Report Title / Corporate priorities 2016/17
Report from / Johanna Moss
Prepared by / Johanna Moss
State impact on CQC domain (if applicable) / Well led
State impact on corporate priorities / Provides detail on the actions and milestones that will ensure delivery of the agreed corporate priorities for 2016/17
List of attached appendices (if applicable)
Reference documents that are not attached (e.g. previous reports or appendices)
BriefSummary of Report
This paper provides the detail on actions and milestones that will ensure delivery of the agreed corporate priorities in 2016/17.
Action Required
The Board is asked to note this paper.
Objectives and Priorities – 2016-18
Actions and timescales
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead1.Deliver the highest standards of patient experience, outcomes and safety across all of our sites. / Tracy Luckett
Declan Flanagan
John Quinn
Prepare for the CQC inspection with the aim of achieving a rating of good or outstanding and respond to any findings with effective action plans. /
- Complete walkabouts programme
- Launch pocket book
- Continue directorate action plans and staff briefings
- Final logistics and hub preparation
- HR actions in here include complete the review of polices
- Ensure robust contractual arrangements support the trust’s use of other trusts’ staff in satellites
- Respond to final CQC data requests
- Respond to any immediate improvement action requirements by CQC
- Consolidate organisational learning
- Decommission project team
- Possibly receive CQC report in early Autumn and commence action planning as required
- Ensure DBS three-yearly checks are completed
Start to implement the electronic health record (EHR) business case. /
- Outline Business case to Trust Board
- Procure HER
- Full Business case to Trust Board
- Commence Deployment
Set clear standards for the total time patients spend in all outpatient clinics and measure performance against these. Reduce waiting times in clinics which fail to meet the agreed standards. /
- Outpatient transformation group constituted and to meet in Q1 to agree action plan with agreed performance targets and timescales
- To be monitored through the Transformation Board*
Improve how we communicate with patients, ensuring that we comply with the national accessible information standard at all times. /
- Appoint an interim project lead to review current trust position against the standards and produce a gap analysis. The project lead will create a task and finish group that will report into the overarching communications group.
- Aim to recruit a fixed term appointment to lead on the implementation of the standards and embed them within the organisation.
Q2 &Q3 / Tracy Luckett
- Evaluate compliance against the national standards via audit and aim to integrate the requirements in operational standards,
Complete a review and implement recommendations on how we provide urgent care across our network. /
- Urgent care pathway transformation group constituted and to meet in Q1 to agree action plan with agreed performance targets and timescales.
- To be monitored through the Transformation Board*
*Transformation Board to develop detailed milestones by end of Q1
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead2.Provide a successful network of eye care services, supported by a specialist centre in central London. / Jo Moss
Refresh our organisational strategy A Vision for Excellence, including development of a technology and informatics stream. /
- Establish governance structure (including working group) to oversee organisational refresh process
- Complete analysis of current organisational state
- Complete development of strategic intent
- Complete generation of views of the ideal future state
- Complete generation of options
- Board agreement of the preferred option for future strategy
- Develop a clear, Board approved plan for implementing the agreed strategy
- Publish refreshed organisational strategy
- Establish governance structure to oversee implementation of the strategy
- Draft Informatics Strategy
- Board approval of Informatics Strategy
Review our current satellite services and develop a long-term plan for our eye care network as part of the national vanguard programme. /
- Complete review of recent satellite mobilisations
- Complete detailed market analysis
- Complete desktop research on national and international network models
- Complete in-depth review of current Moorfields satellite model
- Identify themes and distil findings from network review
- Commence preparation of toolkit
- Complete final toolkit and share nationally
Secure a site for Project Oriel, submit an initial planning application and deliver a strategic outline case for the build. /
- Secure as site for project Oriel (subject to planning)
- Submit planning application
- Deliver OBC2
Complete the options appraisal and business case for developing the infrastructure in the Moorfields East network. /
- Business Case approved by Trust Board
Complete the options appraisal and business case for developing the infrastructure at the St George’s site. Implement short-term plans to address immediate operational issues. /
- Business Case approved by Trust Board
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead
3. Develop our people and our organisation as a great place to work and provide care. / Sally Storey
Strengthen clinical engagement across the Trust by implementing the clinical management structure review recommendations relating to our structure, roles and governance processes. /
- Complete review and prepare consultation document
- Present outcome of consultation to new CEO
- Commence implementation of new structure
- Complete implementation
Refresh the organisation’s talent map, develop our best people to lead our organisation and identify gaps that we need to address. /
- Refresh talent map in line with emerging structure
- Business case for development of new leaders
- Develop programme including accreditation
- Implement development programme(Q4)
Implement the recommendations from the nursing workforce review. /
- Review the report and the recommendations and share with the organisation.
