Indy Mopar Club News

June 2007 w Jan Peel and Dave Watt, editors

Meetings are the last Thursday of every month except December due to the holidays.

Next two meetings: Thursday June 28, 2007 and July 26, 2007

Update: Thursday July 26, this meeting will not be held at Ryan’s Steakhouse due to the Dodge on the Circle event. Anyone interested can meet downtown. Information provided below.

Trivia question: How many 1969 Hemi Road Runner convertibles were made? Answer at the bottom of the page.

July 7, 2007, 9-3pm, the Indy Mopar Club will host an all Mopar car show at Fletcher Chrysler Dodge Jeep at 3099 North Morton (US31) in Franklin Indiana, (317)-738-1470. Top 20 awards, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, DJ, food and more. Rain or shine.

NEW***July 26,2007 NEW*** "Dodge on the Circle" event hosted by Dodge Motorsports, theIndy Mopar Club has been asked to display 15 nice quality classic Dodge vehicles on Monument Circle in conjunction with NASCAR coming into Indy for the Brickyard 400, Busch and Craftsman Truck Series. Many Dodge race vehicles will be on display.
**You must contact Dave at or 317-696-6071 to pre-register your classic Dodge vehicle on a first come, first serve basis. NO OTHER CARS WILL BE ACCEPTED. This event is rain or shine, so be prepared. Also, it is preferred that you drive the carinstead of trailering, parkingfor trailers is limited.
**This event will also be considered the monthly meeting, we will not meet at Ryan's Family Steakhouse, so join us downtown for a cool evening with some of NASCARS' brightest stars.

September 22, 2007, 9-3pm, The Indy Mopar Club will host an all Mopar car show at Danville Chrysler Dodge Jeep located at 20 S. County Road 300 E. #362 in Danville Indiana, (317)-745-5809. Top 20 awards, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, DJ, food and more. Rain date: September 29, 2007. Check the club website for possible location change due to new dealership being built.

Trivia answer: There were four 1969 Hemi Road Runner convertible’s made. Did you get it right?

I would like to take this opportunity and introduce myself, I’m Ken Komlanc, a new member of the Indy Mopar

Club. I would also like to introduce the most important person in my life, my wife Debbie. She and I are both looking forward to the fun and camaraderie the club has to offer. My other obsession (some say) is my job! I’m a Firefighter for the Speedway Fire Dept. I have been with the department for 29yrs. Okay, enough about me, lets talk cars.

Like everyone, my love of cars started when I was too young to drive. Growing up when I did, I was exposed to all the greats. The late 50’s to the birth of the muscle cars. It didn’t get any better than this. If there’s one person to credit for my love of Mopars, it would be my dad. We always had a Plymouth in the driveway. Thanks Dad!

My first Mopar was a 67 Dart GT. Metallic Brown with white interior bucket seats, auto on the floor and a 273 4 barrel. After I ran the wheels off the Dart, I got a 71 340 Duster. During this time we (west-siders) would go to the Northside Tee-Pee hang-out and see who wanted to partake in some friendly competition. After that we headed to the Southside. There, we had the Southside Tee-Pee and the Steak and Shake to find a run. I still remember going out to 65 N before it was completed and marking off a quarter mile. Everything would be ok until the police came, then every man for himself. So who knows during this time we may have crossed paths, either just cruising or running light to light.

A lot of years have gone by - 2 great kids, college, weddings and a lot of cars. After all this it was time to start my quest, FIND A ROAD RUNNER. Not just any Road Runner, a 68 or 69 4sp. So the trips began to Detroit, Dallas, Newark, Illinois (3 times), Iowa (3 times) and Kentucky.

Well after three years and a very understanding wife, I found the car, a 68 numbers matching, with fender tag, silver Road Runner. This car was unbelievable compared to what we’ve looked at. It was everything I wanted except for the 4sp. After looking it over, and the condition she was in I decided not to pass her up. So here’s where one story ends and another starts. The quest may be over, but a new chapter is beginning. This is the one where new friendships are made, and a lot of cruising is done.

Ken Komlanc

**We’d like to welcome new members Don & Susan Thompson of Greenfield who have a 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A. We hope to see you soon at a meeting or event.


