Volume 18 # 5 Page 2 May 2011

New York State Wildlife Management Association

Providing Problem Animal Solutions For Home Owners and Businesses

NYSWMA Minutes

April 9, 2011

The April meeting of the NYSWMA was held 4-9-11 at the Ling Ling Restaurant in North Syracuse. It was attended by Dale Stockton, Vice President, Berton Mead, Secretary, Mike Walker, Director, and Price Morris, Member. No official business was conducted since there was no quorum. However a number of important issues were discussed.

Upcoming meetings. The planned May Cable Restraint Introduction and Training to introduce and train members in the use of cable restraints for when they become legal in NY State has been cancelled. There will therefore be no May meeting.

The June Meeting is scheduled for June 25 rather than the normal second Saturday. It will be a special program on Feral Hogs. There will be more information as the program is developed.

Election Results. All the nominated members were elected to their respective offices. The 2011-2013 Officers and Directors are President, Cody Baciuska; Vice President, Dale Stockton; Secretary, Berton mead; Treasurer, Bob Meakin; Directors, Craig Conway, Bill Berry, Dan Ebel, Jack Juran, Mike Walker, and Greg Spiess.

Treasurer Position. Bob Meakin has resigned from the Treasurer position. The position will be filled by Presidential appointment. Dale will send a request to members to indicate to Cody if they are interested in the position. He will appoint the Treasurer to serve until the next election.

A proposal to require two signatures (rather than the current single signature) on NYSWMA checks will be submitted to the directors for their vote.

2012 Seminar. Dale has the contract with the Owego Treadway Inn and will sign it soon.

Suggestions to improve the 2012 Seminar were discussed, including having the presenters use a portable mike, that Pest Control Credits be offered and that there be an easel and white board to post updates to the program etc.

Possible New Bat Restrictions More restrictive regulations intended to protect Little Brown Bats are being discussed by the DEC. A survey to NWCO’s of current practices is being prepared. It is important that this survey be answered.

Respectfully submitted

Bert Mead


Two-Legged Coyote Shot While Chasing a Deer
Posted by Trapper Staff

Anyone who has trapped or hunted coyotes knows that the canines are some tough animals, but a story out of Nova Scotia, Canada illustrates just how tenacious they can be.
The Black Bear Blog on MaineHuntingToday.com has a post on a story they received via e-mail. A hunter says he shot a coyote that was chasing a deer. When he walked up to the coyote, he discovered it had only two legs:

Upon examining it I found out that it was missing 8 inches off it’s right front leg, with the bare bones exposed. On further examination I found that it also had lost 13 inches off its left rear leg and it had grown over. I was amazed that it could even run let alone chase a deer.

Editor’s note;

A couple of years ago I caught an adult coyote that looked like it had tangled with a mowing machine when it was a pup. One rear leg was severed just below the knee, the wound was completely healed over; the tendons in the opposite front leg were cut and the paw was curled up under the leg and it was using the ankle joint to walk on. This old guy also had an advanced case of mange when I put him out of his misery. He probably wanted to commit suicide when he found my trap.


Buy sell, & trade:

Any buy, sell, or trade items to include

in the NYSWMA Newsletter; send to


For Sale – Inventory of trapping supply business. Retiring after 38 years – over $12,000 in inventory. I will also include show cases, shelving, book racks and bins – Take all for $ 10,000. Call (315) 735-1902.

Dan Ebel

North Country Snares

1037 Co. Rt. 3

Redwood NY 13679


ADC Beaver Cable Restraints & assorted supplies

Volume 18 # 5 Page 2 May 2011

New York State Wildlife Management Association

Providing Problem Animal Solutions For Home Owners and Businesses

Volume 18 # 5 Page 2 May 2011

New York State Wildlife Management Association

Providing Problem Animal Solutions For Home Owners and Businesses



Cody Baciuska 607-760-8748


Vice President;

Dale Stockton 607-648-9250



Bert Mead 315-638-1534Email

Treasurer; Vacant


Newsletter Editor

Dale Stockton 607-648-9250



Region 1.

Craig Conway 631-979-2481


Region 2

Bill Berry 315-569-0602


Region 3

Dan Ebel 315-324-6392

Region 4

Jack Juran 716-208-5110


Sites of interest you need to visit, especially the Assembly and Senate

New York State Assembly/Senate web sites www.assembly.state.ny.us. www.senate.state.ny.us


Sites that may be of interest about animal rights activists and the state of their finances

Liability insurance; Address; Jim Pace Christian-Baker Co. Camp Hill PA. 17001 1-717-761-4712 or email him at

We also have a NYS insurance company that will write policies for NWCO’s in NY.

It’s the Skeele Agency, their address is:

Skeele Agency Inc.(315) 655-2878 Mike Skeele is contact person

Send pictures you want posted on the web page be to or www.Loomacres.com If they are acceptable he will put them on it.

Web site address is www.nyswma.org.

Cody’s contact information is below.

Cody l Baciuska

Wildlife Biologist

Loomacres Wildlife Management

PH :( 607)760-8748

Fax (518)542-6305
