21st Century Maricopa
Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Name / 21CM A08R2– Mandatory In-Person New Student Orientation / Meeting Rules
• Start on time, end on time
• Stay on track
• Monitor your own participation
• Limit side conversations
• Respect each other’s ideas and work
• One speaker at a time – don’t interrupt
• Be an active listener
• Honor confidentiality
• Disagree and clarify when appropriate
• Be willing to invest the time for inquiry
• Consider the entire system
• Build shared meaning
• Keep an open mind
• Have deliberate patience
Meeting Date / October 27, 2010
Meeting Time / 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Rio Salado Conference Center
Live Meeting Link: Click Here
Audio Conference: 480-517-8900 / 800-729-1197 x8
Conference ID: 1379
Attendees /

Alyssa Moniuszko
Jason Martinez
Jim Simpson
Attendees / Trung Tang
Work Team Name / Mandaotry NSO
Project Website / Click Here
Email This Document To /
Meeting Agenda & Objectives

Recommendation: A08 – Recruitment – Mandatory Orientation (8) R2: Implement a MANDATORY in-person orientation program for ALL first-time, degree, certificate and transfer-seeking students

1.  Action Items

2.  Agenda Items

3.  Next Steps

4.  Next Meeting

5.  Summary

Meeting Notes

·  Asked Jason & Jim to give overview with 21CM across district to help get started with recommendation #2

o  Look at progress from other teams

o  21st Century charge was given to the council & implementation was also considered.

o  Got very involved

§  Went forward with one recommendation, but now working on the in-person section of the recommendation

o  From research on 1st recommendation, this seems like a good idea

o  Dr. Harper Marinick also supports it

o  This may be a good way to bring students on campus

o  Possible concern over funding for this recommendation

o  Most have been doing in-person orientation as part of student success initiative

§  Dollars from district

§  Also,how can they enforce it being mandatory

§  How do we interpret mandatory?

§  What are the consequences?

o  Don’t worry about the funding now

o  More successful students if they have in-person orientation

§  Students don’t to ‘optional’

§  Possibly address expectations to make it mandatory

o  Maria wants us to move to implementation phase

o  Did a lot of work for 1st recommendation.

o  Want the team leads to summarize the end result of research and report

§  Have done 99% of work

§  Just need to create a report stating what steps need to happen next & a high level timeline.

o  Some of the other components

§  Financial Aid and Debt Management workshops

·  Suggest separate process

·  May not be appropriate for NSO to be responsible for this

·  Maybe move that component to Financial Aid Council

o  Don’t need to get into implementation details, but what do we need related to details?

§  Online was the easy piece

§  Lot of different ways to make it mandatory (front-end or back-end of process)

§  This is causing anxiety and uncertainty

§  Implementation plan – dollars to allocate, resources, when to do at each college – those things can wait

§  Can determine how much you want to enforce the ‘mandatory’ NSO

·  May be difficult reaching consensus

·  Tough to decide

·  Can be more than one recommendation

o  X% think one thing & x% think another method

§  Many things are included in IT piece of the report

§  Tracking of the cohort will help

·  Another 21st Century team worked on this (A09-A11-Student Success through ITS)

§  If students don’t get into cohort, after the 45th day, they are dropped from the cohort.

§  It will track what events the students have completed

§  This council should agree with broadest definition of cohort

o  If they are going to change the recommendation at all, they need to get approval from the sponsors

§  Many students don’t know if they are full/part time at the time they register

§  Maybe stay with first time students

o  Writing the recommendation for the broadest recommendation, regardless of current resources

o  Satisfied with the cohort definition – no modification to the recommendation

o  Sub-recommendations:

§  They already have learning outcomes they agreed to speak directly to as part of orientation

·  All outcomes happen during ‘orientation experience’

·  Challenging to mention all of these occur in in-person orientation

·  May be easier to mention that these happen overall, not specifically in the in-person event

o  Need to agree on this prior to moving forward

o  May be too much information to provide students at first

o  CPD class already covers this anyway

o  Also need to agree on length of in-person orientation session

o  Provide information to the students when they need it – ‘pre-college experiences’

§  Mentoring – does this need to be part of the sub-recommendation or can it just be a table with a signup?

