Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan Examination
Changes to Area Action Plan suggested by OWBC (Version 2)
Publication stage
PageNo. / Policy/ Paragraph/ Figure/ Table / Stage / In response to… / Change / Proposed amendment
Writing in red and italics is suggested wording to amend the AAP /
21 / AAPP4 / Publication / Rep 165/115 / Amendment to AAPP4 / Amend Policy 4 to refer to the need to investigate the ecological value of proposed sites through ecological survey and that opportunities for habitat enhancement or creation should be sought.
25 / Paragraph 3.34 / Publication / Rep LCC1 / Additional text in paragraph 3.34 / Text could usefully be inserted to reflect the beneficial role that sensitive shutter housing can play in a conservation area, as outlined by LCC:
“Paragraph 3.34 considers external shutters but does not refer to the shutter housing and trying to disguise it especially in a conservation area where pilasters, etc. could be used. This issue was considered in the Hinckley AAP and may warrant inclusion.”
27 / AAPP10 / Publication / Rep 167/138 / Addition to be made to Paragraph 3.40 (supporting text to AAPP10 / Reference to be made to the provision of a waiting area for taxis in the supporting text to the Oadby Section of the Area Action Plan.
28 / AAPP11 supporting text / Publication / Matter 5, Issue 5 (5.5.4)
Environment Agency – Rep 038/059 / Inclusion of wording suggested by the Environment Agency regarding sustainable drainage systems into the supporting text of AAPP11 / Public realm improvements present an opportunity to replace existing impermeable hardstanding and surfaces with permeable materials and to incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). A good SuDS scheme will be integrated into the urban design and will provide multiple benefits such as creating an attractive environment; providing habitat for wildlife; being part of the green infrastructure network etc. as well as managing surface water run-off. Drainage features such as permeable surfaces, swales, filter strips, rainwater gardens, soakaways, etc. are encouraged.
28 / AAPP11 / Publication / Rep 165/116 / Amendment to supporting text of AAPP11 / Amend supporting text of Policy 11 to refer to appropriate mitigation measures as recommended in the SA at paragraph 7.4 and Appendix C Policy Appraisal tables.
29 / AAPP12 / Publication / Rep LCC4 / Alterations to AAPP12 / AAPP12 could usefully be strengthened in the opening and closing paragraphs to reflect the following alterations/ clarifications suggested by LCC:
“Policy 12 should be strengthened, perhaps in the opening paragraph, to suggest that proposals must be supported with Transport Statements/Assessments and Travel Plans to demonstrate how safe and sustainable access will be achieved.”
“The final paragraph of this policy may make more sense if it read ‘The Borough Council & Highway Authority will use Section 106 and / or Section 278 agreements as necessary to fund off-site works where new or improved infrastructure is required to address the impacts of development proposals in the Town and District Centres’.”
43 / Paragraph 4.43 / Publication / English Heritage – Rep 047/074 / Addition to paragraph / Any development proposed for the Long Lanes site will need to take account of the historical character of the locale and its situation adjacent to the Wigston Lanes Conservation Area. Proposals for development that do not enhance; or have a detrimental effect on the historical character of the Lanes area will not be encouraged.
51 / Paragraph 4.73 / Publication / Rep 047/075 / Additional bullet point / Enhancement of the areas historical character, due to its location adjacent to Wigston Lanes Conservation Area.
52 / Paragraph 4.81 / Publication / Rep LCC5 / Amendment to paragraph / 4.81 Parking facilities at undercroft level in this area of the town will be in part dedicated to the residential dwellings and will require an appropriate management regime, and in part to visitors to the town centre as part of the wider car parking provision. The precise split between public and private parking should be set out and fully justified as part of any proposal and in accordance with adopted local parking standards for residential development such as the 6Cs design guide. However, it should be borne in mind that as a town centre site, parking provision should take account of guidance contained in paragraph 39 of the National Planning Policy Framework not necessarily be to the maximum standard.
78 / Oadby Masterplan Figs 5.2 and Appendix A / Publication / Reps
022/039 / 022/042
166/131 / 167/133
OTCA2 / Amendment / Amend the Oadby Masterplan to show provision of additional car parking spaces as part of the Brooksby Square site, including a shared use public square.
73 / Paragraph 5.72 / Publication / Reps:
103/097 / Amendment / Amend Paragraph 5.72 to state that replacement trees should be of a maturity appropriate to the new location.
74 / Paragraph 5.79 / Publication / Rep 167/139 / Addition to paragraph 5.79 / Include reference to the junction of The Parade and Sandhurst Street in paragraph 5.79.
86 / Appendix D / Publication / Rep LCC11 / Amendment to bullet point 1 / Bullet point one could usefully be amended to read:
Public transport providers and the Local Highways Authority for example to deliver effective public transport services and junction improvements to mitigate the impacts of new development.
A detailed Development Brief will be prepared for each site. The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document sets out the process for seeking developer contributions.
98 / Appendix F (Glossary) / Publication / 048/077 / Additional entry in glossary / Include sui genesis definition in glossary
98 / Appendix F (Glossary) / Publication / Rep 101/158
Rep 305/162 / Add definition of community facilities / It would be helpful to provide examples of other types of community facilities appropriate in these areas and also include the following definition in the Glossary. For example,
Community Facilities are defined as facilities used by local communities for leisure and social purposes, including community centres and meeting places, community halls, community learning and play groups.
