Poetry Terms Quiz

  1. ______repetition of initial consonant sounds
  2. ______poetry in which characters are revealed through dialogue and monologue, as well as through description
  3. ______the pattern the end rhymes form in a stanza or poem
  4. ______the continuation of a sentence across a line break without a punctuated pause between lines
  5. ______a line of poetry with six feet

a. hexameterb. alliterationc. enjambment

d. lyric poetrye. rhyme scheme


  1. ______figure of speech in which a speaker addresses an inanimate object, an idea, or an absent person
  2. ______verse that tells a story
  3. ______the repetition of similar consonant sounds typically within or at the end of words
  4. ______a short, witty poem; a saying
  5. ______a line of poetry with five feet

a. pentameterb. narrative poemc. apostrophe

d. consonancee. epigram


  1. ______the repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in a line of poetry
  2. ______a lyric poem of fourteen lines, typically written in iambic pentameter and usually following strict patterns of stanza divisions and rhymes
  3. ______the analysis of the meter of a line of verse
  4. ______a metaphor that compares two unlike things in various ways throughout a paragraph, stanza, or an entire piece of writing
  5. ______a line of poetry with four feet

a. tetrameterb. assonancec. extended metaphor

d. sonnete. scansion


  1. ______a narrative song or poem
  2. ______the recurrence of sounds, words, phrases, lines, or stanzas in a speech or piece of writing
  3. ______any object, person, place, or experience that exists on a literal level, but also represents something else, usually something abstract
  4. ______a contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality
  5. ______unstressed, unstressed, stressed

a. repetitionb. balladc. symbol

d. anapeste. irony


  1. ______poetry written in unrhymed, iambic pentameter
  2. ______the voice of a poem, similar to a narrator in a work of prose
  3. ______the central message of a work of literature that readers can apply to life
  4. ______a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that gives a line of poetry a predictable rhythm
  5. ______stressed, unstressed, unstressed

a. blank verseb. speakerc. dactyl

d. themee. meter


  1. ______a long narrative poem that traces the adventures of a hero
  2. ______two consecutive, paired lines of poetry, usually rhymed, usually forming a stanza
  3. ______an elaborate extended metaphor that dominates a passage or an entire poem
  4. ______the author’s attitude toward the subject of a poem
  5. ______unstressed, stressed

a. conceitb. iambc. tone

d. epice. couplet


  1. ______a traditional Japanese form of poetry that has three lines and seventeen syllables, the first and third lines have five syllables each, and the middle has seven syllables
  2. ______the repetition of the same stressed vowel sounds and any succeeding sounds in two or more words
  3. ______a writer’s choice of words
  4. ______a line of poetry with two feet

a. dimeterb. haikuc. diction

d. rhyme