·  Can be included in NSO when created/approved

§  Can move Debt Management to Financial Aid

·  Can provide brochures to Financial Aid for debt management, etc.

·  Financial Aid should be addressed at a high level as part of orientation, but should be addressed in detail by Financial Aid

§  Goal Setting

·  Some colleges have built into Advisement process vs. orientation

·  Introduction of concept could be done in online piece (college woud have to have a tool such as iGoal, etc.)

§  College Public Safety

§  Tuition payment plan options

§  Student identifications cards

§  MCCCD student support services

o  Can they say that the NSO Council has already come up with learning outcomes for these?

§  Can move debt management out, but rest should stay

§  Does the team agree that the sub-recommendations should be included/addressed in some part of orientation

§  Agreement on components

·  How do you make it mandatory? What does mandatory mean?

o  Options:

§  Literature says its mandatory, advisors guide them to sign them up & leave it at that? 0

·  Do this now

·  No “teeth”

§  Checklist option – stays on their checklist & advisor can see on their to do list & remind them? 0

§  Orientation is connected to college success class (CPD150 or AAA115) which is part of graduation requirement? 6

§  If don’t do mandatory experiences prior to end of semester, they get blocked/prevented from enrolling in 2nd semester? 4

§  Prevent self-service until NSO completed? 5

§  Prevent self-service in 1st term? 0

§  Prescribed experiences – if don’t comply, get dropped from courses by the 45th day? 0

o  Some colleges don’t think of it as blocking enrollment, they don’t allow students to self-serve in the 1st semester

§  Once they have gone through the experiences in their 1st semester, they can self-serve

§  If had capacity, could probably do this

§  Would be good to force advisement (mandatory) as well

§  Students would be glad to have someone else go through registration for them

§  Maybe change mindset – not a negative consequence, but just they way things work

§  Some students don’t like to self-serve anyway

§  Others self-serve students are very comfortable

§  Send mixed messages: open entry/open exit, but not really open

·  Making mandatory orientation will not necessarily change this view

·  Open = provide access

·  We want to set them up for success

·  Communication Plan should be part of the implementation plan

o  Three recommendations for mandatory definition

·  Dollar/staffing implications? Addressed in the first report for online, not in-person

o  Would help

o  How determine?

§  Look at projected numbers, cohort, and projected numbers per student & extrapolate it

·  District IR could provide cohort total and amount of people taking orientation class

§  Advisement & testing did it this way

§  Each team member to provide amount spent per student on orientation & send to Vivian & Barbara for the academic year.

§  Minimally, include a Grade 10 resource across Maricopa

§  Would be ok to not put a financial figure on it. Just mention that it needs to happen with existing college/district budget/funding – at the VP level

·  Want this completed by Friday

·  No need to meet again

Next Steps

·  Jim & Jason to sum-up the criteria in a report

o  Provide a solid case to make this point

Next Meetings

·  N/A

Official Summary for Public Website

·  The team discussed details of the sub-recommendations that are a part of this recommendation. They also agreed upon a few possible definitions of ‘mandatory’ for the orientation course. Jason and Jim will create a draft of the final report to be reviewed by those in attendance today. The team will review and send comments immediately to Jim & Jason so the final report can be submitted by Friday.

Action Items /
Who / Assignment / Comments / Due Date /
Jim & Jason / Write final report & send to team members at today’s meeting to review/comment / 10/29
Issue Bin Items /
Issue / Comments /
Executive Summary /
·  /
Clarified Recommendation /
·  /
Clarified Sub Recommendation /
·  /
Consolidated Recommendations /
·  /
Three Pillars Area /
·  /
Strategic Directions /
·  /
How does the recommendation align with the 21st Century Guiding Principles? /
·  /
Review and Analysis Methodology Used /
·  /
Review and Analysis Methodology Detail /
·  /
Work Team Findings/Decisions – Issues, Risks and Mitigation /
·  /
Action items for Implementation of Strategy /
·  /
Measurable Outcomes and Measures of Accountability and Success /
·  /
Estimated Cost to Implement /
·  /
Estimated Savings /
·  /
Cost Impact/Budget Needs Description /
·  /
Additional Considerations/Comments /


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