OAT121 KeyboardingClass Schedule

Spring 2013

1/14 / Pre-test –Complete Timing 59.1 (Warm-up)
Timing 59.2 (3 minute timing)
This is the very first item in the Keyboarding Online Lab. / Attempt both pretest timings at least three times. What is your entry wam?
Due by: 1/17
Watch video explaining the keyboarding program.
Always available to learn the keyboard or practice accuracy and speed / Session 1 – Home Row, Space Bar, Enter
Session 2 – Right Shift, H, E
Session 3 – Period, T, Comma, Caps Lock
Session 4 – N, Left Shift, Colon
Session 5 – I, G, Tab Defaults, Word Wrap
Session 6 – Review—Sessions 1-5
Session 7 – P, R, Question Mark
Session 8 – M, O
Session 9 – U, B, W
Session 10 – Review—Sessions 1-9
Session 11 – V,Z, C
Session 12 –Y, X, Q
Session 13 – Skills Reinforcement: Sessions 1-12
Session 18 – Hyphen, Underline
Session 19 – Apostrophe, Quotation Mark
Session 20 – Exclamation Point, Pound Sign, Dollar Sign, Ampersand
Session 21 – Percent Sign, Asterisk, Parentheses, Brackets
Session 22 – At, Equals, and Plus Signs
Session 23 – Circumflex Accent, Less Than, Greater Than, Diagonal, Backslash
Session 28–Composing Words at the Keyboard
Session 29–Composing Phrases and Sentences at the Keyboard
Session 31 – Skillbuilding: Letters A-I
Session 32– Skillbuilding: Letters J-R
Session 33 – Skillbuilding: Letters S-Z
Session 30–Composing Sentences and Paragraphs at the Keyboard / Optional: Complete if you cannot key without looking at the keyboard. If you can touch type and key at a minimum of 35 wam for 3 minutes with 3 or less errors, then move on to Session 34.
Unit 7 Sessions 34-37 Click on this link to see detailed information for each session in PDF format.
1/21-28 / Session 34 – Using Basic Word Processing and Proofreading
Session 35 – Preparing Email Messages / Due 02/05
2/4 / Session 36 – Preparing Memos
Session 37 – Production Progress Check: Email and Memos / Due 02/12
Unit 8 Sessions 38-44
2/11 / Session 38 –Preparing Personal Business Letters
Session 39 – Inserting Bullets in Business Letters / Due 02/19
2/18 / Session 40 – Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text in Letters
Session 41 – Using Find and Replace in Letters / Due 02/26
2/25 / Session 42 – Preparing Two-Page Business Letters
Session 43 – Preparing Envelopes / Due 03/05
3/4 / Session 44 – Production Progress Check: Business Correspondence / Due 03/12
Unit 9 Sessions 45-48
3/11 / Session 45 – Creating Tables
Session 46 – Modifying the Layout of Tables
Session 47 – Formatting the Design of Tables / Due 03/19
3/18 / Session 48 –Production Progress Check: Tables / Due 03/26
Unit 10 Sessions 49-54
3/25 / Session 49 – Creating Memo Business Reports & Fax Cover Sheets
Session 50 – Formatting Memo Business Reports / Due 04/09
Spring Break 03/29/2013 – 04/07/2013
4/8 / Session 51 – Producing Formal Business Reports
Session 52 – Enhancing Formal Business Reports / Due 04/17
4/15 / Session 54 –Production Progress Check: Business Reports / Due 04/23
4/22 / Session 55 –Developing Outlines, Title Pages, and Unbound Manuscripts / Due 04/30
4/29 / Session 60 – Document Preparation Productivity Check / Due 05/07
5/6 / Last Week of Class

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