Database of Builth Inlier fossil occurrences – table form. Last updated 5 December 2005.
This database gives species name, full taxonomic name, higher taxonomy (usually phylum and class, but this varies), the reference for the description of the species from the Builth Inlier, a list of other taxa described in the same paper, and the reference for the original description if different. No attempt has been made to make sure that the taxonomy is up-to-date; species are listed exactly as they appear in the reference, hence you may find the same species listed in more than one genus. For taxonomy between genus and class level you’re on your own. The database is also available as a simple list of references <insert link>, and as an Endnote file (contact the authors). Please let us know if there are any references that we have missed.
This database is not claimed to be authoritative. It does not include faunal lists, but only formal taxonomic descriptions. At the moment it includes all the more recent major taxonomic works, which should give access to the older literature. It is planned to eventually include original descriptions of genera. The database only includes species that have been described from the Builth Inlier; if a publication includes taxa from outwith the inlier, those taxa have not been included. Entries are only given for those with a specific name (aff., cf. and ? are included). Species in open nomenclature are given in the ‘other taxa’ column, and in the list version of the database. See the field guide for a full list of taxa from the inlier, whether formally described or not.
References to the Atlas of Graptolite Types are not formal taxonomic descriptions, but illustrations of the types of graptolite species. A reference to the Atlas indicates that the type specimen of that species is from the Builth Inlier. The Atlas does not (yet) include all graptolite species.
You will no doubt notice that dendroid graptolites, bryozoans, microfossils, worms, gastropods and problematica are not included in the database. This is because there are no publications on them, until we get round to writing them or persuade someone else to do so.
Thanks to Aran Samaroo and Nicola James for entering much of the data. Joseph Botting threatened to put lots of wibbles in unless he got into the acknowledgements too.
The following references have been looked through, and do not contain any mention of material from the Builth Inlier.
BULMAN, O. M. B., 1927-1967. British Dendroid Graptolites. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 97pp.
PAUL, C.R.C., 1982. British Ordovician cystoids. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society
Speciesname / Full name / Higher taxonomy 1 / Higher taxonomy 2 / Reference / Other taxa described in paper / Original
description (OD = cited reference is OD)
acanthodes / Cymabolbina acanthodes / Ostracoda / Arthropoda / JONES, C. R., 1986. Ordovician (Llandeilo and Caradoc) Beyrichiocope Ostracoda from England and Wales, Part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 1-76. / OD Piretopsis (Protallinnella) ranuncula, OD Schallreuteria (Schallreuteria) builthensis / OD
bipunctatum / Conspicillum bipunctatum (Jones & Holl, 1869) / Ostracoda / Arthropoda / JONES, C. R., 1987. Ordovician (Llandeilo and Caradoc) Beyrichiocope Ostracoda from England and Wales, Part 2. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 77-114. / OD Conspicillum ulularum / JONES, T. R. H., H.B., 1869. Notes on the Palaeozoic bivalved Entomostraca, No. IX. Some Silurian species (Primitia). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 3(4), 221-227.
builthensis / OD Schallreuteria (Schallreuteria) builthensis / Ostracoda / Arthropoda / JONES, C. R., 1986. Ordovician (Llandeilo and Caradoc) Beyrichiocope Ostracoda from England and Wales, Part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 1-76. / OD Piretopsis (Protallinnella) ranuncula, OD Cymabolbina acanthodes / OD
ranuncula / Piretopsis (Protallinnella) ranuncula / Ostracoda / Arthropoda / JONES, C. R., 1986. Ordovician (Llandeilo and Caradoc) Beyrichiocope Ostracoda from England and Wales, Part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 1-76. / OD Schallreuteria (Schallreuteria) builthensis, OD Cymabolbina acanthodes / OD
ulularum / Conspicillum ulularum / Ostracoda / Arthropoda / JONES, C. R., 1987. Ordovician (Llandeilo and Caradoc) Beyrichiocope Ostracoda from England and Wales, Part 2. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 77-114. / Conspicillum bipunctatum (Jones & Holl, 1869) / OD
name / Full name / Higher taxonomy 1 / Higher taxonomy 2 / Reference / Other taxa described in paper / Original
description (OD = cited reference is OD) / Notes
abruptus / Trinucleus abruptus / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1971. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod inlier, central Wales. Part 2. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 20(4), 115-182. / Trinucleus fimbriatus Murchison 1839, Trinucleus cf. acutofinalis Whittard, Anebolithus sp., Bergamia prima (Elles 1940), OD Bergamia whittardi, Trinucleinid gen. et. sp. indet, OD Cryptolithus instabilis, Cryptolithus sp. A? Cryptolithus sp. B? Cryptolithus sp. C, Bettonia chamberlaini (Elles 1940), Bettonia aff. superstes Whittard, Marrolithus sp., Protolloydolithus reticulatus (Elles 1940), OD Telaeomarrolithus intermedius, Telaeomarrolithus radiatus (Murchison 1839) / OD