Monthly Meeting 7:00pm

May 31, 2007 Ryan’s Steak House, South U.S. 31 Greenwood


·  John welcomed all members, and allowed each attendee to introduce themselves and mention their collection of car(s) and anything pertinent. Sign in sheet for attendance records had been passed around by Jan Peel.


·  Secretary’s Report – Chris Rigney, Secretary, was absent.

·  Jan Peel made the motion we accept the Secretary’s report printed in the May issue of the IMC newsletter. Motion carried.


·  Mike gave the treasurers report as of May 31, 2007, which included the Palmer North Car Show and the Fletcher Edinburgh Car Show. Beginning balance for May was $2,882.92; Income was $2,126.65; Expenses were $1,498.02; Ending balance is $3,511.55. We have 2 new members. Total of 78 members in club as of May 31st.


·  **June 16, Saturday, 19th Annual Hog Jog Cruise-in & Car Show in Flora, Indiana

·  **June 24, Sunday, 9th Annual Wanamaker Old Settler’s Day Classic Car Show, Wanamaker. For more info call Stephanie at 317-862-9352 or

·  **June 28, Thursday. 7 PM Indy Mopar Meeting at Ryan’s Steakhouse, US 31 South in Greenwood

·  **July 7, 2007, 9-3pm, the Indy Mopar Club will host an all Mopar car show at Fletcher Chrysler Dodge Jeep at 3099 North Morton (US31) in Franklin Indiana, (317)-738-1470. Top 20


awards, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, Drag Racing simulator, DJ, food and more. Rain date to be determined.

·  **July 14, Saturday, “Rollin Back the 70’s Car Show and Carnival, Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl, 2331 Brothers Dr., Lafayette, IN. For more info call 765-427-8893 or

·  **July 26, Thursday. 7 PM Indy Mopar Meeting at Ryan’s Steakhouse, US 31 South in Greenwood – A motion was made and passed for all to enjoy Dodges on the Circle in lieu of the July Meeting

·  **August 10-12, Mopar Nationals at National Trails Raceway, Columbus, Ohio

·  **August 26th, Sunday, Kokomo Transmission Cruze-In Car Show, Kokomo, Indiana

·  **August 30, Thursday. 7 PM Indy Mopar Meeting at Ryan’s Steakhouse, US 31 South in Greenwood

·  **September 22, 2007, 9-3pm, The Indy Mopar Club will host an all Mopar car show at Danville Chrysler Dodge Jeep located at 20 S. County Road 300 E. #362 in Danville Indiana, (317)-745-5809. Top 20 awards, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, Drag Racing simulator, DJ, food and more. Rain date is September 29, 2007.

·  **September 25, Thursday. 7 PM Indy Mopar Meeting at Ryan’s Steakhouse, US 31 South in Greenwood

·  John Bauer reported that Danville Chrysler Dodge Jeep will be located on US 36 in the near future. Possibly for the September 22nd show. More information to follow.


·  Dave reported that he will post the Fletcher Edinburgh car show pictures provided by Dave Stevenson on the web-site.


·  Member Profile schedule - Kenny Komlanc, June; Jim Parker, July; Steve Shutters, August; and Rose Richards, September.

·  Fletcher Franklin Car Show, July 7th. Door Prizes: Steve Wisdom, Rick & Ginger Zimmerman. Steve has a copy from the JDRF to show that we do donate our proceeds to them.

·  Danville Chrysler Car Show, September 22nd. Door Prizes: Mark Smith & Pat McKarski.

·  John Bauer made a motion that we donate $1,600.00 to the JDRF from the Swap Meet and Palmer North Car Show . Motion carried.


·  John suggested the proposed get-together with another Mopar Club for a car show be put on hold for the present due to other commitments.

·  Fletcher Franklin Car Show Volunteers:

·  Registration Mike Leyes and Dan Kelly

·  Goodie Bags Carol Ann Bauer and Cheryl Wisdom

·  Parking Rick Zimmerman & Dave Stephenson

·  Set Up & Tear Down Members available

·  Event T Shirts & Awards Ginger Zimmerman

·  Flyers John Bauer

·  Tables Jim Kelly ?

·  Tent(s) John Bauer

·  Door Prize Table Ronda Cherry & Steve Wisdom

·  Pictures Dave Stevenson


·  DJ is confirmed

·  Food & Drinks Whatsoever Community Church

·  50/50 & Door Prize Tickets Jan Peel & Sue Mayes

·  Ginger Zimmerman gave a report on the open car show for Fletcher Chrysler Edinburgh.

