NV Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD) Quarterly Council Meeting Minutes for December 7, 2017

  • Meeting Locations (Video-Conference):

Nevada Vocational Rehabilitation
1325 Corporate Blvd
Reno, NV

Nevada Vocational Rehabilitation
3016 W. Charleston, Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV

Special Notes

  • Allitems reviewed during this meeting are available for view on the NGCDD website; under the event created for this meeting:
  • Bolded text under a heading indicates an action taken by the NGCDD.


NGCDD Members Present: Chair, Jodi Thornley; Vice Chair, Stephen Schumacher; Jacob Arant; Lisa Bonie; Jennifer Casselman; Robbin Dunn; Ron Futrell; Aimee Hadleigh; Vickie Ives; Kathleen Kingston; Russell Lehmann; Jack Mayes; Laura McCarthy; Santa Perez; Renee Portnell; Steve Rock; David Sorensen

NGCDD Members Absent: Shelley Hendren; Christi Hines-Coates; Kimberly Palma-Ortega; Brian Patchett; Dena Schmidt

NGCDD Staff Present: Sherry Manning, Executive Director; Kari Horn, Projects Manager;Ellen Marquez, Executive Assistant; Catherine Nielsen, Self-Advocacy Coordinator

Guests Present: Brook Adie; Kayla Armbruster; Tim Brown; Steven Cohen; Dan Dinnell; Michael McMahon;Robin Renshaw; Cody Thornley

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Council Chair, Jodi Thornley at 9:07 a.m. Ms. Thornley had new Council Member Lauralyn McCarthy introduce herself. Ms. Thornley discussed the changes/appointments to the Council.

Public Comment

Ms. Thornley asked if there was any public comment.

  • Santa Perez reported on the events she attended on behalf of the Council. She attended the Disability Awareness Day and an event for Spina Bifida in October. Ms. Perez had a table at both events with NGCDD Council materials.
  • Stephen Schumacher submitted into record a letter from Steven Cohen. Mr. Schumacher explained the letter was emailed to NGCDD Council Members for review prior to the meeting as it was a very lengthy letter.
  • Lisa Bonie informed the Council they are helping N4 and Sierra Nevada Transportation Coalition launch a new transportation program. They areholding an orientation for providers on January 24, 2018 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. at NNCIL and will provide lunch. More information will be sent via email.

Approval of Minutes for the September 7, 2017 Meeting

Council Vice-Chair, Stephen Schumacher opened the floor for discussion. Jack Mayes motioned to approve the minutes from the September 7, 2017 meetingas written. The motion was seconded by Renee Portnell. Motion carried with Lisa Bonie and Russell Lehman abstaining.

Chairperson’s Summary

Ms. Thornley, Council Chair reported there was nothing she needed to discuss.

Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD) Update on the Autism Treatment Assistance Program (ATAP)

Ms. Thornley introduced Brook Adie from ADSD. Ms. Adie gave an overview, what services they provide and some history of ATAP.

Steve Rock asked about the program needing to be created by Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA). Ms. Adie stated that was correct.

Ms. Portnell asked where you get help once the child turns 19. Ms. Adie stated that is a concern Statewide. Medicaid services children until the age of 21, but there is no support for behaviors for adults.

Russell Lehmann inquired about ATAP services in the rural areas. Ms. Adie stated there is a Care Manager in Elko. They work with families and providers to create person centered plans and ATAP pays for these families to travel for services.

Ms. Adie stated there is an Insurance Assistance program to help defray out of pocket costs, especially with those families that have private insurance and Medicaid. ATAP can assist with co-pays and maximize the family’s insurance. Families are funded as long as it is within a certain range.

Vocational Rehabilitation Update on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Shelley Hendren was not able to attend the meeting. Ms. Thornley tabled this item to the March 2018 NGCDD Face-to-Face training.

NGCDD Budget Committee

Budget Committee Chair, Robbin Dunn gave a brief summary of the Budget Committee Meeting from September 20, 2017 and deferred a more specific explanation of the budget to Sherry Manning.

Ms. Manning discussed more in depth details of the budget.

Ms. Thornley requested a motion. Ms. Perez motioned to approve the budget as presented and was seconded by Kathleen Kingston. Motion carried unanimously.

For more information on the activity of the Budget Committee, please see the meeting minutes and handouts from their September 20, 2017 meeting, posted on the NGCDD website:

Project Status Summary

NGCDD Projects Manager, Kari Horn reviewed the Grantee Monitoring Report for the End of Year Report for the Federal Fiscal Year 2017 and referred to the handouts.

Ms. Horn discussed “Share the Dream” campaign. The NGCDD is promoting this and need the Councils help in showing the value of the NGCDD and asked the Council Members to share the information so it gets out to the public.

NGCDD Self-Advocacy Coordinator, Catherine Nielsen reviewed the report of self-advocacy initiatives during the 4th quarter for Federal Fiscal Year 2017. Ms. Nielsen discussed Partners in Policymaking which will be held in Las Vegas as a bi-lingual class in 2018 and partnering with AzulBlue.

Ms. Nielsen discussed the Y.E.S. program. With Ms. Nielsen back to working full time, she will be starting up the program again, hopefully in January as the schools come back from break. She is planning to connect with Douglas, Washoe and Lyon Counties to continue the work with this program.

Mr. Rock offered his assistance with the Partners in Policymaking as he has been working with this program for a long time.

Ms. Nielsen stated she will be reaching out to some of the Council Members for their expertise to assist with the Partners in Policymaking program.

Ms. Manning stated this is part of a collaboration and will be part of the Federal reporting under objective 2.4.

NGCDD Evaluation Committee

Evaluation Committee Chair, Kimberly Palma-Ortega was unable to attend the meeting.

Ms. Thornley went over the handouts in regards to the grants awarded to fulfill the 5 year State Plan and the additional funding that was available to fund other applicants.

Ms. Manning explained there were two different Evaluation Committee meetings. She referred to the handouts showing the funding for each of the applicants which are all of the community grants.

Ms. Horn expressed if there are any Council Members concerned about the grants or have input, to please join the Evaluation Committee where these grants are discussed more in depth.

For more information on the activity of the Evaluation Committee, please see the meeting minutes and handouts from their October 4, 2017 meeting, posted on the NGCDD website:

Partners Summary

Jack Mayesneeded to leave the meeting early and was not in attendance for this agenda item.

Mr. Rock discussed a summary of activities happening with NCED. He passed a handout in the North, but stated the handout distribution was an oversight on his part and was sent to Ms. Marquez to be distributed to all Council Members.

Director’s Summary

Ms. Manning briefly reviewed the Executive Director’s Report and referred to the information in the packet.

To view the Director’s Summary, visit the NGCDD website:

Next Meeting Date

Mr. Schumacher announced the next NGCDD meeting is a Face-to-Face training and meeting to be held on Thursday and Friday, March 1 and 2, 2018, in Las Vegas at The Orleans.

Public Comment

Robin Renshaw asked how to reapply to be on the Council again. Ms. Manning stated she would get the information sent to him.


The meeting was adjourned by Mr. Schumacher at 11:05 a.m.

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