NZARE ECE Special Interest Group Hui

Broadening the impact of our research: Bringing ECE research and advocacy together.

The University of Waikato

19 November 2017

Attention all Post-Graduate Students interested in Research in Early Childhood!

The NZARE Early Childhood Education Special Interest Group (ECE SIG) is holding a one-day hui before the NZARE conference andwe invite you to submit a proposal for our student poster session.

The Student Poster Session will be a chance to share and discuss your research with students and faculty interested in early childhood issues from all over New Zealand. Whether you are just getting started, have collected some of your data or completed your study, we want to hear about your work! For the poster session, you prepare a visual display [no larger than A1 portrait size (600mm x 850mm)] that tells us about your topic, how you will or have studied it, and any findings you have. The session is an informal time to walk around and see what others are doing as well as talk about your work with those who visit your poster. It’s a great chance to share your ideas and learn from others. Students whose posters are accepted must register for the hui. See the ECE SIG webpage for more information about the hui.

Please complete the following form and return to later than August 15th.

Note: If your research is well down the track, you might also like to consider submitting a poster or presentation to the NZARE Conference which is due 1 August. However, please submit proposals that focus on different aspects of your research if you plan to submit to the hui and the NZARE conference.

NZARE ECE Special Interest Group Hui

Broadening the impact of our research: Bringing ECE research and advocacy together.

The University of Waikato

19 November 2017

Student Poster Proposal Submission Form

Presenter Name:
Presenter email & phone:
Supervisor(s) Name:
Level of study:
PGdip, M.Ed, E.Ed, Ph.D, other
Will the supervisors be joining you at the hui?
Title of Poster:
No more than 250 words description of your topic and research including:
  • purpose/aims
  • methodology
  • results if applicable
  • significance/relevanceof project

please provide 3-4 keywords

Send to: no later than 15 August 2017.

Posters should be no larger than A1, Portrait orientation (600x850 mm). Students accepted for the poster session must register for the hui. Details of registration available in July on