April 25, 2008 Way Library, Perrysburg

There were 25 members present plus a repesentive from Shawnee Trace.

Officers present were: Paul DeWitt, Greg Sparks, Shirley Coddington & Greg Smith

Treasurer Greg Sparks reported that we had 45 paid members to date with a balance of $1,866.97 in our account. Taxes and insurance for 2008 have been paid.

President Paul DeWitt reviewed our 2007 accomplishments:

  1. Street signs – Greg Sparks & family cut and stained the new posts, Greg Sattler donated the stain. Greg Smith and Greg Sparks transported the posts.
  2. Two park signs were installed.
  3. Donated swing set was moved to the park with neighborhood help.
  4. Brush hogging by Jim Calderone to keep Buck Thorn under control

Our 2008 Goals:

  1. Curb marking – to be done with brown numbers on a white background. Present fellow not doing clear numbers, but price is good. Curb painters need to clear with board as well as township. Standard number size and spacing will be determined by the board.
  2. Weed N Feed park grass area. Jim MacDonald said he could do it on a weekend.
  3. Oakmont Signs off Rt. 20 and Eckel Junction. Shirley Coddington explained the location and showed a mock up of signs. She will fill out the applications and meet with the zoning commission on May 20.
  4. Driveway initiative: Paul DeWitt is checking prices for a new driveway. Anyone else interested should notify him. Possibly this would help everyone bring costs down with a group rate. One member mentioned waiting until last fall and he got an excellent price.

Paul appealed for a member to become our webmaster. Dave Weist volunteered.

Election of officers took place.

New officers for 2008: Vice President - Shirley Coddington

Secretary - Mary Martelli – 874-8862

Plat 4 Trustee - Greg Frye

Plat 5 Trustee - Jim Terry

Returning officers: President - Paul DeWitt

Treasurer - Greg Sparks

Plat 3 Trustee – Greg Smith

Plat 6 – Amy/Geof Allan

Open Discussion followed with:

  1. Eric Reiman from Shawnee Trace offered to donate funds for park in exchange for Shawnee Trace residents to be able to use park.
  2. Paul read a letter from the county parks department informing the HOA that our park is too small to become part of their system.
  3. A parent from 26671 Brentwood has concerns about cars parked over the sidewalks. This is unsafe for children. Shirley will discuss with township bicycle cop.
  4. The yard waste problem. What to do with the weeds and clippings between township’s pick ups in spring and fall? Waste people charge $150/season. Could three neighbors chip in? More research is needed.
  5. People are using stump in park meant for children as a waste receptacle. How can we discourage?
  6. Walking paths in the park would be nice.
  7. Ditch discussion. Oak Meadows continues to have water problems. A neighbor a 26723 Sheringham has had water in basement, but no one else in 2008. There was encouragement fro neighbors on ditch to cut trees and brush out. Possibly have a neighborhood clean up party. ULTIMATELY whatever happens to the ditch will be decided by the Wood County Soil and Water District. Letters will be sent and meetings held. TO DATE this project is on hold.

Respectfully submitted,

Shirley Coddington