NUS Pharmacy –PGY2 Ambulatory CareSpecialty Pharmacy Residency

PGY2 Specialty Residency in Ambulatory Care

Pharmacy Practice

(Admission January 2017)

Application Information

department of Pharmacy

Faculty of Science

NationalUniversity of Singapore
PGY2 Specialty Residency in

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice


The following information has been prepared to assist in the filing of application for admission to the Post Graduate Year 2 (PGY2) Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency.

For more information, please visit the programme website at:

Alternatively, queries may be directed to:

Associate Professor Joyce Lee

Residency Programme Director

PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Programme


Resident Qualifications

Resident selection for the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency include:

a) Leadership Abilities,

b) Professional Development,

c) Professional Competence,

d) Communication Skills,

e) Scholastic Achievements, and

f) Dependability and ability to work with others.

In addition, applicant must fulfil the following criteria:

•Applicant must have a NUS BSc (Pharmacy)(Honors) degree or equivalent and preferably has completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency. Additional postgraduate qualifications such as PhD, MSc by research, MBA or MPharm (Clinical Pharmacy) will be highly regarded.

•Applicant must be registered to practice pharmacy (patient care) in Singapore. As residents function as licensed pharmacists in patient care activities, overseas applicants must be eligible for pharmacist licensure in Singapore and must have attained licensure before the initiation of residency.

•It is preferred for the applicant to have at least 3 years of relevant work experience as a clinical pharmacist in hospital, polyclinics or community with documented proof.

All criteria will be determined through personal interviews, peers, academic transcripts, evaluations by instructors and supervisors, and letters of recommendations in conjunction with the application.


To apply for the programme, please submit a complete application package which comprises the following documents:

1. Application Form
The application form requires summaries of academic or professional activities. Please provide the information in the form, instead of making referral to curricular vitae or transcript. Please do not send the application documents by fax.
2. Official Transcripts and Certificates
Original transcripts should be provided. Otherwise, certified true copy of applicant’s credentials should be provided. Non-English credentials should be translated into English language.
3. Standardized Test Score (where necessary)
If English language is not applicant’s native language or the medium of instruction for undergraduate degree programme, please submit test scores for TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Please note that the scores for TOEFL and IELTS are valid for two years.
4. Two (2)Referee Letters
Please provide two referee letters, from two persons who are in a position to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications for residency training, in separate sealed envelopes.
5. Application Fee Form
Please complete and submit the application fee form.
6. Application Fee
The one-time non-refundable application fee is S$100. Please attach a bank draft or local cheque made payable to “National University of Singapore”.
7. Checklist for your reference

All the documents should be filled in English. Non-English documents must be accompanied by an English translation. Students found to have given inaccurate information may be required to withdraw from the programme. Applicant’s full name should be written on the first page of every document and any variation in the name that appears in any of the documents should be highlighted.

Please ensure that all the application documents are mailed in time to reach the National University of Singapore by application deadline, which is Monday 5 September 2016 for the January 2017 intake.


Specialty Residency in PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice

Forms to reach NUS by Monday 5 September2016


Name (as in Identity Card / Passport)
Prefix (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss/Ms)
Surname / Family Name
Given Name
Alias (if any)
Chinese Name (if Applicable)
Age / Gender
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) / Ethnicity
Place of Birth / No. of Children
Nationality / Marital Status
NRIC No. (Singaporean and PR) / Passport No. (Non-Singaporean and PR)
Place of Issue
Date of Expiry


Home address
Country / Postal code
Postal address
Country / Postal code
Email address
Phone numbers
Home / Mobile


Name / Relationship
Country / Postal code
Email address / Phone number
Occupation / Employer


  • Tertiary Education

(To applicant: Please indicates both undergraduate and graduate education, including currently enrolled course and the expected completion date.)

From (mm/yy) / To (mm/yy) / Institute / Degree/Course / Class of Degree / Rank / position / Duration (years) / Medium of Instruction
  • Standardized Tests and Graduate Record Examination

(To applicant: Please provide the necessary information if applicable.)

Date (mm/yy) / Scores
TOEFL / Listening
Date (mm/yy) / Scores
GRE / Verbal
  • Employment/Internship

(To applicant: Please list the current or most recent position first. Do not make referral to your CV.)

From (mm/yy) / To (mm/yy) / Company Name, address and phone number / Position held / Full-/ part-time / Nature of job
  • Membership / Professional Qualifications / Awards / Scholarship

From (mm/yy) / To (mm/yy) / Organization
Name, address and phone number) / Membership position / Certification / Awards / Achievements
  • Major Extra-curricular activities / community activities

(To applicant: Please selectively list in the order of importance)

From (mm/yy) / To (mm/yy) / Activities / Office position held / Honours / Elected / Appointed
  • Language Skills

Language / Writing ability (Excellent / Moderate / Minimal) / Verbal fluency (Excellent / Moderate / Minimal) / Native / Second language


(To applicant: Please suggest two referees. Submit the referee’s forms in sealed enveloped together with this application forms.)

Referee 1 / Referee 2
Position Held
Phone number
Email address


(To applicant: Discuss your academic and career objectives. If you are sponsored by your company, please describe the deliverables and objectives of the company sponsorship. Please use an additional sheet if necessary.)


(To applicant: Please answer the following questions. Delete where applicable for questions with asterisk *.)

