NYC Parks and Recreation
Natural Resources Group
Breeding Bird Classification System
Rules and Guidelines for Breeding Bird Surveys Adopted May 2000
Data is collected and analyzed using a modified protocol fashioned from regulations established by the National Audubon Society and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology for bird censusing. The created methodology used for collection of data is very similar to the one developed for the Saw Mill Creek Breeding Bird Surveys from 1992-1994 (Aquila, 1995). It is a composite methodology that relies heavily on two sources of breeding bird standards. It incorporates the classification system developed by the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs (Federation of New York State Bird Clubs, 2000) and the mapping system developed by the National Audubon Society (Robbins, 1970). Our system fuses the two systems together in this way: any “mapped territory” as defined under the Audubon system constitutes a “Confirmed Breeding” status under the New York State Federation of Bird Clubs classification system.
A Spring Breeding Bird survey consists of eight separate visits to the site between the dates of May 15 and June 30. Previous surveys performed by NRG have begun in the morning hours between 4:30 AM and 7:30 AM, and finished between 12:00 NOON and 2:15 PM. Since many of the birds are located by their singing/calling, the surveys began early, when many of the birds reach their peak vocal activity, roughly, 30 minutes after sunrise (Ralph, et. al, 1993). Using the National Audubon Society’s methods for mapping in bird census work, we map each observation. When located, either by sight or sound, each bird is plotted on a map; preferably at 1”=200’ scale. The map should consists of an aerial photographic base and a symbol layer. Each species of bird is given a preset abbreviation that was marked on the map. Another symbol is then given, indicating the behavior or movement of the individual bird. This system is instrumental in determining the breeding status of birds and in marking individual territories. Recording bird behavior is also helpful in distinguishing the non-breeders or “flybys” from those birds that were utilizing the marsh for a reason related to their breeding status.
According to our classification system from the methods provided by the New York State Federation of Bird Clubs and the National Audubon Society system, bird behavior is categorized under three classes: “Confirmed”, “Probable” and “Possible”. To confirm the breeding of an individual bird in Saw Mill Creek Preserve, any of the following specified conditions had to be met:
1. Observing territorial behavior of the bird on consecutive dates towards humans and other birds upon approaching territory, or vocalization from locations around the perimeter of its territory three (3) or more consecutive dates.
2. Two (2) or more of the consecutive sightings must occur in the month of June.
3. Discovery of an active nest, eggs, or observation of a bird carrying food or a fecal sac, or, in the case of most bird species, carrying nesting material automatically confirms the bird as a breeder without having to meet the above requirements.
For an individual bird to be listed as possessing “Probable” status, it had to meet any of the following conditions:
1. Observation of a singing male on more than one (1) date in the same place.
2. Observation of a pair of the same species during the breeding period suitable for the given species.
3. Observation of territorial behavior displayed by a single bird or a pair of the same species.
4. Observation of courtship or display, agitated or anxious behavior.
5. Observation of nest building (does not apply for all species).
For an individual bird to be listed as possessing “Possible” status, it had to meet the following condition:
1. Observation of a species in a possible nesting habitat, but having no other indications of breeding.
Birds seen that do not possess any category of breeding status are listed under a different set of conditions, which were created for this survey. Birds listed under these categories may have or may have not met any of the conditions listed above. The categories considered include “Non-breeding”, “Locally Breeding”, and “Migrant”.
For an individual bird to be listed as “Non-breeding”, they have to meet the following conditions:
1. Observation of a species that is not known to breed in the region (Arthur Kill Waterway complex).
2. The individual did not indicate any signs of being a migrant (see below).
3. The individual did not meet any of the conditions to be considered for breeding status.
4. The individual demonstrated the capacity to linger in the area. (ex.- juvenile or injured bird)
For an individual bird to be listed as “Locally Breeding”, it has to meet the following conditions:
1. Observation of a species that has been known to breed in the region (Arthur Kill Waterway complex).
2. The individual did not meet the conditions of a “Confirmed” breeding bird species.
For an individual to be listed as “Migrant”, it has to meet the following conditions:
1. Observation of a species that is known to have a migration pattern through the area during the given time period.
2. The individual exhibited characteristics of a migrating bird.
3. The individual bird demonstrated the capacity to leave the region via migration.
KEY – Behavioral Symbols for use in field.
