Hendre Junior School
Overview of Impact of 2016/17 Pupil Development Grant spend:
Priority Areas / ImpactStaffing: TA to lead Numeracy Catch Up and Number Recovery
Rainbow Readers / Lexia interventions / The attainment gap between eFSM and non-FSM pupils reduced significantly in all 3 core subjects at Level 4+ . In English the gap reduced by 12% to 9%; in Maths there was a 12% reduction to 6%; and in Science the gap narrowed by 5% to 9%
The FSM gap in the CSI reflects this, narrowing to 6%. In all core subjects and the CSI the gap is below 10%
Curriculum Enrichment: Lead Creative Schools Project- HJS Radio / Vastly improved levels of collaboration, cooperation between groups of pupils. Oracy / presentational skills improved, as well as resilience and ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines.
Improved levels of home-school communication
Curric Enrichment: Playsports Lunchtime sessions / Significant improvement in lunchtime behaviour. Reduction in referrals of behaviour incidents at lunchtime. Improved attendance / improved levels of engagement in sporting activities, improved wellbeing
The gap between FSM and non-FSM pupils’ attendance has narrowed by 1.84% on the gap for 2015-16 and is now just 0.66%.
The gap between eFSM and non-FSM unauthorised absences is 0.06%
Curric enrichment / staff training- Lego WeDo 2.0 kits and visits to the Eden Centre / Improvements in staff / pupils’ skills in coding / modelling aspects of ICT curriculum and DCF
School-based training from Lego Education for both Staff and Digital Leaders- led to successful cross-phase Y5 / Y2 Lego club led by Digi Champs
Training: Thrive Licenced Practitioner training / Improved provision for the “5%” of pupils with challenging behaviour. Strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour.
Whole school screened. School is now cluster Thrive lead school.
Cross-phase moderation / transition activities between Y2 and Y3 staff / Greatly improved standards, provision and progression in Year 3 classes evident in pupils’ books and lesson observations – sustained throughout the year
Purchase of class sets of reading books to support the embedding of the Literacy Learning Pathways units and associated training / development / school to school working / Standards in oracy, reading and writing improved. Increased levels of motivation, enjoyment and interaction leading to sense of achievement. Enhanced development of HO reading skills. Improved teaching / differentiation and range of learning experiences evident in pupils’ books across the school.
Standards of pupils’ writing skills have shown significant improvement- at Level 4+, school ranked 1st in family, some 4.7% above the Family average. This is compared with the 2015-16 performance where the school was ranked 10th some 5.7% below the family mean.
Writing is also significantly higher than LA and national averages at both L4+ and L5.
Purchase of ICT equipment:
2 x 65” Prowise Touchscreens;
16 Chromebooks / Start of rolling programme of renewal / upgrading of interactive whiteboards. Greater consistency in teaching / learning with i-pads. Increased levels of collaboration in ICT work through use of Google apps.
EAS intensive Welsh capacity building programme / Greatly improved attitudes to and engagement in Welsh 2nd Language- raised profile across the school- both inside and outside the classroom. Improved standards evident in pupils’ books / lessons. Improved teacher skills and confidence