coffee Time – Apostles Room

10:30 AM Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary

10:30 AMThe Flame Casual Worship – Apostles Room

12 Noon Shekinah Worship – Sanctuary (to 2:30 PM)

12:30 PM Iglesia Poder de Dios (to 4:00)

7:00 PM AA - Social Hall (to 9:30 PM)

Monday, May 9

4:45 PM Private Music Lessons – Parlor (to 9:00 PM)

7:00 PM Youth Council - Library

7:00 PM NA – Social Hall

7:00 PM Chimes Rehearsal – Sanctuary

Tuesday, May 10

12:00 PM CTC Communications Committee - Parlor

5:30 PM Kung Fu - Social Hall (to 8:00 PM)

7:00 PM Nurture - Parlor

Wednesday, May 11

6:00 PM Trinity Wednesday Dinner and Worship – Apostles Room

7:00 PM AA - Social Hall (to 9:30)

7:00 PM Missions - Parlor

Thursday, May 12

9:00 AM Bible Study with Pastor Mike - Parlor (to 10:00 am)

6:00 PM Bible Study with Pastor Tanya - Library (to 7:00 pm)

7:00 PM Shekinah Word Empowerment – Apostles Room (to 9:00 PM)

7:00 PM Choir - Choir Room

Friday, May 13

7:00 PM AA – Social Hall Room (to 9:00 PM)

7:00 PM Church of Pentecost – Sanctuary (to 9:00 PM)

Saturday, May 14

10:00 AM Ladies Tea - Apostles Room (to Noon)

10:00 AM Church of Pentecost US - Sanctuary (to Noon)

11:00 AM NA – Social Hall (to 1:30 PM)

11:00 AM Shekinah - Apostles Room & Small Kitchen (to 1:30)

1:00 PM Baptism - Sanctuary (to 2:00 PM)

3:00 PMThe WELL - Apostles Room (to 7:00 PM)

7:00 PM AA – Social Hall (to 9:30 PM)

Sunday, May 15

8:00 AM Informal Worship - Sanctuary

9:00 AM New Members Breakfast - Social Hall

9:00 AM Church of Pentecost US - Apostles Room (to 1:30)

10:30 AM Combined Worship - Sanctuary

12:30 PMIglesiaPoder de Dios (to 4:00)

7:00 PM AA - Social Hall (to 9:30 PM)


Trinity Wednesdays– 6 PM - Ginny Adams and Mike Gurtizen.

Choir Rehearsals – Thursdays at 7 PM – Nancy Huttel

Chimes Rehearsals – Mondays at 7 PM – Pam Wible

Stitches from the Heart – every otherTuesday, 9 AM – 12 Noon - Treva Andrews and Amy Coons and Information Center Bulletin Board. Next meeting – May 17

Kung Fu Classes on Tuesdays - Pastor Mike and Information Center Bulletin Board 5:30-8

Giant and Weis Grocery Cards - Karen Hoover

Support for Incarcerated Women Through Prayer and Encouragement – Dot Markle and Information Center Bulletin Board

Stamp Project at the Brethren Home at Cross Keys - Dot Markle and Information Center Bulletin Board. Leave your used stamps in the office.

Pizza Hut Coupons for Normandie Ridge Auxiliary – Information Center Bulletin Board

Bulletin Sponsors

Today’s Bulletin Sponsor: Joan Gumerlock

In Memory of Norah, Marie Katie

Flower Sponsors:

Today’s Flower Sponsor: Sylvia Vandenberg

In Honor of daughter Susan Coret

In Memory of my stepmother Helen Stuck

REPORT OF GIVING :This report compares last year’s giving to this year’s. The goal reflects a certain percentage increase over last year’s giving (in the comparable week) needed to meet budget.

