Lesson: Day 5

Lesson: Day 1

Nutritional Focus for the Day: The importance of staying hydrated.

  • Start by asking them what they drink most days. If they say, soda or other sugary drinks remind them that the best way to stay hydrated is to drink 5-7 glasses of water a day.
  • Make sure you give them plenty of water breaks during the session and encourage them to bring water bottles to the sessions when they come.
  • During the cool down, challenge them not drink any soda or other sugary drinks and also see if they can get their family members to do the same.


Time / Activity : Follow me! / Lead & Support
10 mins / Leader: Break into small groups and have students line up behind them.
Once they get everyone in a line they run around the gym/playground with the student coping everything they do.
Start off slowly with walking, then butt kicks, then high knees, then light jogging.
Then let every kid come to the front of the line and lead everyone in a silly move.
Make sure you keep the lines small enough so that everyone can get a chance

Activity # 1

Time / Activity: Helping Tag! / Lead & Support
10-15 Mins
You can create smaller grids so that more people can get tagged. / Cheer Ambassadors will be the taggers!
When a runner is tagged they sit on the floor where they are tagged. Tagged students may re-enter the game by being connected by two students with the hand. One helping hand is not enough to free a player that's sitting. The first helper that arrives must connect with a helping hand and stay connected until another helper connects to the other hand. Once a sitting player has two helping hands from two different helpers, they are allowed to pull the sitting player to his/her feet. They literally gave two helping hands.
Helping players cannot be tagged once they're connected. When the two helpers are connected with the sitting player, they must remain connected until they enter the wellness center. Upon entering the wellness center all three players must perform 10 jumping jacks or sit-ups, or run in place for about ten seconds. They must then get back in the game by trying to help someone else after exercising.
Taggers cannot go in the wellness center.
Nobody is allowed in the wellness center unless they got tagged and/or are helpers.
A good place to put the wellness center is in the center of the gym marked with cones.Switch taggers often or if everyone gets tagged.Remind the students that giving a helping hand prevents them from being tagged. / Who will give instructions?

Activity # 2

Time / Activity : Ships and Sailors / Lead & Support
10-15mins / Description: Tell all participants to stand in the middle of the room facing the leader who is in the front of the room. Explain that all participants are sailors and they are all on a ship.
Assign one person to be the "Captain." The role of the Captain is call out the actions and dismiss the players who don't do the actions quick enough or who break from character. Once the captain calls an action, each player has 3-4 seconds to start performing the action. If they don't find a group fast enough or perform the right action, they are out of the game.
The Captain will give a series of orders. Any sailor who cannot complete the order correctly in a timely manner is out and must sit down on the side.
The orders and their explanations are as follows:
  • Go West: All must run to their right.
  • Go East: All must run to their left.
  • Hit the Deck: All must quickly lie on their stomach.
  • Captain's Coming!: Everyone stands at "attention" (in a salute), and they can’t move from this position until the caller says, "At Ease!" If they laugh or break from the attention, they are dismissed.
  • Man Overboard: Sailors must find a partner. One person drops to one knee the other stands behind them, puts a hand on their shoulder. Both scan the ocean for the overboard man.
  • Three Men Eating: Sailors are to form groups of three and sit down in a circle. Next they are to cup as if to hold a plate and scoop with the other hand quickly as if to feed themselves.
  • Four Men Rowing: Sailors are to form groups of four and sit in a row on the floor. They are to swing their arms as if they are rowing.
  • Walk the Plank!: Five people stand in a single file row hands on the shoulders of person in front of them.

Cool Dawn

Time / Activity / Lead & Support
2 mins / Butterfly Breathing in a circle
Arms to the side like butterfly wings, bring them together and breath in spread them and breath out.
Take 4 deep breaths!
Then review what everyone liked for the day!
Remind them to stay active until you see them again! / One person should lead and talk through the breaths


Total Number of Participants
Number of Boys
Number of Girls
Number of Cheer Ambassadors