Perching, Sitting, Floating on water
Singing, Calling on territory
Aquila, C. 1993. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1992. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group.
Aquila, C. 1994. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1993. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group.
Aquila, C. 1995. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1994. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group.
Aquila, C.D. 1995. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 66 (4):101. American Field Ornithologists.
Aquila, C.D., Alderson, C. 1994. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 65 (2):108-109. American Field Ornithologists.
Aquila, C.D. 1993. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 64 (1):93-94. American Field Ornithologists.
Aquila, C.D. Personal communication.
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Date??? Instructions for the Breeding Bird Census. Provided by James Lowe of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.
Federation of New York State Bird Clubs. February 2000. New York State Breeding Bird Atlas: Handbook for Workers. Federation of New York State Bird Clubs and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Kerlinger, P. 1997. The New York City Audubon Society Harbor Estuary Ecosystem Study: Nesting Population of Aquatic Birds of the New York Harbor, 1997. NYC Audubon, Internal Report.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources, Endangered Species Home Page. “List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Fish & Wildlife Species of New York State”. Last modified: 6/28/00
Ralph, C.J., Geupel, G.R., Pyle, P., Martin, T.E., DeSante, D.F. 1993. Handbook of Field Methods for Monitoring Landbirds. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Robbins, Chandler S. 1970. Recommendations for an International Standard for a Mapping Method in Bird Census Work. Audubon Field Notes 24 (6):723-26. The National Audubon Society.
Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, personal communication.
Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, Section of Natural History, Committee compilation. 2000. The Birds of Staten Island. Staten Island, NY.
Terres, J.K. 1980. The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
KEY: - Standard Abbreviations for use in the field. USGS Classification 2001.
SPECIES / COMMON NAME / ALPHA CODE / BAND SIZE465 / Acadian Flycatcher / ACFL / 0 0A
466.1 / Alder Flycatcher / ALFL / 0A
225 / American Avocet / AMAV / 4 4A
190 / American Bittern / AMBI / F6 M7A
133 / American Black Duck / ABDU / 7A
221 / American Coot / AMCO / 6
488 / American Crow / AMCR / 5
529 / American Goldfinch / AMGO / 0 0A 1C
139 / American Green-winged Teal / AGWT / 4 4A
360 / American Kestrel / AMKE / 3B
286 / American Oystercatcher / AMOY / 5
697 / American Pipit / AMPI / 1
687 / American Redstart / AMRE / 0A 0
761 / American Robin / AMRO / 2
559 / American Tree Sparrow / ATSP / 0 1C