110 / Appendix G / Publication / Rep 163/112 / Include crime rates in monitoring section / In their representation (163/112), Leicestershire Police made the suggestion that the Council should consider referencing changing crime rates as a measure of success of the Plan. In response to this, the Council suggested a change to Town Centres Area Action Plan Appendix G to include a commitment to monitor changing crime rates in the town centres.
Subsequently the Council has liaised with Leicestershire Police to ascertain how this could be monitored. At present, Leicestershire Police monitors crime rates for the Local Policing Unit. They are unable to break the overall crime rate statistics down to a more localised level that Local Policing Unit. The Local Policing Unit is made up of three Beat Levels: Oadby (LW70), Wigston (LW69) and South Wigston (LW68). Unfortunately, the boundary for each Beat Level is the overall settlement rather than the Borough Council’s town centre boundaries. Also, at Beat Level, Leicestershire Police are only able to monitor Anti-Social Behaviour rates.
To monitor Local Policing Unit crime rates bears little relevance to the Town Centre Area Action Plan developments. Anti Social Behaviour on each Beat Level is a little more relevant but then still not focused on the town centre crime rates and the impact that is felt as a result of the development in each centre.
If Leicestershire Police are able to suggest an alternative and more suitable mechanism for such data to be monitored, then the Council would be able to include such in Town Centres Area Action Plan Appendix G and seek to monitor the changing crime rates as a local indicator within the Council’s Annual Monitoring Report.
Submission stage
PageNo. / Policy/ Paragraph/ Figure/ Table / Stage / In response to… / Change / Proposed amendment
Writing in red and italics is suggested wording to amend the AAP /
- / New Policy 1 / Submission / Matter 1, Issue 1.4 (1.4.26) / New policy / Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
When considering development proposals within the Town Centre Boundary and the Area Action Plan Boundary of Wigston and within the Town Centre Boundary and the Area Action Plan Boundary of Oadby the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development.
The Council will always work proactively with applicants jointly to find solutions which mean that development proposals can be approved wherever possible, and to secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions of Oadby and Wigston town centres, areas within the Area Action Plan Boundaries and the wider Borough.
- / New Policy 1 / Submission / Matter 1, Issue 1.4 (1.4.27) / New policy / The supporting text to the new policy 1 should provide a cross reference to the fact that the presumption in favour of sustainable development originates from the National Planning Policy Framework. It should provide further information on how it should be applied and state that it will be a material consideration in relations to the policies in the Town Centres Area Action Plan and the planning decisions that are made by the Council
- / New Policy 1 / Submission / Matter 1, Issue 1.4 (1.4.28) / New policy / If the Inspector considers the above approach not be sufficient to achieve soundness, then paragraphs 2 and 3 (along with its two bullet points) from the model policy should also be included within this new Policy 1, but with the words ‘Local Plan’ replaced with ‘Town Centres Area Action Plan’
21 / AAPP4 / Submission / Matter 5, Issue 6 (5.6.3) / Inclusion of text to AAPP4 / If it is considered necessary to take into account potential impacts on green spaces and biodiversity specifically in relation to Policy 4 of the Town Centres Area Action Plan then the following text could be included:
Where development is likely to have an impact upon existing ecological value an ecological survey will be required. Measures should be identified and implemented to facilitate habitat enhancement and/or creation as part of any development.
Measures should also be taken to increase the amount of natural green space as part of any new development where there is known to be a deficit as set out in the Council’s Annual Open Space Review.
22 / AAPP5 / Submission / Matter 1, Issue 1.4 (1.4.21) / Addition of ‘office floorspace’ / Proposals involving new retail, leisure or office floorspace over 2,000sqm within or adjoining…
28 / AAPP11 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.7 (3.7.3) / Additional wording to policy / Gateway improvements, as illustrated on the Proposals Map Inset maps, are important areas of regeneration that seek to improve access and movement for the pedestrian and motor vehicles (where relevant) and create a sense of arrival into the town centres.
28 / AAPP11 / Submission / Matter 5, Issue 5 (5.5.3) / Insertion of sentence into policy to strengthen link with Public Realm SPD / All public realm redevelopment or improvements are required to follow the principles and policies set out in the Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.
29 / AAPP12 Bullet point 5 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.8 (3.9.2) / Amend AAPP12 bullet point 5 / Improved bus facilities along Leicester Road and access to them
42 / Paragraph 4.39 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.8 (3.8.4) / Reword paragraph 4.39 to clarify AAPP14 / The proposal is for an improved and extended retail and commercial location that will link to and incorporate the extension to The Lanes, and which will become part of the core of the town centre. The area will be framed through high quality spaces and a series of large footprint retail units, incorporating double height space allowing for the introduction of mezzanines…
43 / Paragraph 4.43 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 14 (3.14.2)
English Heritage / Additional sentence into paragraph 4.43 / Any development proposed for the Long Lanes site will need to take account of the historical character of the locale and its situation within/adjacent to the Wigston Lanes Conservation Area. Proposals for development that do not enhance; or have a detrimental effect on the historical character of the Lanes area will not be encouraged.
47 / Paragraph 4.54 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.10 (3.10.3) / Adding sentence to paragraph 4.54 to further strengthen policy 13 / All public realm redevelopment or enhancement occurring within Wigston’s town centre will need to be in conformity with principles and policy set out in the Borough Council’s Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.
49 / Paragraph 4.61 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.10 (3.10.4) / Additional bullet point / All public realm improvements beings consistent with principles and policies contained within the Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.
51 / Paragraph 4.73 / Submission / Matter 3, Issue 3.10 (3.10.4) / Additional bullet point / All public realm improvements beings consistent with principles and policies contained within the Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.