School of Management

RK University

BIZVISTA ’18: The Annual Management Fest of RKU

Web Craft (Aavishkar)

“Innovation starts with Web Designing”
Event Description:
Web Craft is an event in which participant will has to show case their web designing and development skills using various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
Participants will be provided with various requirements and tasks depending on which each participant will have to develop web pages.
Round 1: Web Designing
In this round, output screen along with various tasks will be provided and participants will have to design static webpagesusing HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills in 60 minutes.
Top 20% participants who has completed maximum number of tasks will be eligible to appear in next round.
Round 2: Web Development
Further, in next round, participants willhave to update the same webpages depending on various tasks assigned to them. Each task will be based on PHP and OOP Concepts which need to be completed in 60 minutes.
Winners will be declared based on the maximum taskscompleted with preciseness.
Rules for Round 1 & 2:
  • Individual Participation.
  • Organizers will provide the details/structure of the webpages.
  • Use of Internet access will be prohibited.
  • Only correct / desired output will be considered for evaluation.
  • The decision of judge will stand unchallenged.

Number of Prizes to be given:
  • If any of the participants leave the event premises, then they are liable to be disqualified.
  • Participants can be disqualified, if found using any unfair means during the event.
  • Participants cannot bring any notebook or writing pad to the event venue.
  • The decision of judge will stand unchallenged.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Hardik Mehta - 9427157507

Student Coordinator: ChotaliyaBhavik- 9978435284

Data Discovery

“Search Fast”
Event Description:
Data Discovery is basically database oriented event where participants will have to show case their logical and SQL querying skills.
The participants will have to analyze user’s requirement to discover data from the underlying database using their technical and time management skills.
Round 1: SQL Crux
Database will be provided to the participants in computer laboratory where participants have to discover/fetch the data based on the given set of queries using Oracle SQL Developer Tool in 60 minutes.
Top 20% participants who have solved maximum number of queries in minimum time will be eligible to appear in next round.
Round 2: SQL Maestro
Further, in next round, participants will have to analyze user’s need and use their advance querying skills (Advance SQL & PL/SQL) in order to manipulate or discover the data in 45 minutes.
Winners will be declared based on the maximum number of queries solved in minimum amount of time.
Rules for Round 1 & 2:
  • Individual Participation.
  • Use of Internet access will be prohibited.
  • Only correct / desired output will be considered for evaluation.
  • The decision of judge will stand unchallenged.
  • Round 1 will comprise of simple SQL queries while Round 2 will include of advance SQL and PL/SQL concepts.

Number of Prizes to be given:
Pre-Event Instruction:
  • If any of the participant leaves the event premises, then they are liable to be disqualified.
  • Participants can be disqualified, if found using any unfair means during the event.
  • Participants cannot bring any notebook or writing pad to the event venue.
  • The decision of judge will stand unchallenged.
  • For Queries you will be a provided with a system having the SQL service pre-loaded with the schema.

Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Sweta Patel - 9724710540
Student Coordinator: ChotaliyaBhavik - 9978435284