125 / American White Pelican / AWPE / 9 9C
137 / American Wigeon / AMWI / 6
228 / American Woodcock / AMWO / 3
118 / Anhinga / ANHI / 8
71 / Arctic Tern / ARTE / 2 1A
173 / Atlantic Brant / ATBR / 7B
13 / Atlantic Puffin / ATPU / 5
92 / Audubon's Shearwater / AUSH / 3A 3B
241 / Baird's Sandpiper / BASA / 1B 1A
352 / Bald Eagle / BAEA / 9
507 / Baltimore Oriole / BAOR / 1A
616 / Bank Swallow / BANS / 0
365 / Barn Owl / BNOW / 6 7A
613 / Barn Swallow / BARS / 0 1C
368 / Barred Owl / BDOW / 7B
152 / Barrow's Goldeneye / BAGO / 7A
250 / Bar-tailed Godwit / BARG / M 4 F 4A
660 / Bay-breasted Warbler / BBWA / 0 1C 0A
390 / Belted Kingfisher / BEKI / 3B 3A
27 / Black Guillemot / BLGU / 4
216 / Black Rail / BLRA / 2 1A
163 / Black Scoter / BLSC / 7A
80 / Black Skimmer / BLSK / 4
77 / Black Tern / BLTE / 2 1A
326 / Black Vulture / BLVU / 7V
636 / Black-and-White Warbler / BAWW / 0 0A 1C
400 / Black-backed Woodpecker / BBWO / 2
270 / Black-bellied Plover / BBPL / 3B
388 / Black-billed Cuckoo / BBCU / 2
662 / Blackburnian Warbler / BLBW / 0 0A
735 / Black-capped Chickadee / BCCH / 0 1C
202 / Black-crowned Night-Heron / BCNH / 7A
596 / Black-headed Grosbeak / BHGR / 1A
55.1 / Black-headed Gull / BHGU / 5
40 / Black-legged Kittiwake / BLKI / 4A
226 / Black-necked Stilt / BNST / 4 3A
661 / Blackpoll Warbler / BLPW / 0 1C 0A
654 / Black-throated Blue Warbler / BTBW / 0 0A
667 / Black-throated Green Warbler / BTNW / 0A 0
597 / Blue Grosbeak / BLGR / 1B
477 / Blue Jay / BLJA / 2 3
751 / Blue-gray Gnatcatcher / BGGN / 0A
140 / Blue-winged Teal / BWTE / M 5 4A, F 4A 5
641 / Blue-winged Warbler / BWWA / 0A 0
513 / Boat-tailed Grackle / BTGR / M 4, F 3
494 / Bobolink / BOBO / M 1A, F 1B
60 / Bonaparte's Gull / BOGU / 3 3B
740 / Boreal Chickadee / BOCH / 0 0A
641.2 / Brewster's Warbler / BRWA / 0A 0
343 / Broad-winged Hawk / BWHA / 5 6
726 / Brown Creeper / BRCR / 0A 0
126 / Brown Pelican / BRPE / 8A 9 8
705 / Brown Thrasher / BRTH / 2 3
495 / Brown-headed Cowbird / BHCO / M 1A, F 1B
262 / Buff-breasted Sandpiper / BBSA / 1A
153 / Bufflehead / BUFF / 5
172 / Canada Goose / CAGO / 8
686 / Canada Warbler / CAWA / 0 0A
147 / Canvasback / CANV / 7A
650 / Cape May Warbler / CMWA / 0 0A 1C
736 / Carolina Chickadee / CACH / 0 0A 1C
718 / Carolina Wren / CARW / 1B
64 / Caspian Tern / CATE / 5 4A
200.1 / Cattle Egret / CAEG / 6
619 / Cedar Waxwing / CEDW / 1B
658 / Cerulean Warbler / CERW / 0A 0
659 / Chestnut-sided Warbler / CSWA / 0A 0
423 / Chimney Swift / CHSW / 1B
560 / Chipping Sparrow / CHSP / 0 oA
416 / Chuck-will's-widow / CWWI / 3
211 / Clapper Rail / CLRA / 5
561 / Clay-colored Sparrow / CCSP / 0
612 / Cliff Swallow / CLSW / 1C 1
159 / Common Eider / COEI / 7A
151 / Common Goldeneye / COGO / 6
511 / Common Grackle / COGR / 3 3B
7 / Common Loon / COLO / 8 9
129 / Common Merganser / COME / 7A
219 / Common Moorhen / COMO / 5 6
30 / Common Murre / COMU / 6M
420 / Common Nighthawk / CONI / 2 1A
486 / Common Raven / CORA / 6 7A
528 / Common Redpoll / CORE / 0 0A
230 / Common Snipe / COSN / 3
