Day 94:

Objective:SWBAT determine polar points on a polar graph

SWBAT change polar form to rectangular form and vice versa with and without the calculator

Materials:Prepared worksheet, textbook, calculator

Methods:Guided discovery, guided practice, class discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pgs 800-803 examples 1-4

Assignment:Textbook pg 805 #s 1-9 odds, 15-23 odds, 25-32 all, worksheet

Day 95:

Objective:SWBAT convert polar equations to rectangular equations and vice versa

Materials:Prepared worksheet, textbook

Methods:Guided discovery, guided practice, class discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pg 805 example 5

Assignment:pg 806 #s 41-61 odds, complete worksheet

Day 96:

Objective:SWBAT graph polar equations

Materials:Teacher prepared lab, calculator,groups of 4 or 5

Methods:Guided discovery, discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Work on lab

Assignment:Work on lab, Work on TAKE-HOME QUIZ

Day 97:

Objective:SWBAT graph polar equations

Materials:Teacher prepared lab, calculator, groups of 4 or 5

Methods:Guided discovery, discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Work on lab

Assignment:Work on lab, Work on TAKE-HOME QUIZ

Day 98:

Objective:SWBAT graph polar equations, discuss symmetry

Methods:Guided discovery, discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pg. 807-813 examples 2-6

Assignment:Textbook pg. 814-815 #s 1-57 odd

Day 99:

Objective:SWBAT graph polar equations, discuss symmetry

Methods:Guided discovery, discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pg. 807-813 examples 2-6

Assignment:Textbook pg. 814-815 #s 2-58 even

Day 100:

Objective:SWBAT graph polar equations

Materials:Teacher prepared lab, calculator, groups of 4 or 5

Methods:Guided discovery, discussion, Q & A

Assignment:Textbook pg. 814-815 #s 2-58 even continued

Day 101:

Objective:SWBAT convert trig form to complex form and vice versa


Methods:Guided discovery, guided practice, class discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pgs 501-503 examples 1-3

Assignment:Textbook pg 509 #s 7-25 all, 31-38 all

Day 102:

Objective:SWBAT apply DeMoivre’s Theorem to find the product, quotient, and powers of complex numbers


Methods:Guided discovery, guided practice, class discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pgs 503-505 examples 4-6

Assignment:Textbook pg 510 #s 47-58 all, 59-61 all, 71-81 odds

Day 103:

Objective:SWBAT apply DeMoivre’s Theorem to find the roots of complex numbers

Methods:Guided discovery, guided practice, class discussion, Q & A

Classwork:Textbook pgs 507-508 examples 7-8 by factoring and DeMoivre’s Theorem

Assignment:Textbook pg 510 #s 87, 89, 91-109 odds

Day 104:

Objective:SWBAT review for test on polar equations

Methods:Guided discussion, boardwork, pairs

Classwork:Textbook sections 6.5, 10.6, 10.7

pgs 516 #s 71-94, pg 826 #s 47-66-suggested study

Assignment:Study for test

Day 105:

Objective:SWBAT convert polar to rectangular points and equations and vice versa, convert trig to complex equations and vice versa, apply DeMoivres Theorem

Materials:Prepared test

Methods:Written Assessment/Calculator Section


Day 106:

Objective:SWBAT convert polar to rectangular points and equations and vice versa, convert trig to complex equations and vice versa, apply DeMoivres Theorem

Materials:Prepared test

Methods:Written Assessment/Non-Calculator Section
