Name: ______

Nutrition and Wellness – Portfolio

L. Bartmas


Nutrition and wells recognizes participants who track food intake and physical activity for themselves, their family, and a community group and determine goals and strategies for improving their overall health.

The portfolio is a collection of materials used to document and illustrate the work of the project. Materials must be contained in a binder. Section dividers should be included as indicated in bold lettering. All materials, including divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover and be one-sided. Page protectors are recommended.

A title page and table of contents should also be included. Grammar, structure, and spelling will all be considered as your project is graded, so take the time to proofread your work. The default format is always MLA. Specifically, provide headings, citation of resources, and double space everything. Neatness and professionalism are essential. Typing everything in your portfolio adds to this expectation. You may use the resources and technology available to you in this department. Use the opportunities you are given wisely!

Section 1: Subject Profile

Describe your own nutrition and wellness. Include exercise and eating habits. What are you doing to be healthy and active.

Describe your family’s nutrition and wellness. Include exercise and eating habits. What are they doing to be healthy and active.

Choose an institution in your community such as school, nursing home, or childhood center. What are the eating and exercise habits of the people that make up that community? What opportunities are provided by the institution to help with the health and activity levels of the participants?

Section 2: Nutrition and Wellness Research

Research recommendations for nutrition and wellness using, but not limited to the resources provided. Determine at least three key nutrition issues and three key wellness issues which relate to you, your family, or the community. Elaborate on current information about each item. You should have ample research on the six topics.

Section 3: Nutrition and Wellness Tracking

Track your current nutritional intake and wellness activity for one week (seven consecutive days).

1.  Go to

2.  Create an account for yourself.

3.  If you are outside of a healthy range, choose the option to move to a healthy weight.

4.  Using the Food Tracker tool, complete the tracking information for both food intake and physical activity for the week.

5.  Summarize the week’s tracking.

Section 4: Nutrition and Wellness Concerns

Outline concerns you have for you, your family, and community. Develop goals for improving the nutrition and wellness plan of each. This includes health concerns, personal goals of the individual, etc.

Section 5: Nutrition and Wellness

Develop three to five goals for your health and wellness and steps that should be taken to reach the goals. Using the SuperTracker tools “My Top 5 Goals” and “My Reports”, include in the portfolio screenshots or a PDF of each report related to your goals. Record resources from your “my plan” page (e.g. “Get Additional Guidance).

Section 6: Nutrition Plan

Develop recommended nutrition plans that include four week’s worth of menus that meet the your nutritional needs in accordance with the above goals. This should include all meals and snacks that would be consumed by you. The nutrition plan should be realistic in regards to your schedule.

Section 7: Wellness Plan

Develop recommended wellness plans that will meet your needs and help realize your goals. This should be a four-week comprehensive plan that includes all aspects of wellness (e.g. exercise, sleep, etc.)

Section 8: Implementation and Reflection

Implement your individual plan and reflect on the process and results of doing so. What did you learn from this project? What changes would you make to your plan?




Nutrtion & Wellness Portfolio Rubric

Section 1: Subject Profile (15%) ______

Section 2: Nutrition and Wellness Research (20%) ______

Section 3: Nutrition and Wellness Tracking (10%) ______

Section 4: Nutrition and Wellness Concerns (10%) ______

Section 5: Nutrition and Wellness (5%) ______

Section 6: Nutrition Plan (15%) ______

Section 7: Wellness Plan (10%) ______

Section 8: Implementation and Reflection (5%) ______

Format/Presentation (10%) ______

-  Three ring binder

-  Sheet protectors

-  Title page

-  Table of Contents

-  Section dividers

-  Typed

-  Double spaced

-  Overall appearance

TOTAL ______