Objective –I can identify beneficial bacteria and what they do to help us.

Bacteria Reporter

How much do you know about bacteria? They play a role in our world. You will have the opportunity to research and report on a microorganism.

Your assignment is to write an article about bacteria. Your article must contain at least five paragraphs.

In your report you will need to include the following information: food, water, air, waste disposal, temperature of environment, and reproduction. Design this report to share with your friends. You might do a poster, oral report, presentation, or other format.

Bacteria Information Sheet

  • Livingcell
  • Actsasdecomposerintheenvironment
  • Most abundant life form on Earth – it is estimated there are 5 nonillion (5 followed by 30 zeroes) on Earth.
  • Multiply quickly.
  • Outnumber human cells 10:1 on the human body.
  • Bacterial cells have three basic shapes:
  • Cocci (round)
  • Spirillia (spiral)
  • Bacilli (rod)

Benefitsof Bacteria

  • Usefulinthe digestion of food.
  • Usedintheproductionofsomemedicines
  • Helptodecomposedeadmaterialintheenvironment
  • Usedtomakecheeseandyogurt

Harmful Effects of Bacteria

  • Canbetransmittedeasily fromoneorganismtoanotherbysickindividualsorbycarriers
  • Canharmorkillotherlivingorganisms;bacterialinfectionskillover five millionpeopleayear – about 10%oftheworld’spopulation
  • Mutationscancreate“superbacteria,”whichareresistanttoantibiotics

Diseases caused by Bacteria

Anthrax / Botulism / Cholera / Dental Cavities / Diphtheria
Dysentery / Ear Infections / Gangrene / Leprosy / Lyme Disease
Pneumonia / Rheumatic Fever / Spinal Meningitis / Staph Infections / Tetanus
Tuberculosis / Whooping Cough
  • Bacteria are alive! They are the simplest form of life known, being made up ofonly one cell.
  • They occur everywhere - bread, yogurt, dirt, and inside of humans!
  • Bacteria that enter human bodies that don't belong there can make people sick.
  • There are medications that can kill bacteria, which are called antibiotics.
  • The best way to protect against getting sick with bacteria is washing hands,especially after using the restroom.
  • Bacteria live in food.
  • Properly cooking food is a great way to kill off any bacteria that can live in it.
  • Eating food that isn't cooked well enough can make people really sick.
  • A good way to prevent spreading bacteria to others is to cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.
  • Supplements like zinc and vitamin C support the immune system and can helpfight infection.
