BMI / BMR / cibg / HR / HDL
Word root/prefix/suffix
Albuni/o / Aliment/o / Amyl/o-ase / Cholesterol/o / Cib/o
Expirat/o- / -ion / Glyc/o-
Hydr/o- / Lact/o- / Lip/o
-lysis / Macr/o / Micr/o-
Nutrition and Fitness Vocabulary
Unit to measure energy from foodAerobic / With oxygen
Rate at which your body converts food energy into the energy that keeps you alive
Physical fitness
The ability of the muscle to keep working over a period of time.
Without oxygen
Strengthening/contracting a muscle with NO movement. (planks)
Strengthening with continuous speed but variable speed, usually a machine
Saturated fat
Unsaturated fat
Type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested
Class of nutrients that contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth
Help build new cells and repair existing ones, made up of amino acids
Dissolve in fat. A, D, E, K
Dissolve in water, not stored in body very well. Vitamin C and B complex
Anorexia / Eating disorder that involved self starvation, a distorted body image and low body weight
Eating disorder in which an individual repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then uses behavior such as vomiting or using laxative to rid the body of the food.
Daily Values (DVs)
Recommended nutrient intakes that will meet the needs of almost all healthy people.
Dissolve in water, they hold water in your intestines, help prevent heart disease
A healthy Diet: Follow 2 principles
- Glucose:
- Glycogen
Athletes and CHOs
- CHOs maintain
- Modify
- Liquid CHOs supplementation
- Required for
- Necessary
- Not
- Amino Acids
Athletes and Protein
- Calories =
- Good for
Good?! / Bad!
2 Types of FatCholesterol
Athletes and Fat
Dietary Fiber:
- Dietary Fiber:
- reduces
- Can prevent
- Not necessary:
- Examples:
US. Department of Agriculture’s Dietary guidelines for Americans
- Eat a
- Healthiest
- Balance calories consumed to
Weight Gain and Loss
Anatomy of MyPlate
MyPlate scanvenger
Directions: Go to
-From the top tabs, click on MyPlate
-Scroll down and under ‘Build a Healthy Eating Style’, click on All food and beverage choices matter …
- Key consumer message (written in blue): ______
-Click on the red Fruit icon to the right of the consumer message.
-Click on the Daily Fruit Table
- How much is needed for your age group (boys and girls) ______
-Scroll down and click on the Cup of Fruit Table
- The 5th fruit listed is ______.
- In general, ______of fruit or ______fruit juice, or ______of dried fruit can be considered as ______from the Fruit Group
- “What counts as a cup?”
- ½ cup = ______grapes
- 1 cup = ______grapes
-In left side bar, click on Nutrients and Health Benefits
-Read bullet points for ‘Nutrients’ and ‘Health Benefits’
- Dietary fiber from fruits … helps:
- Vitamin C is important for:
- Key consumer message (written in blue): ______
-Click on the green Vegetable icon to the right of the consumer message.
-Click on the Daily Vegetable Table
- How much is needed for your age group (boys and girls)? ______
-Scroll down and click on the Cup of Vegetable Table
- The 3rdh starchy vegetable listed is: ______
- In general, ______of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or ______of raw leafy greens can be considered as ______from the Vegetable Group
- 1 ______boiled or baked potato
-In left side bar, click on Nutrients and Health Benefits
-Read bullet points for ‘Nutrients’ and ‘Health Benefits’
- What are the benefits of potassium?
- List 3 good vegetable sources of potassium:
- What is the function of Vitamin A:
- Key consumer message (written in blue): ______
-Click on the orange Grains icon to the right of the consumer message.
-Click on the Daily Grain Table
- How much is needed for your age group (boys and girls)? ______
- Compare and contrast whole grain examples VS Refined grains:
- Whole grains contain ______
- Refined grains have been ______
-Scroll down and click on the Ounce-Equivalent of Grains Table
- How much popcorn is equivalent to 1 oz? ______
-In left side bar, click on Nutrients and Health Benefits
-Read bullet points for ‘Nutrients’ and ‘Health Benefits’
- What is the benefit of B vitamins, riboflavin and niacin?
- What is the benefit of iron? What is a health concern with low iron?
- Key consumer message (written in blue): ______
-Click on the purple Protein icon to the right of the consumer message.
-Click on the Daily Protein Table
- How much is needed for your age group (boys and girls)? ______
- What foods are part of the Protein Food Group?
-Scroll down and click on the Ounce-Equivalent of Protein Table
- What counts as an ounce:
- Meat = ______
- Egg = ______
- Cooked Beans = ______
- Cooked Peas = ______
-In left side bar, click on Nutrients and Health Benefits
-Read bullet points for ‘Nutrients’ and ‘Health Benefits’
- What are the main nutrients from protein?
- What is the function of magnesium from protein
- What is the function of zinc from protein
- Benefits of 8 oz of seafood per week?
- Key consumer message(written in blue): ______
-Click on the blue Dairy icon to the right of the consumer message.
-Click on the Daily Dairy Table
- How much is needed for your age group (boys and girls)? ______
-Scroll down and click on the Cup of Dairy Table
- What counts as a cup (add common portions as well)
- Milk ______
- Soymilk ______
- Yogurt ______
-In left side bar, click on Nutrients and Health Benefits
-Read bullet points for ‘Nutrients’ and ‘Health Benefits’
- Name 3 benefits of dairy intake:
- Vitamin D functions in the body to maintain proper levels of ______
- Why is it important to make fat free or low fat choices for dairy (summarize)?
Food Label Information:
- The lists of ingredients on a food label are :
- Each package must identify:
- Each package must identify:
1 gram of fat =
1 gram of protein =
1 gram of CHO =
Using different food labels and find the following information using the conversion chart:
Lets Do Number 1 together: (SHOW YOUR WORK)
Food Item #1 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item #2 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item #3 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item#4______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item #5 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item #6 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package
Food Item #7 ______
- Serving Size:
- Number of Total Calories in one serving:
- Number of Total Calories from Fat:
- Number of total Calories from CHOs:
- Number of total Calories from Protein
- Total Number of calories in entire package