acutofinalis / Trinucleus cf. acutofinalis Whittard / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1971. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod inlier, central Wales. Part 2. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 20(4), 115-182. / Trinucleus fimbriatus Murchison 1839, OD Trinucleus abruptus, Anebolithus sp., Bergamia prima (Elles 1940), OD Bergamia whittardi, Trinucleinid gen. et. sp. indet, OD Cryptolithus instabilis, Cryptolithus sp. A? Cryptolithus sp. B? Cryptolithus sp. C, Bettonia chamberlaini (Elles 1940), Bettonia aff. superstes Whittard, Marrolithus sp., Protolloydolithus reticulatus (Elles 1940), OD Telaeomarrolithus intermedius, Telaeomarrolithus radiatus (Murchison 1839) / Hughes does not give a reference
angustissima / Ogygia angustissima / Trilobita / Arthropoda / SALTER, J. W., 1866. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part III. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 129-176, plates XV-XXV. / Ogygia (Ptychopyge) corndensis (Murchison 1839), Barrandia (Homalopton) radians McCoy 1849, Barrandia (Barrandia) cordai McCoy 1849, OD Asaphus (Basilicus) peltastes, Asaphus (Basilicus) laticostatus (McCoy 1851) / OD
angustissima / Ogygiocarella angustissima (Salter 1865-6) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1979. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 32(3), 109-181. / OD Emmrichops? extensus, OD Prycyclopyge wattisoni, Cyclopygid gen. et sp. indet., OD Nobiliasaphus powysensis, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. A, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. B, Ogyginus corndensis (Murchison 1839), Ogyginus intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus cf. intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus? laticostatus (Salter 1866), Ogygiocarella debuchii (Brongniart 1822), Ogygiocarinid gen. et sp. indet., Asaphid gen. et sp. indet., Barrandia cordai McCoy 1849, Barrandia cf. cordai McCoy 1849, OD Barrandia expansa, OD Barrandia ultima, Homalopteon radians (McCoy 1849), OD Homalopteon murchisoni, Diacanthaspis? sp. A, Odontopleurid gen. et sp. indet., Rorringtonia sp. / SALTER, J. W., 1865. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part II. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 81-128, plates VII-XIV.
SALTER, J. W., 1866. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part III. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 129-176, plates XV-XXV.
aurora / Flexicalymene aurora / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1969. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 18(3), 39-103. / Geragnostus mccoyii (Salter in Murchison 1859), Sphaeragnostus sp., Cnemidopyge nuda (Murchison 1839), Cnemidopyge nuda granulata Whittard 1955, OD Cnemidopyge parva, Cnemidopyge bisecta (Elles 1940), raphiophorid sp. indet., Placoparina sedgwickii sedgwickii (McCoy 1849), Platycalymene duplicata (Murchison 1839), OD Platycalymene tasgarensis simulata subsp. nov., Plaesiacomia sp., Platycoryphe vulcani (Murchison 1839) / OD
bisecta / Cnemidopyge bisecta (Elles 1940) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1969. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 18(3), 39-103. / Geragnostus mccoyii (Salter in Murchison 1859), Sphaeragnostus sp., Cnemidopyge nuda (Murchison 1839), Cnemidopyge nuda granulata Whittard 1955, OD Cnemidopyge parva, raphiophorid sp. indet., Placoparina sedgwickii sedgwickii (McCoy 1849), OD Flexicalymene aurora, Platycalymene duplicata (Murchison 1839), OD Platycalymene tasgarensis simulata subsp. nov., Plaesiacomia sp., Platycoryphe vulcani (Murchison 1839) / ELLES, G. L., 1940. The stratigraphy and faunal succession of the Ordovician rocks of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, Radnorshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 95, 383-445.
buchii / Ogygia buchii Brongniart 1822 / Trilobita / Arthropoda / SALTER, J. W., 1865. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part II. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 81-128, plates VII-XIV. / Calymene duplicata (Murchison 1939) / BRONGNIART, A. and DESMAREST, A.-G., 1822. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces fossiles; sous les rapports zoologiques et geologiques, savoir les trilobites, les Crustaces proprement dits. Paris.vii+ 154. / Now Ogygiocarella debuchii
chamberlaini / Bettonia chamberlaini (Elles 1940) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1971. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod inlier, central Wales. Part 2. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 20(4), 115-182. / Trinucleus fimbriatus Murchison 1839, OD Trinucleus abruptus, Trinucleus cf. acutofinalis Whittard, Anebolithus sp., Bergamia prima (Elles 1940), OD Bergamia whittardi, Trinucleinid gen. et. sp. indet, OD Cryptolithus instabilis, Cryptolithus sp. A? Cryptolithus sp. B? Cryptolithus sp. C, Bettonia aff. superstes Whittard, Marrolithus sp., Protolloydolithus reticulatus (Elles 1940), OD Telaeomarrolithus intermedius, Telaeomarrolithus radiatus (Murchison 1839) / ELLES, G. L., 1940. The stratigraphy and faunal succession of the Ordovician rocks of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, Radnorshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 95, 383-445.
