NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

Date revised: Jan 2016

Form expiry date: 30Jun 2016

Procedure D

Use of Animal/Human Tissue/Fluids and Hazardous Agents

All research projects are required to undergo a safety and health risk assessment prior to commencement. Principal Investigators (PI) are to ensure they have obtained the approval of OSHE and comply with all NUS safety & health procedures prior to starting the project. (Risk assessment SOP, information and templates are available from OSHE at )


Procedure D

NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

1. Administration of hazardous agents, human/animal tissue and/or fluid to animals:

Biological materials must be tested for specific pathogens from a CM approved diagnostic laboratory prior to use in animals. Please seeCM Biological Material testing SOP #605.02for information for testing.

(a) Chemicals (including biochemicals and recombinant proteins):

Species: Number of Animals:

Please provide the following information:

Name of agent / Location of use (Bldg, Room No) / Concentration
(amount per unit volume, e.g. mmol / L) / Volume used / Possible complications / side effects / hazards
to humans

(b) Infectious Agents (including bacteria, viruses, parasites, prions):

Species: Number of Animals:

(i) Please provide the following information if they are to be introduced into animals:

Name of agent / Location of use (Bldg, Room No) / Animal containment

(ii)Is the agent attenuated?


No. Please explain:

(iii)Principal Investigators must undertake the following :

ensure that the appropriate safe work practices are followed for the assigned Biosafety levels.

ensure that the all personnel working in CM ABSL-2 facilities to enrol and complete the Faculty Orientation.

(c) Human blood, body fluids, normal or neoplastic tissues/cells:

Please attach IRB approval

Species: Number of Animals:

(i)Please provide the following information if they are to be introduced to animals:

Name of cells, tissues or fluids / Location of use (Bldg, Room No)

(ii)Pathogen screening of samples.


Procedure D

NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

1. Please note that the protocol can only be approved by IACUC after the sample has been screened or exempted from screening.

2. Please submit Appendix B of CM Biological Material testing SOP #605.02to CM for screening or exemption (Contact CM at 65166410 or ).

3. The following samples may be exemptedfrom screening:

  • Non-murine derived biological that have NOT been passaged through rodent or exposed to murine products.
  • Commercially obtained biologicals for which the vendor can supply satisfactory negative screening results.

(iii) Will Universal Precautions be followed when handling human blood, body fluids, or tissues?


No.Please explain:

(iv)Principal Investigators are responsible for the safety of their personnel and will have to undertake the following :

ensure that all personnelworking with human blood, body fluids or tissues have been vaccinated for Hepatitis B.

ensure that all personnelworking with human blood, body fluids or tissues obtain blood born pathogen training. Training records will be accessible. Training certificate, if applicable, is attachedor will be submitted.

not to start the project before approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB) is obtained.

not to start the project before the biologics have been screened for murine pathogens, or exempted. (refer to SOP # 605.02)

(d) Animal blood, body fluids, normal or neoplastic tissues/cells:

Species: Number of Animals:

(i)Please provide the following information if they are to be introduced into animals:

Name of the species cells, tissues or fluids / Location of use (Bldg, Room No)

(ii)Pathogen screening of samples.


Procedure D

NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

1. Please note that the protocol can only be approved by IACUC after the sample has been screened or exempted from screening.

2. Please submit Appendix B of CM Biological Material testing SOP #605.02to CM for screening or exemption (Contact CM at 65166410 or ).

3. The following samples may be exempted:

  • If the murine biological material is derived from donor animals located in the same facility and room as the recipients (or approved room within the same facility with the same health status).
  • Non-murine derived biological that have NOT been passaged through rodent or exposed to murine products.
  • Commercially obtained biologicals for which the vendor can supply satisfactory negative screening results.

(iii)Principal Investigators are responsible for ensuring that all materials to be used are free from murinepathogens and will have to undertake the following :

not to start the project before the cells, tissues or fluids have been screened for murine pathogens or exempted. (refer to SOP # 605.02)

(e) Recombinant DNA (including transgenic organisms):


Procedure D

NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

Please read the recent multi-agency joint circular on Biosafety Guidelines for Research, Release and Importation of Genetically Modified Organisms and ensure compliance with the guidelines when using genetically modified organisms.


Procedure D

NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 000/16

Species: Number of Animals:

(i)Please provide the following information if they are to be introduced into animals:

Name of agent / Location of use (Bldg, Room No)

(ii)Principal Investigators must undertake the following:

ensure that the transgenic organisms or the animals receiving recombinant DNA or transgenic organisms are properly contained in the housing and use locations to prevent escape and that they are not released to the environment.

(f) Anaesthetic Gases:

Species: Number of Animals:

(Anaesthetics provided by CM and used in CM facilities are not required to be listed below)

Name of agent / Location of use (Bldg, Room No)

(g) Radiation /Radioactive materials:

Species: Number of Animals:

Radioisotopes or radiation sources / Location of use (Bldg, Room No)

2.Handling of hazardous materials (including animals, bedding, cages andwastes, and ambient water for aquatic animals), animal and/or human tissue/fluid:

(a) Who will be responsible for handling the above materials and have they been trained?

List all personnel handling hazardous materials / Describe the safety training received on handling hazardous materials

(b)Following the administration of the hazardous materials, who will be responsible for the following?

Tasks / Researchers
listed in 2 (a) / CM staff / Department husbandry staff
1. Husbandry
2. Health check
3. Management of contaminated cage/bedding or contaminated ambient water of aquatic animals

3. Storage of hazardous materials:

Name of agent / Storage location (Bldg, Room No) / Physical state / Maximum quantity stored
(activity, volume, titre or concentration) / Source

4.Disposal of hazardous materials:

Who will perform the disposal?

Tasks / Researchers
listed in 2 (a) / CM staff / Department husbandry staff / Disposal contractor
1. Removal and bagging
2. Autoclave (where applicable)
3. Incineration

5. Declaration:

I affirm the accuracy of the information provided in this form.

I will abide by the applicable declarations in 1(b)(iii), 1(c)(iv), 1(d)(iii) and 1(e)(ii) above.

I will not begin work on the project prior to the approvals from all the relevant authorities (IACUC, IRB and OSHE).

I will ensure that all personnelworking with hazardous agents, animal and/or human cells/tissue/fluids, or recombinant DNA obtain the appropriate training in advance of starting work on project. Training records will be accessible. Training certificate, if applicable, is attached or will be submitted.

I will ensure that all personnel handling the hazardous materials, including husbandry staff in departmental facilities and CM, are informed of the risks and instructed on the methods of safe handling.

I will ensure that accident, injuries or other adverse events are reported immediately to the CM and OSHE.

-- End of Procedure D –


Procedure D