70 / Common Tern / COTE / 2
681 / Common Yellowthroat / COYE / 0 1C 0A
678 / Connecticut Warbler / CONW / 1C 1
333 / Cooper's Hawk / COHA / M 4 F 5 6
88 / Cory's Shearwater / COSH / 4
244 / Curlew Sandpiper / CUSA / 1A
Dark-eyed Junco(USGS=slate-colored) / DEJU
604 / Dickcissel / DICK / 1B
120 / Double-crested Cormorant / DCCO / 8 7B
34 / Dovekie / DOVE / 3
394 / Downy Woodpecker / DOWO / 1B
243 / Dunlin / DUNL / 1A 1B
766 / Eastern Bluebird / EABL / 1B 1
444 / Eastern Kingbird / EAKI / 1B
501 / Eastern Meadowlark / EAME / M 3, F 2 3
456 / Eastern Phoebe / EAPH / 0 1C 1
373 / Eastern Screech-Owl / EASO / 5 4A
587 / Eastern Towhee / EATO / M 2 1A, F 1A 2
461 / Eastern Wood-Pewee / EAWP / 0 0A
136 / Eurasian Wigeon / EUWI / 6
493 / European Starling / EUST / 2 3
514 / Evening Grosbeak / EVGR / 1A 2
563 / Field Sparrow / FISP / 0 1 0A
490 / Fish Crow / FICR / 4A
69 / Forster's Tern / FOTE / 3
585 / Fox Sparrow / FOSP / 1A 1B
178 / Fulvous Whistling-Duck / FUWD / 7A 6
135 / Gadwall / GADW / 6
42 / Glaucous Gull / GLGU / 7A 6
186 / Glossy Ibis / GLIB / 6
349 / Golden Eagle / GOEA / 9
748 / Golden-crowned Kinglet / GCKI / 0A
642 / Golden-winged Warbler / GWWA / 0A 0
546 / Grasshopper Sparrow / GRSP / 1C 1
704 / Gray Catbird / GRCA / 1A
757 / Gray-cheeked Thrush / GCTH / 1B
47 / Great Black-backed Gull / GBBG / 7B 7A
194 / Great Blue Heron / GBHE / 7B
119 / Great Cormorant / GRCO / 8
452 / Great Crested Flycatcher / GCFL / 1A 1B
196 / Great Egret / GREG / 7A 7B
375 / Great Horned Owl / GHOW / 8 9
35 / Great Skua / GRSK / 7A 7B
148 / Greater Scaup / GRSC / 6 5
89 / Greater Shearwater / GRSH / 6
169.9 / Greater Snow Goose / GSGO / 7B
254 / Greater Yellowlegs / GRYE / 3 3B
201 / Green Heron / GRHE / 5
63 / Gull-billed Tern / GBTE / 3B
354 / Gyrfalcon / GYRF / 7B
393 / Hairy Woodpecker / HAWO / 1A 2
155 / Harlequin Duck / HARD / 5
547 / Henslow's Sparrow / HESP / 0 1C
759 / Hermit Thrush / HETH / 1B 1
51 / Herring Gull / HERG / 6
131 / Hooded Merganser / HOME / 5 6
684 / Hooded Warbler / HOWA / 0 1C
3 / Horned Grebe / HOGR / 6 5
474 / Horned Lark / HOLA / 1B
519 / House Finch / HOFI / 1B 1 1C
688.2 / House Sparrow / HOSP / 1B
721 / House Wren / HOWR / 0 0A
251 / Hudsonian Godwit / HUGO / 3A
43 / Iceland Gull / ICGU / 6
598 / Indigo Bunting / INBU / 1C 1
677 / Kentucky Warbler / KEWA / 1C 1
273 / Killdeer / KILL / 2
162 / King Eider / KIEI / 6
208 / King Rail / KIRA / 5
536 / Lapland Longspur / LALO / 1B
552 / Lark Sparrow / LASP / 1B
58 / Laughing Gull / LAGU / 4A 4 5
641.3 / Lawrence's Warbler / LAWA / 0A 0
106 / Leach's Storm-Petrel / LHSP / 1B
191 / Least Bittern / LEBI / 4
467 / Least Flycatcher / LEFL / 0 0A
242 / Least Sandpiper / LESA / 1 1B
74 / Least Tern / LETE / 1A 1B
50 / Lesser Black-backed Gull / LBBG / 6
272.9 / Lesser Golden-Plover / LEGP / 2 3
149 / Lesser Scaup / LESC / 6 5
255 / Lesser Yellowlegs / LEYE / 2
583 / Lincoln's Sparrow / LISP / 1C 0
200 / Little Blue Heron / LBHE / 6
60.1 / Little Gull / LIGU / 3
622 / Loggerhead Shrike / LOSH / 1A
232 / Long-billed Dowitcher / LBDO / 2
