POST TITLE: / Community Development OfficerPOST NO: / TBC
SECTION: / Community
GRADE: / Band 6 Scale Points 26-29
DEPARTMENT: / Community
RESPONSIBLE TO: / Community Safety and Tenancy Manager
- To promote community liaison with particular reference to young people, isolated people and those residents who experience barriers in relation to culture, faith, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, income, health and to work with the HR & Equalities Officer.
- To take an active and integral role in the consultation process to identify and promote community liaison, cohesion and promotion at all levels, to ensure compliance with anti-discriminatory practices.
- To administer and clerk meetings of all residents’ forums, Youth groups, community forums and to assist the Electoral & Democratic Services Officer with the cycle of committee meetings, minute taking and operate the Mod.Gov software.
- To be responsible for the production, marketing and delivery of forum newsletters, literature, invitations and to assist in the promotion of cultural and community eventsand activities in liaison with the HR & Equalities Officer.
- Promote and maintain a culture which places customers first and aims to deliver a high standard of service.
- Promote community liaison through the development of sustainable culturally specific activities that meet the different needs of the community.
- In liaison with the Community Safety TenancyManager contribute towards the setting of Service Development Plans, appropriate budgets and influence Policy that will have a positive impact upon the quality of life of all residents in the Borough.
- Through the delivery of agreed targets set out in an annual Service Development Plan, work in partnership with other Officers to support a co-ordinated programme of action that addresses the needs of residents with particular reference to young people, isolated people and those residents who experience barriers in relation to culture, faith, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, income, health to identify, celebrate and promote opportunities through schemes such as the young citizen of the year award, youth edition of the letterbox, family learning event, centre stage and arts development.
- Work in partnership with Volunteer Groups and key stakeholders in order to facilitate community and council action, provide advice on funding and other social issues in order to promote a community focussed facility.
- Liaise with and assist other strategic Officers and organisations to identify how their work can pro-actively impact on social inclusion, reduce inequalities and encourage community development.
- Identify relevant funding opportunities in order to further progress activities that meet community needs.
- To deliver a connected complementary programme of activities, maximising opportunities for joint working and minimising duplication of effort and resources for delivering across the partnership.
- To provide cover as and when required, which will involve out of hours work.
- To carry out any additional duties (as and when required) outside of the role of Community Development Officerto assist the Council in the operation of its business.
- The postholder will be required to ensure that any data systems under his/her control are kept secure and properly managed.
- The post is situated within the Main Council Offices at Station Road, Wigston. However you may be required to work from other sites and places within the Borough where your professional attendance is required.
- The post holder may be required on occasion to work outside normal working hours to attend meetings or other occasions when your professional attendance is required. This will be reimbursed as time off in lieu at the appropriate rate.
- This post is designated a casual user car allowance.
- This post is full time, 37 hours per week.
- The post holder will be subject to clearance from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
- This job description outlines the main duties of the post but does not exclude other duties, which may be undertaken to ensure the efficient operation of the department. Other duties required will be consistentwiththose listed above and appropriate to the title and grade of the post.
- Ensure equality of opportunity for allpeople, in service provision and in employment, and to work in a non discriminatory manner in accordance with the Council’s Equal Opportunities Statement.
- Comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, the Computer Misuse Act 1990, Human Rights Act, Freedom of Information Act 2000 and theEquality Act 2010, or any amendment or any statutory re-enactment thereof at all times.
- To take all necessary steps in order to ensure that information acquired through their employment orcontained within the Council is kept confidential.
- This job description is a record as at the date below. Any changes to the job description will be carried outin consultation with the post holder, who will be expected to participate fully in such discussions. It is the Council’s aim to reach a mutual agreement to reasonable changes but if this is not possible the Council reserves the right to implement reasonable changes to the job description after consultation with the post holder.
- Carry out all duties outlined above in accordance with all Council Policies and Procedures.
Date: May 2013