2014 Project Engage

Request for Proposal

The Service-Learning Program (SLP) is currently seeking six full-time IUB faculty members to participate in Project Engage, a summer course development program beginning 2014.

Project Engage

The purpose of Project Engage is to promote the creation of new high quality service-learning courses in response to the Enriching Educational Experiences in the Shared Goals section of the IUB General Education Requirements.

Project Engage Fellows will take part in the three-stage program:

Stage I: Introduction to Service-Learning and the Community (May 12–16, 2014)

Stage II: Developing a Pedagogically Sound Service-LearningCourse (Individual meetings with PE Mentors, SLP staff and community partners, summer, 2014)

Stage III: Presentation of Course Syllabi (August 11-13, 2014)

As a result of this program, fellows will have 1) developed a new service-learning course which would be taught once during the 2014-2015academic year and twice between the years 2015 and 2020, 2) written an annotated syllabus of a new service-learning course, and 3) demonstrated plans to present information on service-learning and their course within their department. Participation in all three stages is required. Project Engage Fellows will receive a $2,500 award to assist with the development and implementation of their service-learning curricula.

Contact Information

Name: ______Title: ______

School/Department(s): ______

Phone: ______Email: ______


I. Write a 3-5 page essay, including your responses to the following questions:

-What are your prior experiences with service-learning?

-What would you like to accomplish as a result of participating in Project Engage?

-Provide a description of the course you would like to develop through the program. If this is a revision to an existing course, please provide the syllabus.

-How would service-learning pedagogy enhance this course?

-Please provide your statement on teaching.

-How and what would you share with your department and colleagues about the incorporation of service-learning into your curriculum? Please provide a description of how you plan to raise the visibility of service-learning within your department?

-Please state your commitment to participate in all stages of Project Engage.

II. Include a letter of support from your Department Chair.

III. Please submit applications and all supporting documents, electronically or in person, to the Service-Learning Program by Friday, February 14, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Schonemann at (812) 855-7849 or

(812) 855-9023