Week Ending 5/1 Goal: $6509 Received: $4766


Christian Ed Classes = 32 10:30 Traditional = 59

Trinity Wednesday = 41 10:30 FLAME = 47

8:00 Informal = 21 TOTAL WORSHIP ATTENDANCE = 168


Pastor Mike Brossman: 717-877-4791 (call and text);

Pastor Roland Garvin: 717-840-0725;

Pastor Tanya Brubaker: 717-887-4273 (call and text);


Breanne Brunner717-586-1782 (call and text);



Church Office HoursHours will vary. Your calls and e-mails will be responded to.


Mike Gurtizen: 717-817-2200 (call & text);


The WELL is very much in need of the following items: shampoo, body wash, bar soap, deodorant, tooth brushes, tooth paste, toilet paper, canned fruit, and canned vegetables. They are giving one roll of toilet paper to each family who requests it – that is certainly not very much. You may also donate any non-perishable food and diapers to help with ongoing needs.

JEANS - We participated in the Teens for Jeans campaign. The campaign was a huge success both here at Calvary and across the city. All the jeans will be donated to York Rescue Mission. Because of the on-going desperate need for jeans at the York Rescue Mission - we will continue to collect jeans through May. The box will remain at the information center or if you have large quantities, please deliver your donations to Pastor Tanya’s office upstairs.



Pastor Mike will be offering a study on the Gospel of Mark. This will be offered at 9 a.m. only

The remaining Spring Bible Study dates are: May 12, 19 & 26.

Pastor Tanya

Pastor Tanya will be offering a study on Proverbs. This study will only be offered at 6 p.m.

The remaining Spring Bible Study dates for this class are May 12 & 19.

Updating Directory

Please see a copy of the directory to update your contact information. There are copies at both entrances to the Sanctuary. There are copies at both the Information Center and Apostles Room. Only ONE of those needs to be updated with your information. Please do NOT remove these from their locations.

Also, please DO NOT update information for anyone but your household. If you have information that might need corrected submit in writing or via e-mail to

If any information appears to be missing we apologize. Several people have worked on this update so far. We are at a point where it would be most helpful for others to be our editors. So please, again, if you have corrections, additions or deletions that are not for your household submit them in writing or via e-mail.

Thank you for your help.

A Communication Change: Please notice that Bulletin and Flower Sponsors will now be listed in the announcements rather than directly on the bulletin.The bulletin is not shared with the entire congregation but announcements are available at all services as well as our website. It is important for us to provide the opportunity for all to acknowledge the dedications that are made in honor of or in memory of those whom we love.


PLEASE NOTE: For any information that must be printed in either the newsletter or bulletin please provide a written copy (handwritten or via e-mail to the office). Please DO NOT add your information to a lengthy e-mail thread but send your information on its own. Also, please do not hand this information to anyone on a Sunday but drop it off on the desk in the office. We are doing our best to be efficient and not miss anything and these simple steps will help alleviate any further “misses”. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS:Please report ALL scheduled meetings to the office. Do NOT assume that someone else in attendance will know to make this report to the office unless you as chair have designated such a person.


Begin in Apostles Room

May 20th 6 pm to 9 pm

May 21st 9 am to 3 pm

All committee leaders/staff are strongly encouraged to join us for this training. The training is also open to everyone who is interested in building their leadership skills as well as relationships within the congregation.

Youth and young adults, we need your input. Together we will be Healthy, Vital & Effective.

Snacks will be available for the Friday evening session and lunch will be provided on Saturday.

If you cannot participate in the full program, please consider making time for at least part of the training.


Mother’s Day Tea

May 14, 2016

10:00 - 12:00

Food, Fun, Games, Prizes

Don’t miss out on this fun event. All women are invited to attend. Bring your friends, bring your neighbors. Just don’t forget to sign up so we know to expect you.

Calvary Night at the York Revolution

A great time was had by all who attended last season. Join us again this year and invite your friends and neighbors.

July 16 - York Revolution vs. New Britain Bees


See Welcome Center for sign-up sheet.Checks should be made payable to Jeff O’Brien and can be dropped in the offering plate.