Amendments to Forms PWD 203E Rev.10/89, PWD 203F Rev.10/89 and PWD 203G Rev. 10/89 Document D1

Contract No: ……………………………………………… of 20 ……………….

For the supply and delivery of the under-mentioned Equipment and Plant entered into on the ……………. day of ………….....…... 2004 by the undersigned parties, refers to the Amendments to PWD 203E Rev. 10/89. PWD 203F Rev. 10/89, PWD 203G Rev. 10/89 which is and shall be read and construed as part of the said contract:-

Signature of Contractor
( Name in full )
I.C No: …………………………………
In the capacity of
Duly authorised to sign for and on behalf of
Contractor’s Seal or Chop
Signature of Witness
( Name in full )
I.C No: ………………………………….
Occupation: …………………………….
Address: ……...... ……………..
……………………….....………………. / …………………………………………..
Signature of Officer
( Name in full )
Designation ……………...…………….
for and on behalf of the GOVERNMENT
Signature of Witness
( Name in full )
Designation: ………………………………
Address: ......

Amendments to Forms PWD 203E Rev.10/89,

PWD 203F Rev.10/89 and PWD 203G Rev. 10/89

A.Form PWD 203E Rev.10/89 - Conditions of Contract

  1. On page B-8 delete the sub-clauses 12(a), (b) and (c) and replace with the following:

Customs, Duties, Excises, etc. / Exemption from custom duties and excises, sales tax, import duties and surtax will be obtained by the Superintending Officer for the plantsupplied under this Contract. The Contractor, shall furnish the Superintending Officer with all the necessary particulars of each consignment and render every assistance which may be reasonably expected for the purpose of obtaining this exemption.
Any taxes and duties other that those mentioned above shall be paid by the Contractor and shall be deemed to have been included in the tendered rates.
  1. On page B-10, delete clause 15(a) and replace with the following:

Liquidated Damages / In the event of the Contractor failing to complete the supply, delivery, acceptance testing of the Systems (or any part thereof) by the completion date specified or such extended time as may be agreed upon by the parties, the Contractor shall be liable to pay to the Government 1/30 percent of the total tendered sum as damages for each and every day of delay until the date of completion of any plant (or any part thereof).
  1. On page B-10, delete clause 16 (a) and replace with the following :

The contractor shall before the signing of this contract deposit with the Government a Banker’s Draft or an approved Banker’s/Insurance Guarantee/Licensed Finance Company equal to 21/2% of the Contract Sum from RM 50,000.00 up to RM 500,000.00 and 5% for above RM 500,000.00.

B.Form PWD 203F Rev.10/89 – Form of Tender

Whenever the term Public Works Department appears it shall be replaced by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran.

C.Form PWD 203G Rev.10/89 – Acceptance of Tender

Whenever the term Public Works Department appears it shall be replaced by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran.