·  Club Insurance – John Bauer reported that the Indy Mopar Club does need insurance coverage for liability. He has a quote for $669.00 per year for 5 Car Shows but will check further for a better price. Rick Zimmerman made a motion that we purchase the insurance. Motion carried.

·  Wanamaker Car Show, June 24th Club members were very interested in attending. Ronda and Dennis volunteered their home as a meeting place to convoy to the car show as a group.

·  We will need to arrive at the car show no later than 7:30 AM to all park together. We will meet at Ronda & Dennis’s at 6:45 AM.

·  IMC Membership Cards were provided by Larry Mayes. John Bauer had signed them for members to take.

·  Dave Watt reported that we need 12-15 Mopar’s for the Dodge’s on the Circle, July 26th. Please notify Dave if you want your Mopar to be included. John Bauer reported that we may have additional space if needed.

·  Steve Wisdom reported that the Christmas party will be December 16th, 5 PM, at the same location as last year.

·  John then adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM.

·  Respectfully submitted – Carol Ann Bauer & Jan Peel in lieu of Chris Rigney (absent)

Attendance May 31, 2007 meeting:

John & Carol Ann Bauer, Bill Bratton, Ronda Cherry, Rick & Susan Eilert, Dan Kelly, Ed Leyes, Mike Leyes, Susan Mayes, Stan & Jan Peel, Terry & Rose Richard, Ken & Sharon Scobel, Steve Shutters, David Stephenson, Dave Watt, Steve Wisdom, and Rick & Ginger Zimmerman.

July Birthdays: Paul Jacobs, 7-11; Julie Norman, 7-16; Steve Shutters, 7-22; Don Thompson, 7-27; Pat(ricia) McKarski, 7-29; and Vicki LaFollette, 7-31. July Anniversaries: Jason & Kim Cummings, 7-5 (6 years); Ben & Kathy Jones, 7-5 (39 years); Stan & Kerry Sanders, 7-20 (6 years); Rick & Ginger Zimmerman, 7-28 (7 years); Darren & Diane Turpen, 7-30 (13 years); and Larry & Susan Mayes, 7-31 (14 years). Congratulations to all!

A Note From The Pres.

Are All Engine Oils Created Equal?

While attending a very cool cruise-in at the Evansville Chrysler-Dodge dealership during the 2007 Power Tour I had the good fortune of listening to a mini seminar about engine oils from the renowned Mopar drag racer and engine builder Herb, “Mr. 4 Speed,” McCandless. Herb indicated that many enthusiasts are having problems wiping out the lobes on their camshafts including the fuel pump rod lobe. After lengthy discussions with the Valvoline engineers (one of his major sponsors) they informed him that a few years back almost all oil companies removed two very important ingredients from their oil; Zinc and I forget the other one. However, these two components are vital in the oils we should be using in our classic cars and don’t ask me why it’s different from the modern engines because I do not know. According to Herb there are only two oils on the market today that still contain the Zinc and the other component and they are Valvoline Premium Blue and Shell Rotella which I understand are basically diesel engine oils but Herb and Valvoline highly recommend them for our engines.

On the back of the containers there should be the designation of C1-4 in a circle. If it doesn’t have this designation Herb said do not use it.

I do know there are drag racers at the track that are experiencing this problem with wiping the lobes off their cams and the general consensus is either poor metals in the cam or very strong valve spring pressures. Although a new cam should be broken in with light springs (according to Russ Flagle) the problem is more than likely the oil they are using in their engines.

Does Herb own stock in Valvoline & Shell? I don’t know but I don’t believe he is the type of person that would “spin a story” for his own personal profit. I will be changing oil in my Road Runner as the cost of a new camshaft; lifters, gaskets, etc. will far exceed the cost of the oil.

Notes of Correction from Jan Peel

Dan Kelly was omitted from the Attendance list for the April 26th meeting. (He certainly was there, he gave the Upcoming Events Report.) It was a picture of Ric LaFollette’s granddaughter in the May newsletter, not his daughter. In welcoming Chad & Renee Neukam to the club I neglected to report that besides their 70 Super Bee and 70 Coronet 500 they also have a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo and a 2001 Jeep Cherokee Limited. My apologies to all.