Nut and Bolts Session 10:30-11:30

Early bird Activity: Put class schedule on “Weekly Schedule” worksheet

  1. Intro
  2. Welcome/Prayer
  3. Icebreaker: Demographic Survey
  4. Geography- West of mountains, East of mountains, Out of State, Out of US
  5. Student Status: Transfer (includes Running Start), Recent H.S. graduate, Commuter, Residence halls, Apartments, Family Housing, Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior.
  6. Favorite Subject in Elementary School: Reading, Math, Science, Music/Art, PE
  7. Favorite Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack
  8. Purpose of our Session
  1. Weekly Schedule Activity
  2. Fill in: Work Schedule, Ministry obligations, Church participation, Monday night Pursuit, meals, Sleep, Study time (figure 2hours for every hour in class).
  3. The “flip- flop”: 15 hours of class, 30 hours of study (versus High School)
  4. 80/20 theory: 80 % of study before the sun goes down, 20% at night
  5. Commuter note- build in time on campus.
  6. Cross training- don’t count on studying in your room, pick several different places and keep moving.

Stretch break- by 11:00

  1. Student Services
  2. Success and Services- Seasons of a student
  3. “Box O’ Services”

In the box:

Object / Service / Comments
Keys / Security / 24 hours
Shuttle service
Bactine / Health Services / Crowder Office
Referrals to Dr.and Dentist
Health plan available
Commuter mug / Commuter Services / Commuter lounge/ other areas
Staff resources
Dining hall
Campus activities
Tissue packet / Counseling Center / Counseling sessions
Engagement/ Couples
Career/ vocation
Christian perspective
Picture frame / Housing / Options
Not too late
Work with res. Life staff
Padded envelope / Mail services / Located behind cashier in Davis
Delivered daily to Mail box
Primary communication from NU
Box Stays the same while student
Flashcard ring / Bookstore / Books
Used books
Book buy- back
Other resources
Small Group Application / Campus ministries / Chapel attendance
Tracking on discovery
Small groups
Fork / Dining Hall / Open to all
Accommodations for dietary needs
Comment cards
Guests and commuters
Box of tea / The Aerie / Student managed and run
Job opportunities
Dollar drink days
Punch cards
School House Rock DVD / Academic Success and Advising Office / Tutoring: math and chemistry
ADA accommodations
Study Skill workshops
Resources (bookmarks)
Money / Cashier / Pay student accounts
Power Strip/Thumb Drive/phone / IS / Phones
Internet access

assist with computers ($25.00)
No. 2 pencil / The Writing Center / Hours posted
Sign up
Any written assignment