University of Mount Union
Sustainability QuestionnaireFall 2013
Please circle most appropriate response
- General Sustainability Knowledge
- What is meant by the term “carbon footprint”?
- The amount of carbon released with each step taken.
- Greenhouse gasses released by burning fossil fuels for electricity, transportation, etc.
- The amount of carbon we consume on the average day.
- I don’t know
- “Sustainability” with regard to natural resources means:
- Using natural resources as slowly as possible
- Using only as much as is replaced by natural processes
- Discovering new resources to allow maximum economic growth
- I don’t know
- Which of the following is a renewable resource?
- Oil
- Trees
- Coal
- All of the above
- Living in a “sustainable” way implies a commitment to the following:
- Environmental, social and economic issues
- Income, expenses and consumer confidence
- Worker wages, worker satisfaction, worker production
- I don’t know
- Personal Attitudes & Behaviors Regarding Sustainability
- Which of the following statements best describes your level of interest in sustainability?
- I have a passion for sustainability
- I have considerable interest in sustainability
- I am rather neutral about sustainability
- I have little or no interest in sustainability
- Do you recycle on a regular basis?
- Yes, I try to do it as much as I can
- Yes, when it’s convenient
- No, I choose not to
- No, I don’t know how
- Which of the following would encourage you to walk or bike to campus most of the time (if you generally drive to campus)?
- Nothing, I prefer to drive to campus
- A more bike friendly campus (lanes on public streets, more bike racks, etc.)
- More pedestrian-friendly routes to campus
- Other (please specify)______
- What best explains any personal motivation to become involved in sustainability-related behaviors? (Mark all that apply).
- Personal concern and beliefs
- Information I have gotten from a course or from another source
- Saving money
- Friend/Peer influence
- On a scale of 1-7 (with 7 being most important), how important is it for Americans to reduce their personal use of energy? ______
- Please indicate which of the following you have done or used in the last 30 days (Select all that apply)
- Turned off water while brushing teeth/shaving
- Recycled on campus
- Attempted to reduce electricity usage (Unplugged appliances to eliminate “ghost” power use, used a power save scheme on computer, turned off lights, used cold water to wash clothes, etc)
- Walked or ridden a bike to class instead of using a vehicle
- Before taking this survey which did you know was an example of a sustainable practice?
- Selecting double-sided printing
- Conserving energy in any way you can
- Using alternative transportation (walking, bikes, buses, etc.)
- Powering down electrical devices when not using them for more than 15 minutes
- Sustainability at Mount Union
- What do you think is the largest contributor to UMU’s greenhouse gas emissions?
- Electricity used in campus buildings
- Natural gas used to heat campus buildings
- Transportation emissions for vehicles used by faculty, staff and students
- Solar panels on the roof of the MAAC and Campus Center
- On a scale of 1 – 5 (with 5 being most important), how important to you are the following sustainability issues at UMU:
- Recycling and waste reduction _____
- Energy consumption_____
- Air pollution_____
- Water quality_____
- Water conservation_____
- What resources would you find most beneficial to help you learn more about sustainability or environmental issues (circle all that apply)
- Email communication
- Courses on topics related to the environment or sustainability
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc.)
- On-campus signs and flyers
Thank you for participating in this survey. The result will be posted on the sustainability web page. If you have questions or comments or would like tobecome more involved in campus sustainability please email:
The University of Mount Union Sustainability Management Advisory Committee.