Musicians – Read This- Peace in Ireland
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In April of '98 I had a powerful experience of being used by God as an intercessor. I was playing the piano and singing in tongues, which is a private prayer language given by God, for 8 hours. I was playing in a sanctuary at a university chapel used by Catholics and Protestants. I heard myself sing "shalom' which means peace in Hebrew, many times. I had no idea what God was doing, but I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit on me.
Sometime during this event a man came in and listened, then came over and said to me, "Thank you. I feel like I can go home now." I asked where he was from and he said "Ireland'. The next day, the Boston Globe front page said "Peace in Ireland'. They had just signed the Good Friday Peace Accords. I asked God, did you use me to pray for that, and the Holy Spirit fell on me with power, which meant yes.
Being used by God for this type of work is important work. It requires that a person be sanctified - no drugs. All drugs which affect the mind are an opening for unclean demonic spirits which would contaminate the Holy Spirit.
This includes caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, lsd, pot, etc & psych meds. Psych meds cause mental illness rather than cure it, because of this.
Unrepentant sin is also an opening for demonic spirits.
If there is spiritual contamination, it transmits into whatever you're praying into. That's no good. One must be pure so only the Holy Spirit is invoked and transmitted.
Any time musicians play or sing, whatever is in or around them spiritually gets transmitted to their listeners or the target of their prayers. This is true for all people praying as well, or even talking. Spirits jump around thru contact, both physical and verbal.
God needs musicians or praying people to do this kind of work. It is sacred and a blessing to be used this way. When we pray this way we are prophesying things into existence by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Anyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit can pray and sing in tongues.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a sign that we are born again.
Jesus said “Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God”. John 3:3
Jesus also said “Except a man be born of the water and born of the spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:5
To be born again a person needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Be Saved & Born Again
To be saved we need to repent of our sins, accept Jesus as savior and Be baptized in Jesus’ name. When we are baptized our sins are washed away. We feel light, joyful.
To be Born Again we need to ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit. That is the new birth. It changes us from within.
“Be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins & ye will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”. Acts 2:38
“They were filled with the Holy Spirit & spoke with other tongues” Acts 2:4
Restoration Songs a prayer
I sing in tongues. You can feel Gods peace
This is a prayer for restoration for Jews, Christians, Musicians, mental patients, NYC, the whole world!
Has the chorus
Let your people be restored; fill us with your spirit, Lord
If you sing along you will receive the Holy Spirit.
This is what being Born Again means.
Jesus said
Except ye be born again, ye will not see the kingdom of God John 3:3
The bible says that it is God’s will that ALL would be saved.
It says that anyone who asks for the Holy Spirit will receive it. SO ASK
How to be Healed, Saved & Born again (Jesus Heals)
God had me write a book for Musicians. As I wrote it I said “Maybe all musicians are not called to serve you with their music”. God boomed back THEY ARE!
The purpose of music is NOT entertainment; it is a Holy Sacred Calling that brings people into God’s presence where He heals them and does business with them.
Musicians are called to be Prophets, Intercessors & Healers
On Lyrics, Drugs, Mental illness & Worship
Book version:
Message to musicians who have sold their souls to the devil;
BEING AUTHENTIC& Returning Home to Our Calling
Message to Musicians who have sold their souls
BEING AUTHENTIC & Returning Home to Our Calling
Illuminati Mind Control in Psych Drugs, Music & Education
Praying& Singing in Tongues IS of God & is for all Christians
Has testimonies of prayers answered by praying in tongues & explains the purpose.
The Importance of Prayer & Fasting & Sanctification (no drugs)
Prophetic Message to Gays
How God Guides Us into Relationship with Him
Spiritual Wisdom Revised
Talks about healing, how and where to pray, hearing God, homosexuality is sin & how to be delivered from it, how to assess one’s environment for openings for demonic oppression which can cause mental & physical illness, symbols.
Why Reincarnation is Wrong
Yoga is Dangerous – so is TM – new age deception
THE POWER OF WORDS revised ch 11 of Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry
Words don’t just describe; they invoke what we speak. They can create self-fulfilling prophecies & act like curses & blessings. Songwriters & writers are accountable for the effects of their words on others as well as themselves. James chapter 3 (NT) also warns about the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 says: ‘Death & Life are in the tongue, & they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”
Blueprint for Revival
Minibook version:
I lived in a church for 2 years worshipping at night as an intercessor.
God gave me this vision based on that. It calls for musicians to live in churches& have 24 hour worship, open doors to churches 24hours, consecration from drugs & minimizing microphones & amplification. God wants musicians to get saved, & bang the doors down and do this work in the churches. OCCUPY churches.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost (Shavuot), Talking & Singing in Tongues
The Need for Forgiveness
Nobody Dies of Disease – they Die of Spiritual Ignorance