Current Job Title
Contact Details
Name of line manager
Job title of line manager
Contact Details
Organisational objectives (web link)
Location of Library strategy and other important documents e.g. marketing plan
What are the key tasks you perform in your role?
What UHB/Trust committees/Local Faculty/departmental meetings do you attend? Who are the contacts for getting the new manager onto these?
Is there another manager in the Health Board or AWHILES network whom you think would be a good contact for the new manager?
AWHILES Partnership
AWHILES contacts: Deans Library Adviser; Chair of AWHILES
AWHILES email lists – who to contact and how to use
AWHILES web pages, agreements, policies, SLAs, newsletter etc
AWHILES meetings, conference and support staff training days
Role of Wales Deanery and Cardiff University Library Service
LQAF and minimum standards for libraries and IT checklist
LQAF and Development Visits /
What was your most recent LQAF score?
What type of return are you expected to complete for the next LQAF?
Were there any particular areas identified for action?
Where are your LQAF documents saved?
What areas were identified for action?
What areas were identified as good practice?
Financial Management and Acquisitions /
How do you raise an order/fill in a requisition?
What do you do when goods arrive?
How do you authorise invoices?
How much can you sign for? For larger amounts, which senior manager needs to countersign?
Where are the files for orders/invoices/budget matters?
What is the library’s budget code?
Is there a spreadsheet of the library’s spending so far this year?
If Finance send out budget statements, who should be contacted to make sure they will be sent to the new person?
Any helpful hints re the strange workings of the Finance Dept., e.g. “hidden monies”
Who is the contact in Management Accounts who can advise on library budget matters?
What are the income streams, recurrent and non-recurrent?
When and how do you apply for non-recurrent funding?
Will your Finance Dept. carry forward any sums to the next financial year and how do you request this?
Regional acquisitions – what deals has the library come in on?
If you use a journal subscription agent, please give details
Do some depts pay for some library resources? (E.g. ENT dept may pay for Health Board/Trust subscription to Laryngoscope journal, etc.). How do you cross-charge to their budget?
HR and Staff Management /
When are staff PDRs due?
Where are the staff personal files?
How do you access HR policies?
What are the procedures for recording sickness absence etc, or who can provide training on this?
Are there any special skills/talents of existing staff (e.g. Sally great at making posters)
Staff task list – who currently does what?
Customers /
What are the key customer groups served by the library?
Do you have any library champions? (influential people in the organisation who are very supportive of library services)
Are there any “frequent flyer” customers (or ongoing collaborative projects) that it might be helpful for the new post holder to know a bit about?
Is there a library committee? Members, date of next meeting, where are previous minutes filed?
Arrangements in place for particular groups, e.g. users with dyslexia etc.
SLAs with other UHB/Trust/organisations
Information Management and Technology (IMT) /
How do you report an IM&T problem?
Do you have any “special contacts” in the IM&T dept?
How do you change content on the library’s intranet site/external website?
How do you get new computers (does IT replace as part of a rolling programme? Or does library have to pay out of own budget?)
Does the Health Board/Trust have Wi-Fi? List services e.g. NHS network wi-fi, eduroam service, free staff/patient wi-fi etc
Does the library use tablets/mobile devices?
Which systems do I need access to? E.g: Email
E-resources and Library Management System /
When do the current e-resources need renewing?
What passwords are required for your e-resources and the NHS Wales e library for health (including administrator passwords)?
Where are the supplier contact details filed?
Where are the details of contracts with suppliers (i.e. licence terms and conditions) filed?
Who administers Athens accounts?
Procedures for obtaining access for library staff to Cardiff University Library Services e resources
What Library Management System (LMS) do you use?
Where are the procedures for using the LMS? (Including passwords (and how to obtain from Cardiff University), user instruction guides, etc.)
Who is the LMS contact in Cardiff University?
Does the library use any other software systems (e.g. for interlibrary loans)? If so, where are the procedures?
Hardcopy Resources /
Is there a local collection development policy?
Are there any additional archive rooms anywhere?
Who are your favoured suppliers?
If you subscribe to hardcopy journals, please supply details of the subscriptions, suppliers, renewal dates, etc.
Interlibrary Loans /
Which schemes do you use, e.g. AWHILES/NULJ/PLCS/BMA/BL/others?
What methods of payment/renewal do you use for each scheme?
Is there any charging out to departments for document supply/photocopying/printing and how is this managed?
Site/security /
Access codes for building/alarm
Location of keys
Or just who is best person to explain all this
Arrangements for out-of-hours access
Equipment /
Any useful information about the photocopier (codes, payments, etc.)
Service contracts in place (e.g. for security gates)
Does the library have a risk register?
Useful Contacts /
Education and Training teams
Admin team
Are there helpdesks for Estates/Desk top support/ human resources etc?
Who is the person who has been at the Health Board/Trust for years and knows everybody and everything?
Anyone else?
Useful local Information /
Where is the best place to park?
What are the tea/lunch break arrangements?
Is there a tea/coffee fund?
What facilities are provided in the kitchen?
Is there a dress code?
When you leave – information for your successor
Reason for Leaving
Last day in work
Is your post being replaced?
Is it being replaced at the same level?
Are there any changes to the job description?
Has the post been advertised?
Has the post been filled?
Who should I report to on the first day?
If the new manager is new to NHS libraries is there any particular training you would recommend? E.g: Athens, how to do literature searching etc. How do they access this training?
If the new manager is new to NHS libraries is there any particular training you would recommend? E.g: Athens, how to do literature searching etc. How do they access this training?
Thank You
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