FFY2010Exhibit Q
The duties and obligation enumerated in this agreement shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures and requirements established in the following Ohio EPA and U.S. EPA manuals, guidelines, policies and documents and in subsequent revisions and additions thereof which may from time to time be adopted in accordance with this agreement:
A.STARS2 online help and Ohio EPA Answer Place topics, as directed by Ohio EPA;
B.40 CFR Parts 31, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 70, 75 (including all appendices);
C.Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume I: A Field Guide to Environmental Quality Assurance, EPA/600/R-94/038a, April, 1994;
Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume II: Part I, Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Quality System Development, EPA-454/R-98-004, August, 1998;
- Technical Guidance on the Review and Use of Excess Emission Reports EPA-340/1-84-015;
Available through:
- U.S. EPA Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, July 1, 2002;
F.DAPC Engineering Guide Notebook, which is an ongoing compilation of numbered technical guidelines;
G.DAPC Reasonably Available Control Measures for Fugitive Dust Sources, September, 1980 and Supplement No. 1, August, 1983;
H.National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, July 15, 1994;NESHAPs are found in 40 CFR Part 61 and 40 CFR Part 63
I.The Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, (AP-42), including all Supplements - these documents can be accessed using the Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) Data System web site:
J.Enforcement Procedures for the Ohio EPA Division of Air Pollution Control, March, 2001;
K.Ohio EPA DAPC Permitting Manual, March 20, 2002;
L.Ohio EPA Asbestos Demolition & Renovation Inspection Procedures, March, 1985, interim revision of October, 1987 (remove October 1, 1987 reference);
M.U.S. EPA Guidelines for Asbestos NESHAP Demolition and Renovation Inspection Procedures, EPA 340/1-90-007, November 1990 (Revision);
N.U.S. EPA Asbestos/NESHAP Demolition Decision Tree, June, 1994;
O.Ohio EPA Medical Monitoring Program Policy, January 1, 1992 (draft revisionFeb.11, 2011);
P.Ohio EPA Air Permit Compliance Monitoring System Data Preparation Manual, Rev. Ed. , November 6, 1974;
Q.U.S. EPA Guideline on Air Quality Models, August 12, 1996;
R.Ohio EPA Air Toxics Policy, 1984;
S.Ohio EPA STARS Library, as provided on Ohio EPA web page;
T. Ohio EPA Statewide Anti-Tampering Program Manual, revised November, 2000;
U.Ohio EPA Open Burning Permission and Denials Procedures, August 9, 1993, Revised 1993, Revised July 15, 1997, Revised September 02, 2004, Revised May 30, 2007, Revised March 5, 2008, Revised January 13, 2011, proposed revision September, 2013;
Ohio EPA Answer Place topic ID 116 as a logged in user
V.U.S. EPA Timely and Appropriate Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations, December 22,1998;
W.Ohio EPA Radionuclide NESHAP Program, January 6, 1995;
X.Ohio EPA 1997 Gap Filling guidance;
Y.OMB Circulars A-87, A-102 and A-133;
Z.Ohio EPA Field Safety Training Policy, revised March 11, 2008;
AA.Ohio EPA Respiratory Protection Policy, revised April 28, 2010;
BB.IOC from Bob Hodanbosi to LAA directors dated May 22, 2000, regarding Clarification to Article 1B of Contract;
CC.IOC from Alan Lapp to chiefs and public record contacts dated April 27, 1998, regarding Public Record Copies;
DD.U.S. EPA policy on the Clean Air Act Stationary Source Compliance Monitoring Strategy dated April, 2001;
EE.Ohio EPA Guidance on the Use of Voluntary Supplemental Environmentally Beneficial Projects (SEPs) in Mitigating Civil Penalties in Air Pollution Control Enforcement Actions dated February, 2004; and
FF.Ohio EPA Style Manual, dated April, 2005, produced by the OhioPEAPublicInterestCenter - this document can be accessed via the Internet at:
GG.Executive Order 2007-09S, Imposing Limits on the Use of Public Funds for the Purchase of Food, signed by Governor Ted Strickland on May 3, 2007 - this document can be accessed via the Internet at:
Revised 8/30/07