1. Occupational diseases – main principles of diagnostics, treatment, expertise and prophylaxis.
  2. Etiological diagnostic of occupational diseases. Factors for assessment of occupational risk.
  3. Pneumoconiosis – classification, etiology, pathogenesis.
  4. Silicosis – clinical types, X-ray imaging and functional disorders.
  5. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and concomitant diseases of silicosis. Treatment and prophylaxis. Expertise of working ability for patients with silicosis.
  6. Silicatosis – asbestosis, talcosis, kaolinosis. Clinical manifestation and diagnostics. Complications.
  7. Occupational bronchitis – etiology, pathogenesis, classification and clinical manifestation. Etiological diagnostics and criteria for occupational assessment. Treatment, prophylaxis and expertise of working abilities.
  8. Occupational bronchial asthma. Etiology, pathogenesis. Criteria for etiological diagnosis. Treatment, prophylaxis and expertise of working abilities.
  9. Hypersensitive pneumonitis (farmer lungs). Bisinosis.
  10. Occupational poisoning with chlorine. Clinical manifestation, treatment and work expertise.
  11. Occupational poisoning with sulfur dioxide. Clinical manifestation, treatment and work expertise.
  12. Occupational poisoning with nitric oxides – etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostics, treatment and work expertise of acute poisonings.
  13. Occupational poisonings with fluorine and its compounds – clinical manifestation, treatment, diagnostics and work expertise.
  14. Poisonings with H2S – pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  15. Poisonings with CO – occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, giagnostics and prophylaxis.
  16. Lead poisoning – hazard contingent, occupational risk, ways of penetration, pathogenesis of the chronic lead poisoning.
  17. Main clinical syndromes of lead intoxication. Stages of lead intoxication.
  18. Laboratory diagnostics of lead poisoning. Early diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis and work expertise.
  19. Chronic poisoning with mercury – occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation.
  20. Chronic poisoning with mercury – classification, treatment and work expertise.
  21. Chronic poisoning with manganese – occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic, treatment and work expertise.
  22. Chronic poisoning with cadmium - occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, classification, treatment and work expertise.
  23. Occupational poisoning with benzene.
  24. Occupational poisoning with benzole. Occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic, stages of the disease, work readjustment, treatment and prophylaxis.
  25. Poisoning with nitric compounds of benzole - occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic, treatment and prophylaxis.
  26. Poisoning with amino compounds of benzole - occupational risk, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostic, treatment and prophylaxis.
  27. Occupational poisonings with synthetic tar and plastic materials – hazard professions, ways of penetration, clinical syndromes and treatment.
  28. Vinyl-chloride disease.
  29. Poisonings with pesticides – pathogenesis, clinic, first aid, treatment and prophylaxis.
  30. Occupational damages of improper organization of working processes, compulsory working position and overtension of different organs ans systems.
  31. Occupational damages of muscle-skeletal system – clinic, diagnosis, criteria for occupational origin. Humero-scapular periarthritis, radial (lateral) epicondilitis, stenosing tendovaginitis of fingers.
  32. Occupational diseases of the peripheral nerve system – polyneuropatia of extremities – clinic, diagnostic, treatment and prophylaxis.
  33. Vibration disease from local vibrations – hazard professions, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment, work expertise, prophylaxis
  34. Vibration disease from general vibrations – hazard professions, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment, work expertise, prophylaxis.
  35. Occupational damages of hearing – clinic, diagnostic, treatment, work expertise and prophylaxis.
  36. Occupational skin diseases.
  37. Occupational malignant diseases


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