FALL 2017
Instructor: Mr. Monahan
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, .33 credit
Course Offered to: Grades
Academy: All
This seminar course will be an investigation of ancient Greece from the early people of the Aegean to Alexander the Great (~1700BCE- 326BCE). The major focus will be on the growth and glory of Greek city-states. Major themes of study will include geography, government, religion, military, mythology, philosophy, and society. Students in this seminar will develop an understanding of how Greece has influenced history from antiquity to the present day.
Instructor: Mrs. Unger
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, .33 credit
Course Offered to: Any learner who has passed or is currently enrolled in biology
Academy: STEM
Should scientists be allowed to clone humans? What about human tissues? What role does patient consent play in treatment or research? Who should (or should not) be allowed to be involved in research studies? And should we be able to genetically engineer organisms? Humans?
Biological technology is advancing rapidly and understanding the science is important for making real-world decisions. This seminar will focus on the ethics behind that science. We will tackle morality and from where morality stems. Politics, science-fiction and reality will collide in this discussion-based seminar.
Instructor: Mr. Martini
Course Length/ Credits: 26 Days, .33 Credits
Course Offered to: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 woodwind and brass instrumentalists
Academy: Arts and Humanities
Chamber music is often regarded as the best pathway to musical growth and development as aserious musician. Students will work in organized chamber ensembles of level-appropriatemusic. Each chamber ensemble will prepare several pieces of music. Ensembles will performfor each other throughout the semester in master class settings and present a public recital, as a class, at the end of the semester. Concepts of ensemble playing and musicality will be explored through rehearsal and instructor coaching, and honed through at-home individual practice.
Students should sign up for this seminar as an organized wind chamber group: brass quintet,brass quartet, brass trio, woodwind quintet, woodwind quartet, woodwind trio, and saxophonequartet. Please check with Mr. Martini for instrumentation. Students should form their ensemblewith correct instrumentation and with similar level students and check with Mr. Martini forapproval before enrolling.
Instructor: Mr. Martini
Course Length: 26 periods (course meetings)
Course Offered: during Flex – schedule will be determined by ensemble
Offered to: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 woodwind, string, and brass instrumentalists
Academy: Arts & Humanities
Students enrolling in Chamber Ensembles II should have successfully completed ChamberEnsembles I. Students will enroll as a complete ensemble. This course will be a continuation ofthe study of chamber music performance, focusing on collaboration and rehearsal techniques andpreparing literature for recital performance. Each ensemble will design their own rehearsalschedule to meet the course requirements with approval of the instructor. Concepts of ensembleplaying and musicality will be explored through rehearsal and instructor coaching, and honedthrough at-home individual practice.
Instructor: Mr. Martini
Course Length: 26 periods (course meetings)
Course Offered: during Flex – schedule will be determined by ensemble
Offered to: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 woodwind, string, and brass instrumentalists
Academy: Arts & Humanities
Students enrolling in Chamber Ensembles III should have successfully completed ChamberEnsembles I & II. Students will enroll as a complete ensemble. This course will be acontinuation of the study of chamber music performance, focusing on collaboration and rehearsaltechniques and preparing literature for recital performance. Each ensemble will design their ownrehearsal schedule to meet the course requirements with approval of the instructor. Concepts ofensemble playing and musicality will be explored through rehearsal and instructor coaching, andhoned through at-home individual practice.
Instructor: Mr. Martini
Course Length: 26 periods (course meetings)
Course Offered: during Flex – schedule will be determined by ensemble
Offered to: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 woodwind, string, percussion and brass instrumentalists
Academy: Arts & Humanities
Students enrolling in Chamber Ensembles IV should have successfully completed ChamberEnsembles I, II & III. Students will enroll as a complete ensemble. This course will be acontinuation of the study of chamber music performance, focusing on collaboration and rehearsaltechniques and preparing literature for recital performance. Each ensemble will design their ownrehearsal schedule to meet the course requirements with approval of the instructor. Concepts ofensemble playing and musicality will be explored through rehearsal and instructor coaching, and
honed through at-home individual practice.
INFANTS/TODDLERS: Growth and Development
Instructor: Miss Fisher
Course Length/Credit: 26 Days, .33 Credit
Offered to: Any student interested in learning about infants and toddlers
Academy: Health Sciences and Human Services
In this seminar, you will learn about the development and care of infants and toddlers. There is an emphasis on the developmental processes and environmental factors that can affect a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth from birth to 3 years of age. We will examine ways to provide a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment that fosters the optimum growth and development of infants and toddlers.
Instructor: Mr. Kedney
Course Length/ Credit: 26 Days/ .33 Credit
Course Offered to: 10, 11, 12
Academy: STEM
If you’ve ever been on a long flight you’ve probably wondered why the airplane doesn’t fly fromone city to the other in a straight line. You may have noticed that the airplane usually takes apath up over Canada, Greenland, or even Alaska. The geometry we learn about in class isconfined to a flat surface. We don’t live on a flat surface, though—we live on a sphere! Many ofthe basic rules of geometry change when that flat surface begins to curve. Through hands onactivities we will discover spherical geometry—the geometry of our planet and solar system.Spherical geometry is used by engineers, physicists, astronomers, and pilots. End of courseassessment: students will create and present a synopsis of the similarities and differencesbetween the axioms of planar and spherical geometry.
Instructor: Mrs. Crump
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, .33 credit
Course Offered to: Grades 11 and 12
Academy: Health and Human Services
This seminar would teach students the basics of baking and pastry arts and allow them to look into their baking interests further. Students will review the basics of quick breads and cakes before exploring their own specific interests. The course will consist of both online learning and hands on lab experiences.
Instructors: Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Kelly
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, .33 credit
Course Offered to: Grades 10, 11, 12
Academy: Health and Human Services
Students will be taught how to effectively problem solve and assess situations that arise during the 2017-2018 MiniTHON fundraising season. Students will learn crucial leadership skills through mini lessons that are teacher and advisor led. In addition, students will learn how to effectively manage time and tasks while still being motivated to raise awareness and funds for the 2018 Central York MiniTHON. It is the seminars’ goal to help foster a generous and motivated student while also teaching responsibility, leadership and professionalism in the community. Mini lessons include:
-How to contact a business, how to successfully market an event, the planning part of an event, how to followup after an event, etc)
-What it means to be a Non-profit, the background and qualifications needed to be one, what is means if you give to a non-profit
-Guest lessons from Four Diamonds staff member and other teachers who want to explain a specific topic
-Discussion posts each week between meetings housed in the Schoology course
Instructor: Mr. Musselman
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, 0.33 credit
Course Offered to: Any student interested in the application of science and technology
Academy: STEM
Watch out for flying pumpkins. Students will apply concepts of physical science and technology to design, build, test and refine a pumpkin throwing device. Take this problem based class if you are interested in participating in the 5thannual Punkin’ Chunkin’ championships held at West York School district. Culminating Project: A punkin’ chunkin’ device.
Instructors: Mrs. Menges & Ms. Jackson
Course Length/Credit: 26 days, .33 credit
Course Offered to: Grades 11, 12
Academy: ALL
What does SAT mean? Is there a penalty for guessing? What is a grid-in? The SAT PrepSeminar can answer these questions and more. The seminar is designed for students planning totake the SAT, who would like to optimize or increase their scores on the assessment. Mini-lessonsin Math and Reading focus on essential test-taking strategies, time management, andessay writing. Practice tests are included in the seminar, along with discussion on 'SATappropriate'answers.