OASIS Adoption Events and Demos Subcommittee

July 10, 2009 11 AM EDT


Jane Harnad

Werner Joerg

Rex Brooks

Dean Reese

Patrick Gannon

Tom Ferrentino taking notes

1.  JH: Looking for additional facilities to maybe replace the NIST facility. Looking at the National Science Museum and may find out by this afternoon.

  1. JH: NIST is off Metro line, runs every ten minutes during rush hour. Internet access along with Wi-Fi. Secured two hotels in the area.

2.  RB: Are we going to offer transportation to high-level policy members?

  1. JH: It is something we are looking into on a case-by-case basis. There is a lot of room for parking and it is absolutely free.

3.  WJ: Are there rooms for breakout sessions?

  1. JH: There is room for a demonstration area. Breakout sessions are on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Room can handle up to 30 vendors.

4.  JH: Make sure everyone reviewed the description that was sent out for public release. Urge everyone to view it and this first announcement is going to be very critical.

  1. Are we attracting the right people such as vendors, policy folks, stakeholders, etc…
  2. PG: Try and reach policy advisors and inform them of the value of what we are trying to accomplish at OASIS. They do not realize the value of standards and data interoperability and what benefit that brings to people in the field.
  3. RB: Who can we reach that can help us reach higher-level officials.

5.  JH: Start thinking about Keynote speakers. Does anyone have any specific suggestions?

  1. PG: Craig Fugate
  2. RB: Secretary of DHS
  3. RB: Major IT vendor, such as IBM, Microsoft, etc…
  4. PG: Head of S&T and FEMA, administrative directors of the two agencies.
  5. Identify what agencies we want to identify
  6. PG: Start an email chain that would help to identify keynotes.

6.  Presenters

  1. Start an email chain, specific topics, and who is an expert in a particular area.
  2. PG: We should identify a topic then look into a presenter that may be an expert in that area.
  3. JH: Send around a topic list and the committee can return with their thoughts.
  4. RB: Perspectives and viewpoints of the EOC, Incident command, cross borders and boundaries. Also, the viewpoints of the vendors and public safety agencies.
  5. JH: Caution – Don’t want to make the program so diverse so interest is lost.

7.  JH – Action Items

  1. Sending around a venue update
  2. Latest version of announcement for review
  3. Trust committee members to send around to others for test review
  4. Send out a list of topic areas for review
  5. Start a dialogue on keynote presenters.

8.  JH: make sure comments are forwarded as soon as possible.

9.  PG: Other stage more for the events and demos and subcommittee

  1. Actual interoperability demos and the content, scenario, groups and external organizations, realistic sample data, message flow and transaction, user driven scenarios.
  2. Vendors coming together and wanting to agree. Highlight their product. Have a process that the subcommittee try to identify the use cases most importantly.
  3. RB: This is something we need to do ASAP.
  4. RB: Vendor Contact and add this to the agenda to the meeting
  5. DR: Are there any scenarios in an OASIS archive?
  6. DR: Would not like to reinvent the wheel. Standard scenarios may make it easier. Can drive the vendor contact part.

10.  Adjournment 11:57 EDT Motioned by Rex Brooks and seconded by Dean Reese.