366 / Long-eared Owl / LEOW / 5 6
154 / Long-tailed Duck / LTDU / 5 6
676 / Louisiana Waterthrush / LOWA / 1C 1
657 / Magnolia Warbler / MAWA / 0A 0
132 / Mallard / MALL / 7A
132.6 / Mallard x Black Duck Hybrid / MBDH / 7A
90 / Manx Shearwater / MASH / 4A 4
249 / Marbled Godwit / MAGO / 4
725 / Marsh Wren / MAWR / 1C 1
357 / Merlin / MERL / M 3A, F 4
316 / Mourning Dove / MODO / 3A 3B
679 / Mourning Warbler / MOWA / 0 1C 1
178.2 / Mute Swan / MUSW / 9C
645 / Nashville Warbler / NAWA / 0A 0
Northern Bobwhite(not USGS listed)
593 / Northern Cardinal / NOCA / 1A 2
413 / Northern Flicker (USGS=Red-shafted Flicker) / RSFL / 3
86 / Northern Fulmar / NOFU / 6
117 / Northern Gannet / NOGA / 8A 8 9
334 / Northern Goshawk / NOGO / M 6 F 7A 7B
331 / Northern Harrier / NOHA / M 4 F 5
703 / Northern Mockingbird / NOMO / 2 1A
648 / Northern Parula / NOPA / 0A 0
143 / Northern Pintail / NOPI / 6
617 / Northern Rough-winged Swallow / NRWS / 0
372 / Northern Saw-whet Owl / NSWO / 4 3A
142 / Northern Shoveler / NSHO / 5 6
621 / Northern Shrike / NSHR / 2
675 / Northern Waterthrush / NOWA / 1C 0
765 / Northern Wheatear / NOWH / 1B
459 / Olive-sided Flycatcher / OSFL / 1 1B
646 / Orange-crowned Warbler / OCWA / 0 0A
506 / Orchard Oriole / OROR / 1B
364 / Osprey / OSPR / 8
143.6 / Other Hybrid Duck / OHDU / 4 to 7A
171.6 / Other Hybrid Goose / OHGO / 8 7B
674 / Ovenbird / OVEN / 1C 1 0
Palm Warbler / (not USGS listed)
37 / Parasitic Jaeger / PAJA / 4A
239 / Pectoral Sandpiper / PESA / 1A
356 / Peregrine Falcon / PEFA / M 6, F 7A 7B
626 / Philadelphia Vireo / PHVI / 0 0A
6 / Pied-billed Grebe / PBGR / 5 6
405 / Pileated Woodpecker / PIWO / 4 3A
515 / Pine Grosbeak / PIGR / 1A
533 / Pine Siskin / PISI / 0 0A
671 / Pine Warbler / PIWA / 0 0A
277 / Piping Plover / PIPL / 1A 1B
36 / Pomarine Jaeger / POJA / 5
673 / Prairie Warbler / PRAW / 0A 0
637 / Prothonotary Warbler / PROW / 0
517 / Purple Finch / PUFI / 1 1C 1B
218 / Purple Gallinule / PUGA / 4 5
611 / Purple Martin / PUMA / 1A 2
235 / Purple Sandpiper / PUSA / 1A
32 / Razorbill / RAZO / 5R
521 / Red Crossbill / RECR / 1B
234 / Red Knot / REKN / 2
222 / Red Phalarope / REPH / 1A
409 / Red-bellied Woodpecker / RBWO / 2
130 / Red-breasted Merganser / RBME / 6 5
728 / Red-breasted Nuthatch / RBNU / 0 1C
624 / Red-eyed Vireo / REVI / 1C 1 0
146 / Redhead / REDH / 6
406 / Red-headed Woodpecker / RHWO / 2
2 / Red-necked Grebe / RNGR / 7A
223 / Red-necked Phalarope / RNPH / 1B
339 / Red-shouldered Hawk / RSHA / 6 7A
337 / Red-tailed Hawk / RTHA / 7B 7D 7A
11 / Red-throated Loon / RTLO / 7B
498 / Red-winged Blackbird / RWBL / M 2, F 1A
54 / Ring-billed Gull / RBGU / 4A
150 / Ring-necked Duck / RNDU / 6
Ring-necked Pheasant(Not listed in USGS)
Rock Dove(not listed in USGS)
72 / Roseate Tern / ROST / 2
595 / Rose-breasted Grosbeak / RBGR / 1A 2
347 / Rough-legged Hawk / RLHA / 7A 7B
65 / Royal Tern / ROYT / 4A
749 / Ruby-crowned Kinglet / RCKI / 0A
428 / Ruby-throated Hummingbird / RTHU / XB
167 / Ruddy Duck / RUDU / M 7A, F 6