Financial support / Self-financed / Company sponsorship / Others(please specify ______) *
Are you currently enrolled in other graduate/professional programmes? / Yes/No *
Have you previously applied for graduate admission in NUS? / Yes/No*
If yes, please provide details on the course and the date applied ______
How did you know about this residency programme? / NUS website / Search Engine / Newspaper / Professional magazine / Friends / Others (please specify ______)*


I declare that all information and statements provided in this form are correct. I understand that any false information or omission of material information will render this application invalid.

Name of Applicant and Signature / Date


(To applicant: You need to submit two (2) copies of referee’s forms, which are sealed and signed individually.)

Name of Applicant


Name / Years known:
Country / Postal code
Email address / Phone number
Organization / Position held

Dear Referee,

Thank you for writing on behalf of the candidate who is applying for the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Specialty Pharmacy Residency in National University of Singapore. Your views and assessments of the applicant’s abilities and personalities serve useful and supportive functions in our evaluation for admission. Please write as fully as possible about the applicants. Your comments will be held completely confidential.

Please seal and sign across the envelope flap. The applicant will submit the sealed, signed envelope to us as a part of the completed application package.

We sincerely thank your effort on the behalf of the applicants. Your evaluation is much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Admission Evaluation Committee

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science

NationalUniversity of Singapore

Evaluation of the Applicant:

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

2. Please indicate your impression on the applicant’s commitment and ability to successfully complete the programme.

3. Please evaluate the applicant’s in terms of qualities listed below. As a basis for comparison, please evaluate the applicant to his peers and colleagues at the same level.

Qualities / Unable to comment / Below Average / Average / Good / Excellent / Outstanding
Lower 50% / Top 50% / Top 25% / Top 10% / Top 3%
General ability
English proficiency
Verbal ability
Written ability
Analytical ability
Intellectual ability
Potential to grasp new idea
Managerial potential
Potential to manage complex projects
Ability of work with other
Emotional maturity
Professional integrity

4. Please make additional comments about the applicant’s potential or personal qualities which you feel is valuable for the consideration of the admission committee. We are particularly interested in information not otherwise apparent in the applicant’s record.

Name of Referee and Signature / Date


(To applicant: You need to submit two (2) copies of referee’s forms, which are sealed and signed individually.)

Name of Applicant


Name / Years known:
Country / Postal code
Email address / Phone number
Organization / Position held

Dear Referee,

Thank you for writing on behalf of the candidate who is applying for the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Specialty Pharmacy Residency in National University of Singapore. Your views and assessments of the applicant’s abilities and personalities serve useful and supportive functions in our evaluation for admission. Please write as fully as possible about the applicants. Your comments will be held completely confidential.

Please seal and sign across the envelope flap. The applicant will submit the sealed, signed envelope to us as a part of the completed application package.

We sincerely thank your effort on the behalf of the applicants. Your evaluation is much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Admission Evaluation Committee

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science

NationalUniversity of Singapore

Evaluation of the Applicant:

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

  1. Please indicate your impression on the applicant’s commitment and ability to successfully complete the programme.

3. Please evaluate the applicant’s in terms of qualities listed below. As a basis for comparison, please evaluate the applicant to his peers and colleagues at the same level.

Qualities / Unable to comment / Below Average / Average / Good / Excellent / Outstanding
Lower 50% / Top 50% / Top 25% / Top 10% / Top 3%
General ability
English proficiency
Verbal ability
Written ability
Analytical ability
Intellectual ability
Potential to grasp new idea
Managerial potential
Potential to manage complex projects
Ability of work with other
Emotional maturity
Professional integrity

4. Please make additional comments about the applicant’s potential or personal qualities which you feel is valuable for the consideration of the admission committee. We are particularly interested in information not otherwise apparent in the applicant’s record.

Name of Referee and Signature / Date


(Note to applicant: A non-refundable fee of S$100 is required for the application.

Please attach a bank draft (drawn on a bank in Singapore) or a local Singapore cheque made payable to “National University of Singapore”. Please write your name and “2017PGY2 AmbCare Residency” at the back of the bank draft or cheque. Payment by telegraphic transfer should be avoided.

Sending of cash is not encouraged. Please not that your application will only be processed upon the receipt of the application fee.)


Name (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss/Ms)*
*Please delete accordingly / (as in Identity Card / Passport) (Underline surname / family name)
Mailing address
Phone number / Fax number
Mobile number / Email
For official use only
Date / Receipt Number
Received the sum of S$100 in payment of the application fee for admission to the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Specialty Pharmacy Residency (January 2017 intake)


Please check that the following documents are enclosed in the application package:

1. Completed application form

2. Official transcripts and certificates

3. Standardized test score (where necessary)

4. Two (2) referee forms in separate sealed and signed envelope

5. Application fee form

6. A non-refundable fee of S$100 (cheque or bankdraft)


Please ensure that all the application documents are mailed in time to reach National University of Singapore by the application deadline (Monday 5 September 2016). The applicant is held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Late applications will not be accepted.

Mailing Address:

Associate Professor Joyce Lee

Residency Programme Director

PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Programme

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science

Block S4A, Level 3

National University of Singapore

18 Science Drive 4

Singapore 117543


The information provided in prospectus is accurate as of Monday 1 August 2016.

The National University of Singapore reserves the right to make changes.


Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, NationalUniversity of Singapore