cordai / Barrandia (Barrandia) cordai McCoy 1849 / Trilobita / Arthropoda / SALTER, J. W., 1866. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part III. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 129-176, plates XV-XXV. / OD Ogygia angustissima, Ogygia (Ptychopyge) corndensis (Murchison 1839), Barrandia (Homalopton) radians McCoy 1849, OD Asaphus (Basilicus) peltastes, Asaphus (Basilicus) laticostatus (McCoy 1851) / M'COY, F., 1849. On the classification of some British Fossil crustacea, with notices of some new forms in the University collection at Cambridge. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 4, 161-179, 330-335, 392-414.
cordai / Barrandia cordai McCoy 1849 / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1979. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 32(3), 109-181. / OD Emmrichops? extensus, OD Prycyclopyge wattisoni, Cyclopygid gen. et sp. indet., OD Nobiliasaphus powysensis, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. A, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. B, Ogyginus corndensis (Murchison 1839), Ogyginus intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus cf. intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus? laticostatus (Salter 1866), Ogygiocarella debuchii (Brongniart 1822), Ogygiocarella angustissima (Salter 1865-6), Ogygiocarinid gen. et sp. indet., Asaphid gen. et sp. indet., Barrandia cf. cordai McCoy 1849, OD Barrandia expansa, OD Barrandia ultima, Homalopteon radians (McCoy 1849), OD Homalopteon murchisoni, Diacanthaspis? sp. A, Odontopleurid gen. et sp. indet., Rorringtonia sp. / M'COY, F., 1849. On the classification of some British Fossil crustacea, with notices of some new forms in the University collection at Cambridge. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2) 4, 161-179, 330-335, 392-414.
corndensis / Ogygia (Ptychopyge) corndensis (Murchison 1839) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / SALTER, J. W., 1866. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part III. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 129-176, plates XV-XXV. / OD Ogygia angustissima, Barrandia (Homalopton) radians McCoy 1849, Barrandia (Barrandia) cordai McCoy 1849, OD Asaphus (Basilicus) peltastes, Asaphus (Basilicus) laticostatus (McCoy 1851) / MURCHISON, R. I., 1839. The Silurian System, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop., Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford; with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations. London.xxxii+ 768.
corndensis / Ogyginus corndensis (Murchison 1839) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1979. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 32(3), 109-181. / OD Emmrichops? extensus, OD Prycyclopyge wattisoni, Cyclopygid gen. et sp. indet., OD Nobiliasaphus powysensis, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. A, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. B, Ogyginus intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus cf. intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus? laticostatus (Salter 1866), Ogygiocarella debuchii (Brongniart 1822), Ogygiocarella angustissima (Salter 1865-6), Ogygiocarinid gen. et sp. indet., Asaphid gen. et sp. indet., Barrandia cordai McCoy 1849, Barrandia cf. cordai McCoy 1849, OD Barrandia expansa, OD Barrandia ultima, Homalopteon radians (McCoy 1849), OD Homalopteon murchisoni, Diacanthaspis? sp. A, Odontopleurid gen. et sp. indet., Rorringtonia sp. / MURCHISON, R. I., 1839. The Silurian System, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop., Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford; with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations. London. xxxii+ 768.
debuchii / Ogygiocarella debuchii (Brongniart 1822) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / HUGHES, C. P., 1979. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales. Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 32(3), 109-181. / OD Emmrichops? extensus, OD Prycyclopyge wattisoni, Cyclopygid gen. et sp. indet., OD Nobiliasaphus powysensis, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. A, ?Opsimasaphus sp. indet. B, Ogyginus corndensis (Murchison 1839), Ogyginus intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus cf. intermedius Elles 1940, Ogyginus? laticostatus (Salter 1866), Ogygiocarella angustissima (Salter 1865-6), Ogygiocarinid gen. et sp. indet., Asaphid gen. et sp. indet., Barrandia cordai McCoy 1849, Barrandia cf. cordai McCoy 1849, OD Barrandia expansa, OD Barrandia ultima, Homalopteon radians (McCoy 1849), OD Homalopteon murchisoni, Diacanthaspis? sp. A, Odontopleurid gen. et sp. indet., Rorringtonia sp. / BRONGNIART, A. and DESMAREST, A.-G., 1822. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces fossiles; sous les rapports zoologiques et geologiques, savoir les trilobites, les Crustaces proprement dits. Paris.vii+ 154.
duplicata / Calymene duplicata (Murchison 1939) / Trilobita / Arthropoda / SALTER, J. W., 1865. A monograph of British Trilobites. Part II. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, pp. 81-128, plates VII-XIV. / Ogygia buchii Brongniart 1822 / MURCHISON, R. I., 1839. The Silurian System, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop., Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford; with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations. London.xxxii+ 768.