Jan 27, 2010

Board Members present: President Brent Malever, Treasurer Carolyn LaRoss, Secretary/Admin Assistant Daniel Geer, Roger Staley, Past President Lewis Dinkins, Jeff Buck, Kathy Roman, Incoming President Mary Hall, James Clardy, Lee Niblock

Guests:John Hunt, Heidi Meeks, Morrey Deen

The meeting started @ 5:32

The secretary passed out the minutes for review. A motion was made by Mary to accept the minutes. It was seconded and approved.

Carolyn reported on the financial status of the club. We have $2204.28 in our account. John asked if the club is going to support LEAF this year. Brent stated the Bill G said he will take care of it. John asked if he would be going to the other clubs to help support it financially. John is also concerned that with sponsorships decreasing, we may not have enough funds to put it together. Morrey suggested the Rotary officials sit down with the Chamber and work out a plan so it can continue while looking at ways to cut costs. John will get with Bill G on this matter. Dan brought up the members who were sent a certified letter requesting past dues. Pete Z and Wayne B have been taken care of yet we have not received anything from Craig Gillum. James made a motion to send a certified letter that he has created to send to Craig giving him 10 days of receipt. Roger asked for final approval on the letter before we send it out. It was seconded and approved.

Dan gave the attendance report. We have 10 members below 60% and 19 at 100%. Carolyn stated she is concerned that those members below 60% are also late on their dues. Roger stated that we need a membership drive with our membership chair, John Hunt. Roger said we need to put in the bulletin that if you are going to have a medical procedure or are going to be out of town, ask for a leave of absence. We also need to get with our chairs and for them to give the board and/or club a monthly report. Dan declared that Steve Specht has stated that he will have to drop from the club due to financial reasons. Lee made the motion to regretfully accept his resignation. It was seconded and approved.

Mary reported on the beast feast. We are going to do it have it on April 15. Brent said that the BBQ will be in May and Bill suggested moving it to MTI and only sell slabs of ribs. Brent was concerned that it may stretch the club to thin if we do both BBQ’s. Mary was looking at the Beast Feast to support the Cal Ripkin series. Roger made a motion that we only sell ribs for our BBQ. It was seconded. Roger said we should ask Bob Holloran and Bill G and ask for their opinion on this matter. Morrey explained to the board that we need to improve money collection so we will have a better count on the number of ribs we need to order. The motion passed with Lewis abstaining.

Lee reported on the Cal Ripkin series which will be utilizing all of our ball fields throughout the county. The Rotary Sportsplex board has been approving the measures in bringing the series to Ocala. Lee asked that Harvey Vandeven and partner come to our meeting and give a program.

Brent appointed a liason to sit on the FMMA board. Jeremy Applegate will report to the board the actions of the FMMA.

Kathy gave a report on the canned food drive. We have two more weeks left on the canned food drive.

Carolyn spoke to Tommy about the meals. He makes $125-$150 a week. The board stated not to ask him to cut any costs.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30.