OASIS OSLC PROMCODE TC Meeting Note - Nov, 24

Attendees [A: Absence]

- Mikio Aoyama (Nanzan University) TC Chair

A Arthur Ryman (Nanzan University) Member

- Kazuo Yabuta (Fujitsu Limited) Member

A Hiroyuki Yoshida (Fujitsu Limited) Member

A Takatoshi Sugimoto (Fujitsu Limited) Member

- Tom Kamimura (IBM) Member

A Robert LaRochelle (IBM) Member

- Masaki Wakao (IBM) Member

A Yoshio Horiuchi (IBM) Member

A Kazuhiro Funakoshi (NEC Corporation) Member

A Shigeru Hosono (NEC Corporation) Member

A Nobuhiko Kishinoue (NEC Corporation) Member

- Shigeaki Matsumoto (NEC Corporation) Member

A Lonnie VanZandt (Sodius SAS) Member

1.  Specification Review

-  Kamimura: We should start tracking issues by Jira once we have a draft version.

-  Kamimura: We also should interlock with OSLC SC and Chet

-  Kamimura: All members should review the draft version.

-  Kamimura: We should declare the draft version.

-  Kamimura: We need Arthur to review.

-  Yabuta: Should record the activities at the official place, maybe Jira.

2.  Spec Review

-  Aoyama: Need update Terminologies and References

-  Yabuta: We must include own term in this document and should include term in referred document like OSLC Core.

3.  Terminologies

-  We should change terminologies:

l  PROMCODE Service Provider -> PROMCODE Server

l  PROMCODE Service Consumer -> PROMCODE Client

l  PROMCODE Client in chapter 7 -> PROMCODE Client for Spreadsheet

l  Management tool -> Project Management tool (PM tool)

4.  Issues for spec

-  Yabuta: There is no property to specify the order of child resources.

-  Kamimura: Plan may have sub plans. Agile planning should have release plan and iteration plan which links to each other.

-  Aoyama: PROMCODE is a spec for exchanging items between organizations based on a contract. In that case, a plan will be exchanged. The structure of plan should be in the organization.

-  Yabuta: Maybe we should have work group for Agile.

-  Kamimura: StartTime and EndTime shouldn’t be Date type.

-  Aoyama: Need to check with actual use cases.

-  Wakao will ask members.

-  Kamimura: WorkItem has requiredBy property to both ScopeItem and Artifact. That might be confusable.

-  Kamimura: Should declare Normative and non-normative in every chapter explicitly.

Next Meeting: December 8 (Tue), 7 pm EST. December 9 (Wed), 9 am JST