283 / Ruddy Turnstone / RUTU / 2 3
Ruffed Grouse(not listed in USGS)
509 / Rusty Blackbird / RUBL / 2
248 / Sanderling / SAND / 1A
206 / Sandhill Crane / SACR / 8 9
67 / Sandwich Tern / SATE / 3B
542 / Savannah Sparrow / SAVS / 1C
608 / Scarlet Tanager / SCTA / 1B
550 / Seaside Sparrow / SESP / 1B
724 / Sedge Wren / SEWR / 0A 0
274 / Semipalmated Plover / SEPL / 1A 1B
246 / Semipalmated Sandpiper / SESA / 1B
332 / Sharp-shinned Hawk / SSHA / M 2 3 F 3A 3B
549.9 / Sharp-tailed Sparrow / STSP / 1 1B
231 / Short-billed Dowitcher / SBDO / 2
367 / Short-eared Owl / SEOW / 6
534 / Snow Bunting / SNBU / 1A 1B
197 / Snowy Egret / SNEG / 6
376 / Snowy Owl / SNOW / 8 9
256 / Solitary Sandpiper / SOSA / 1A
629.9 / Solitary Vireo / SOVI / 1C 1
581 / Song Sparrow / SOSP / 1B 1
95 / Sooty Shearwater / SOSH / 4 5
214 / Sora / SORA / 2
263 / Spotted Sandpiper / SPSA / 1B 1A
233 / Stilt Sandpiper / STSA / 1A
610 / Summer Tanager / SUTA / 1A 1B
166 / Surf Scoter / SUSC / 7A
342 / Swainson's Hawk / SWHA / 7A
758 / Swainson's Thrush / SWTH / 1B
584 / Swamp Sparrow / SWSP / 1C 1
647 / Tennessee Warbler / TEWA / 0A 0
31 / Thick-billed Murre / TBMU / 6M 5R
614 / Tree Swallow / TRES / 1C 1
199 / Tricolored Heron / TRHE / 6
731 / Tufted Titmouse / ETTI / 1B
Tundra Swan(not listed in USGS)
325 / Turkey Vulture / TUVU / 7V
261 / Upland Sandpiper / UPSA / 3
763 / Varied Thrush / VATH / 2
756 / Veery / VEER / 1B
540 / Vesper Sparrow / VESP / 1B 1
212 / Virginia Rail / VIRA / 2 3
627 / Warbling Vireo / WAVI / 0 1C
447 / Western Kingbird / WEKI / 1A
247 / Western Sandpiper / WESA / 1B
607 / Western Tanager / WETA / 1B
265 / Whimbrel / WHIM / 4
417 / Whip-poor-will / WPWI / 1A 2
184 / White Ibis / WHIB / 6 7A
727 / White-breasted Nuthatch / WBNU / 1B 1
554 / White-crowned Sparrow / WCSP / 1B
631 / White-eyed Vireo / WEVI / 0 0A
240 / White-rumped Sandpiper / WRSA / 1A 1B
558 / White-throated Sparrow / WTSP / 1B
522 / White-winged Crossbill / WWCR / 1B
165 / White-winged Scoter / WWSC / 7A
Wild Turkey(not USGS listed)
258 / Willet / WILL / 4
466 / Willow Flycatcher / WIFL / 0A
224 / Wilson's Phalarope / WIPH / 1A 2
280 / Wilson's Plover / WIPL / 2 1A
109 / Wilson's Storm-Petrel / WISP / 1A 1B
685 / Wilson's Warbler / WIWA / 0A 0
722 / Winter Wren / WIWR / 0A 0
144 / Wood Duck / WODU / 6 5
755 / Wood Thrush / WOTH / 1A
639 / Worm-eating Warbler / WEWA / 1C 0
215 / Yellow Rail / YERA / 2
652 / Yellow Warbler / YWAR / 0 0A 1C
463 / Yellow-bellied Flycatcher / YBFL / 0 0A
402 / Yellow-bellied Sapsucker / YBSA / 1B 1A
387 / Yellow-billed Cuckoo / YBCU / 2
683 / Yellow-breasted Chat / YBCH / 1B 1A
203 / Yellow-crowned Night-Heron / YCNH / 7A
497 / Yellow-headed Blackbird / YHBL / M 2, F 1A
655 / Yellow-rumped Warbler (USGS =Myrtle Warbler) / MYWA / 0 1C 0A
628 / Yellow-throated Vireo / YTVI / 1C 1
663 / Yellow-throated Warbler / YTWA / 0A 0
Bird Survey GuidelinesPrepared by:
New York City Department of Parks & RecreationCarl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown
Natural Resources Group May 2000