OASIS CAP Profiles Sub Committee Meeting Notes
05 October 2011
Sukumar Dwarkanath
Gregory Trott
Tom Ferrentino
Werner Joerg
Camille Osterloh
Gary Timm
18 May 2011 Meeting Minutes
Greg moved and Gary T. seconded to approve the minutes as written. Minutes approved by unanimous vote.
Action Items from 18 May Meeting
- Elysa will put the “Rule Set” topics for discussion on the email list for further input by the SC. [In Section 1.0 of the CAP-AU profile, a new term “Rule Set” was introduced. It was decided this definition should be further discussed on the email list as there were differing opinions in the meeting.]
- Sukumar will look at the SC Charter and recommend changes at the next SC meeting. [Draft charter was posted prior to meeting, discussed in this meeting, and is to be discussed in EM-TC meeting.]
CAP Profiles SC Charter: Committee reviewed the draft Charter that had been posted on Kavi.
Greg suggested adding word “as” in last sentence, to read, “…as CAP Profiles based on the CAP Standard.” The committee agreed. Charter is to be re-posted with this change.
Rex was not on the call, but had posted some comments on the Charter regarding the RIM SC’s role in establishing rules for all Profiles and expansion of the CAP Profiles SC to include all Profiles of any spec. Werner agreed this should be discussed. It was decided this should be discussed in the EM-TC call.
ACTION ITEM: Rex and Werner’s topics regarding the CAP Profiles SC Charter to be brought up on the October 11 EM-TC call.
Greg Trott Progress Report since last meeting:
Parts 1 and 2 of CAP-AU finished; looking to establish timeline in Roadmap 7.0 to finish Part 3.
Australia has extended the project timeline to June 2012.
Articles on CAP-AU effort posted on AWAREFORUM.org blog.
The three documents for use in today’s meeting were posted to Kavi.
Discussion of Timeline:
EM-TC approval of CSD (Step 6) is targeted for 6 weeks, to be done by late November. Sukumar and Camille agree this is achievable.
There were questions on lead time needed by OASIS for its tasks.
Process for TC items is that they just go on the TC agenda, but OASIS actions are currently experiencing a big backlog of at least 4 weeks. Werner reminds that for votes in EM-TC, items must be posted a week ahead.
ACTION ITEM: Sukumar to contact OASIS to assess the lead times needed.
ACTION ITEM: Werner is talking to Chet on Friday. Werner will send call info to Sukumar so he can dial in as well, if available.
Greg and Chet’s discussion on the Public Review Period has been resolved via email.
We decided the Public Review Draft is to be completed in the EM-TC by mid-December.
Document Details:
Greg needs the draft CAP-AU profile reviewed. He wants verification on the Geocode method used, and other items such as Conditional and Optional designations in Section 2 and 3. We decided to review the document a block at a time, starting with the Alert Block, Section 1.1, pages 4-12, to then be discussed at the next Profiles SC meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Greg to post a message to the email group asking for review of Alert Block for discussion at next SC meeting.
Camille asks if there will be a Schema? Greg said yes there will be an XSD which will be vetted by four organizations, but that won’t occur until Steps 13 and 14.
Camille pointed out earlier in the meeting that the Profile needs to go into the OASIS template. Greg stressed that the current copyright paragraph must be retained as-is in this process, as it is approved by OASIS and Australian government.
ACTION ITEM: Sukumar to work with Elysa to get the CAP-AU Profile into the OASIS template, retaining the OASIS-approved/Australia-approved copyright paragraph now in the draft.
Due to conflict with another user on the FEMA line last week, we used an alternate number for today’s call. Gary checked our FEMA line several times during today’s call and it was clear, so we plan to resume using the FEMA line next week (PIN: 461903).
ACTION ITEM: Sukumar to update appointment in Kavi to use FEMA PIN for future meetings.
5:02PM – Gary moved and Greg seconded to adjourn; all in favor.
These notes approved as written at 10/12/11 meeting.