WA National Youth Week Ambassador 2017 Information for applicants
Are you 18–25 years old and want to take a lead role in the Western Australian celebration of National Youth Week (NYW) in 2017?
The Department of Local Government and Communities is inviting nominations from young people interested in being Western Australia’s Ambassador for National Youth Week in 2017.
National Youth Week 2017 will run from 31 March to 9 April. It is the largest celebration of young people on the Australian youth calendar.
The objectives of National Youth Week are to:
- give young people aged 12–25 years an opportunity to express their ideas and views, raise important youth issues, create opportunities for young people to participate in a range of activities which support their interests and development, and have fun
- give the wider community the opportunity to listen to young people and celebrate the positive contributions they make to the community
- raise community awareness on issues of concern to young people.
Role of theWA National Youth Week Ambassador
The WA ambassador is a volunteer role and the ambassador participates on the Western Australia National Youth Week Planning Committee.This involves:
- chairing the WA National Youth Week Young People’s Planning Committee
- promoting, supporting and helping to develop creative ideas to get more young people involved in National Youth Week in WA
- providing feedback and input on events and strategies for National Youth Week in WA
- being a spokesperson for National Youth Week in WA
- assessing National Youth Week grant applications
- attending events during National Youth Week as required.
As Western Australia’s Ambassador, you should be:
- aged 18–25 years (not turning 26 before 9 April 2017, the end of National Youth Week)
- available for a one year term as WA’s Ambassador
- accessible by phone and email
- able to attend meetings as required
- able to access the Young People’s Planning Committee meetings
- able to actively participate in media interviews and promotional activities during and around National Youth Week.
How to apply
If you would like to apply to become the Ambassador for National Youth Week in Western Australia please visit the Department of Local Government and Communities’ website and complete the application form online or download to post, fax or email with your CV attached by 5pm Friday, 16 September 2016.
Complete the online application form and attach your CV.
Download an application form at and forward with your CV to:
Sue-Ellen Middleton
Department of Local Government and Communities
140 William Street
Fax:(08) 6552 1555
Selection process
The selection process will involve a short face-to-face interview (or telephone/Skype interview for applicants from regional areas), as well as referee and social media checks.
For more information, please contact:
Department of Local Government and Communities
Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000
GPO Box R1250, Perth WA 6844
Telephone: (08) 6551 8700 Fax: (08) 6552 1555
Freecall: 1800 620 511 (Country only)
Email: Website:
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – Tel: 13 14 50
Page 1 of 3 – National Youth Week Ambassador 2017 – Information for Applicants, August 2016