First Quarter Science Essentials
Kindergarten Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I can report the weather.
►I know what precipitation is.
►I know when it is windy.
►I know how to describe the temperature (cold, cool, warm, hot).
►I can describe how cloudy it is (clear skies, scattered clouds, partly cloudy, mostly
cloudy, overcast).
►I can explain how weather affects people.
1st Grade Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I can sort things from the earth.
►I can describe rocks.
►I know what soil is made of.
►I know how to use natural resources.
2nd Grade Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I can describe what air pressure is.
►I can use a thermometer to measure temperature.
►I can use a weather vane to tell which direction the wind is blowing.
►I can use an anemometer to measure wind speed.
►I can describe the four types of precipitation including rain, sleet, snow and hail.
►I can use a rain gauge to measure precipitation.
►I can record weather over time.
►I understand that the sun’s energy warms the land, air and water.
3rd Grade Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I know that light travels in a straight line until it is reflected or absorbed.
►I can describe the pattern of movement of the Earth around the sun.
►I can describe the moon’s movement around the Earth.
►I can describe the phases of the moon.
►I can describe the pattern of stars in the sky.
►I can use shadows to show the sun’s movement across the sky during the day.
►I can describe the moon.
4th Grade Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I know what types of objects a magnet will attract and repel.
►I know how to create an electromagnet.
►I can create electrical circuits with an energy source, conductor and
►I can explain how magnetism and electricity are related.
►I can name the parts of a light bulb.
►I know what types of materials are conductors and non conductors of
►I can explain how a parallel and series circuits are different.
►I know that electricity can produce light, heat, sound and magnetic effects.
►I know that lighting is a form of electricity and what to do to stay safe
when lightening occurs.
5th Grade Science Essentials1st Quarter
►I can explain how water changes the shape of the Earth.
►I know that landforms are changed over time by water, ice, wind and gravity.
►I can explain how soil erosion and rock movement shape canyons, valleys, meanders
and tributaries.
►I know that deposition is important for the creation of deltas and flood plains.
►I can explain how the slope of the land and the speed of flowing water affect
►I can identify models, maps, and aerials photographs as a way to show landforms.
►I know that humans can increase or decrease the effects of erosion.