- Present at Trust Board for discussion and agreement of recommendations.
- Consult with key stakeholders ( operations)
- Align recommendations to the workforce objective in the nursing strategy (refresh)
- Identify a lead to support the recommendations and agree objectives.
- Implement the recommendations from the review and commence formal reports to the transformation programme
- Evaluate progress and report to TMB and Trust Board
Implement the recommendations from the 7 day services review. /
- Publish recommendations from review
- Implement recommendations from review
Embed The Moorfields Way (TMW) and evaluate the difference it is making through improved performance in the friends and family test. /
- Cascade TMW as an objective for all managers
- Publish local and trust-wide action plans
- Publish staff friends and family results
- Formal review of progress with local action plans
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead
4. Ensure financial stability, delivering a surplus in 2016/17. / Steve Davies
Deliver the Trust efficiency target of £10 million. /
- Ensure 15% of target is delivered
- Support the medical director in implementing e job planning
- Ensure 25% of target is delivered
- Support the medical director in implementing e job planning for trainees
- Develop proposals for an internal doctors’ locum bank
- Ensure 30% of target is delivered
- Support the FD in benchmarking, sharing or market testing back office functions
- Implement proposals for an internal doctors’ locum bank
- Ensure final 30% of target is delivered
Implement an administrative improvement programme that delivers efficient, patient focussed processes enabled through technology. /
- Transformation Board in place
- Subgroups of transformation board to meet and agree work plans with delivery timescales
- Work plans to be agreed by transformation board
Implement a clinical transformation programme that delivers a sustainable, stepped improvement in productivity and enables appropriate standardisation of practice across the network and supports delivery of our Quality Plan. /
- Transformation Board in place
- Subgroups of transformation board to meet and agree work plans with delivery timescales
- Work plans to be agreed by transformation board
Analyse the profitability of all services and agree the priorities for growing the most profitable and the opportunities to change the unprofitable. /
- Create high level staff allocation system in advance of full e-rostering roll-out
- Re-form project group with appropriate clinical representation to review existing SLR data from costing engine
- Develop medium term plan for full patient level costing solution, including e-rostering data and non-pay data systems.
- Use high level staff allocation to produce summary site profitability metrics
- Use high level staff allocation to produce summary service profitability metrics
- Use refined data to allocate pay costs to sites and services for 2017/18 budget.
Grow our commercial activities to support and strengthen the Trust’s financial position. /
- Deliver increased theatre capacity for NHS and private patients
- Review and implement environment improvements for private inpatients at City Road
- Deliver business case assumptions for Moorfields Abu Dhabi
- Deliver budget assumptions for Moorfields Dubai
- Finalise expansion and consolidation of private outpatient facilities
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead
5. Be at the forefront of international research, integrating with strategic partners. / Peng Khaw
Prepare for and achieve successful re-application to maintain the Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility. /
- Develop emerging leaders and sustain existing leaders of joint programmes with translational potential to optimise emergence of novel therapies. Target recruitment of talented researchers in informatics, imaging and cornea.
Develop shared and integrated research objectives that map to the themes of the Joint Research Strategy with each directorate and work together to deliver them.
Develop emerging leaders and sustain existing leaders of joint programmes with translational potential to optimise emergence of novel therapies. Target recruitment of talented researchers in informatics, imaging and cornea.
Increase the number of clinicians leading phase 3 and 4 commercial research trials to increase patient access to leading edge therapies to 2% of the patient population.
Support the rapid exploitation and commercialisation of home grown research and innovation.
2016/17 priorities / Actions and measures / Timescale / Lead
6. Play a leading role in the training and education of eye care clinicians, integrating with strategic partners. / Sally Storey
Recruit a Director of Education to lead and develop an integrated education directorate. /
- Complete joint spec and commence search
- Appoint and induct director
Complete and gain approval for an education business plan that describes how education will develop and grow. /
- Complete implementation of e-commerce capability
- Develop education business plan
- Implement business plan
- Review plan
Agree the education requirements for Project Oriel. /
- Review all aspects of joint requirements
- Align requirements with business plan
- Finalise requirements